Coming Clean Part Two

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Hermione POV: 

After George told Ronald that he and Fred had to beg to be in Gryffindor because the hat wanted Slytherin for them instead, Ron looks ready to explode with anger, but before he can Ginny interrupts the fight before it can even begin and says "Hermione, do you have anymore stories of you and Fred?" "Yes, I do." "Okay, Then lets hear them then." she says softly. 

I pull out the picture of Fred, George, Luna, and I

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I pull out the picture of Fred, George, Luna, and I. Then I place it on the table so that everyone can get a look at it. George is the first one to react and its hilarious, He promptly falls out of his seat clutching his gut laughing  "Merlins harry balls, I remember that day... Gave us detention for a week you did." he says looking at me. "Care to explain this one?" asks Ginny "I think it pretty much explains it's self." says an agitated Ron while looking at the floor, "I suppose it does." I say before pulling out the next picture.

As soon as I place it on the table Ginny covers her eyes, and Ron says "What the heck, Mione?" "If you will give me a chance to explain, Ronald, then you would know 'What the heck'

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As soon as I place it on the table Ginny covers her eyes, and Ron says "What the heck, Mione?" "If you will give me a chance to explain, Ronald, then you would know 'What the heck'." I say sharply before beginning to explain the very compromising photograph.


"Come on, Harry James Potter, can you just not win?" Ginny says watching Harry and Ron play wizards chess on the other side of the common room, I glance up from 'Hogwarts a History' and smile at my three best friends and just before I can get back to my book a hand is placed over my mouth and someone whispers in my ear "Follow me, and don't make it suspicious." I finally recognize my boyfriends voice when I hear how he says his S's (His teeth whistle slightly when he says something with an 'S' in it). I give a curt nod and he removes his hand from my mouth and heads in the direction of the boys dorms, I glance over at my trio of friends before I quickly dash for the stairs to the dormitories. As soon as I turn to head up to the boys dorms I meet with a hard chest and look up into the mischievous eyes of my long time boyfriend Fred Weasley. 

He glances behind him and then pulls me into his dorm so fast I might as well have flown. "Granger, Fancy seeing you here." he says slightly smirking at me "Well, Weasley, I was kidnapped by a tall handsome Ginger, Who better not be wasting my study time." He fakes a hurt look and says "Mione, How could I ever waste your precious study time?'" "I can think of a few wa--" before I can even finish speaking I am pinned to his now closed door by his hips while his hands roam all over my body and his lips are working against mine for dominance of the kiss, after fighting for dominance for a while he slips his hand under my shirt causing me to gasp and him to gain dominance over the kiss. After a while he tugs on the end of my shirt asking for permission to take it off, I break the kiss and allow him to pull my shirt over my head before I lock our lips again. We continue like this until I am in only my bra and knickers, and he is shirtless. Before we can continue we hear a pounding on the door and someone yelling "FREDRICK WEASLEY, YOU BETTER OPEN THIS BLOODY DOOR." it takes me a moment to recognize the voice of Lee Jordan.

I glance up at Fred with a horrified expression on my face and he says "Lee knows." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LEE BLOODY KNOWS?" I yell and we both hear Lee say "Bloody hell, Fred, Really? You two better be dressed because I need my charms book." he says I look back at Fred for an answer as to why Lee bloody Jordan knows but before he can speak Lee says "I warned you, I am coming in now." I panic as the door handle turns and the next thing I know I cant see for a moment then my head pops through the hole of a much to big Weasley jumper and Lee is staring at us  "You two are worse than bloody Parkinson and Malfoy." before grabbing his book and walking out. I pull on my shorts and walk out without looking at Fred because I am as red as his hair at the moment.  After I get back to the common room I sit back down and grab my book to pick up on the page I left off on when I see someone standing in front of me. I look up and see Fred looking at me smirking before saying very loudly "Nice jumper you have on, Granger. I have one just like it." drawing Lees attention from his book and over to us before he mumbles about "Bloody Fred and his antics." but luckily not catching the attention of Ginny, Ron, and Harry...

