Welcoming the Weasley boys

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Hermione POV:

George, Angelina, Fred, and I were all sitting in the living room of Fred and I's flat trying to magic an extra room for the triplets because we have all of their things but we kinda forgot that we only had three bedrooms... George and Fred are casting spells on a blank wall while Angelina and I were talking about the boys names "So, Do you know what you are naming the triplets?" "Yes, Fred and I agreed that I picked first names for them and he picked middle names, so we have some very unique names picked out..." "Care to elaborate?" "Not until they are born." she gives me a look "Aren't you like three days past due?" "Ye- Hold that thought... I think my water just broke." I say calmly "WHAT?" she yells "Don't tell Fred or George. Floo over and get Ginny, Pansy, and Luna from the burrow. Tell Ginny to get bag number one, Pansy to get bag number two, and Luna to get bag number three." I say in the calmest voice I have at the moment. She takes off running into the floo only to come back two minuets later with a panicked Ginny, a slightly less panicked Pansy holding her son Carter, and a not at all panicked Luna holding Pansy's other son Logan. 

"FRED, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Ginny yells at a very confused Fred "Making a room?" he says as a question instead of a statement. "HERMIONES WATER BROKE AND YOU ARE MAKING A BLOODY ROOM! PRIORITIES, FRED!" Pansy yells hitting him in the back of the head. "Her water broke?" he asks "YES!" Ginny and Pansy yell together. "MIA! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" Fred yells at me "Because you were busy. Now, can we go to St. Mungo's?"I ask Luna looking rather bored "Yeah, do you want me to floo with you?" Luna asks smiling at me "Yes." I say allowing her to pull me into the floo. "Excuse me, Miss?" Luna says to the lady behind the desk "Yes, Loony?" the voice of Lavender Brown asks "Well, Hermione Weasley is in labor and considering the fact that about thirty people will be here in the next twenty minuets, you might want to take her back." Luna says smirking at Lavenders face due to Luna's confidence. 

*Two Hours Later*

"Well, Mione? What are you all naming them?" Blaise asks looking over at the trio of children he just delivered. "Well, Baby A will be called Andrus Blake Weasley, Baby B will be called Blaine Percy Weasley, and lastly Baby C will be called Charlie Theodore Weasley." I say looking at the three read headed bundles that were now laying in Fred and I's arms. "Wow, So Theo, Percy, Charlie, and I get the honor of having them named after us? Yay!" "Send everyone else back." Blaise disappears to get everyone else leaving Fred and I alone " No more kids." He says laughing at the three we were holding "With you, You never know. We've already got six." "Good point..." 

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