*Flashback End* 

This time it is not Ron, but George who gets mad, "HE TOLD LEE?" AND HE COULDN'T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO TELL ME?" I look at him and laugh before saying "He didn't tell Lee, Lee caught us at the quidditch pitch hiding from the lot of you... Well a little more than hiding might have been going on." after I say this Ginny says "MERLINS SAGGY ARSE, THAT WAS YOU TWO?" I shoot her a questioning look and she explains "Harry and I, We snuck off to go snog at the pitch but I heard people already in our hiding spot, so Harry dragged us to the Astronomy tower..."  Ron looked sick at the mention of it so I changed the subject "That's all the pictures I have with me." I say and Ginny looks sad so I add "I have more at home, Would anyone care to come help me carry them?" I see Ron and Harry about to volunteer but Ginny and George push the 'Wonder Twins' as Draco calls them back into their chairs and run over to me and yell "DIBS" in sync "Molly, Would you care to look after Ember while I run home?" Molly smiles "Not at all dear." and heads into the yard to call the kids in for lunch.

As she is doing this Ginny, George, and I step into the floo and yell "Malfoy Manor", I feel the familiar tugging sensation in my gut and before I can even blink I am in my living room. "Follow me, The stuff is in my bedroom." I say and lead the way up the stairs, I open my bedroom door and choke back a sob as I see a very naked Draco on top of a very naked Astoria Nott. I accio all of my things that belonged to Fred (His Clothes, Pictures, Books, Ect..." and turn and leave the room and down the hall into the twins room and accio everything important and shrink it so it fits into my bag, then repeat the same thing in Embers room. I head back into the hall to see Ginny shocked and frozen to the spot and George looking ready for murder. Draco runs into the hall and I ask "How long?" he looks at the floor and says "Three years..." before I can even react a hand makes contact with his face and a very angry Ginny Potter is no longer frozen to her spot, She is about to hand his arse to him when I say calmly "I am leaving, I am taking Ember and the Twins and I am leaving. Keep everything you ever bought me or the Twins, I wont be needing it. I will send an owl with the divorce papers in the morning and I will be informing Theodore Nott of what has been going on." 

Astoria appears in the door of my old bedroom and says "Theo wont believe you, You have no proof." that's when George finally speaks up "Actually, I took a picture with my wand when I saw you two over her shoulder, so she could use it in court against you. I suppose we could show Nott and that would be proof enough." as he is speaking she is growing paler at each word, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THINK OF MY CHILDREN!" then before George can say something snarky back I say "You mean child right? Abe? The only one sorted into Slytherin? If I recall correctly you disowned Jacob, and the Triplets for being different didn't you?" she doesn't speak she just drops her jaw and looks shocked at my response so I turn to Dra-Malfoy and say "You will never see Ember again. I will make sure of that, Her last name will also be changed to Granger when I change my own name back." 

Malfoy looks close to tears and says "Mia, Please..." I cut him off and say "Don't you ever call me Mia. Fred Weasley was the only person to ever call me that and I don't want you to ruin it for me." he looks slightly angry at me and yells "I CHEATED BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IN LOVE WITH BLOODY WEASLEY, ITS BEEN ELEVEN YEARS MIONE, LET IT GO!" I glare at him "At least 'Bloody Weasley' knew what side of the war was the right one. At least he wasn't a bloody coward like you. At least he was loyal and knew better than to do something as idiotic as this. I don't care if it has been one hundred bloody years, I will never get over him... Because he is the only person I have every really loved." as I said that I saw the hurt flash through his eyes and his expression harden. I smirk and turn on my heels and head for the floo... I look Astoria dead in the eyes and scream "NOTT MANOR." 

Word count :1689

Images are not mine, Here are the links - Top - First Flashback - Second Flashback 

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