No Ghost?

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Freddy POV: 

Our first day of classes went off as would be expected until we headed off to lunch, while walking to the great hall, Georgia and I came across Abby McLaggan and the Finnegan sisters cornering Reed, Dillion, and Tylor Nott and tossing insults up at the girls. I looked at Georgia and said "I'll be right back. Go find Jacob and Zeke." she nods and runs off to find our friends while I approach the group of girls "Well, What do we have here?" I say looking at Abby "It appears that you have found us putting these little gits in their place." says one of the Finnegan sisters, a slight smirk playing on her face, "I suggest you stop before I put you in your place." I say looking at Abby like I could see into her soul. "Bring it Weasley, We aren't afraid a little first year." says the other Finnegan sister shooting a smile at someone just behind me. "You should be." I say before I draw my fist back and swing it forward and punch the Finnegan sister with the worse attitude, I see her sister and Abby drawing their wands but before they could get  them out I hear a voice call out "Accio Abby and Anna's wands!" and the girls were disarmed I turn back to punch the Finnegan sister who I had punched only so be picked up and tossed over a shoulder. 

"ZEKE ANDRUS ZABINI! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT BLOODY NOW, YOU PRAT." "No thanks, I'm good." "UGH!" he packs me all the way to the black lake before he calmly puts me down and asks "Are you good now?" "I would be calmer if you let my pound those slags until they wouldn't know their head from their arse." I say slowly and softly letting him know I wouldn't go do anything stupid on the first day of classes. "Damn, Weasley. You really are Slytherin through and through...But with the loyalty you show the Nott sisters you would think you were a Hufflepuff." I playfully smack him and say "Coming from a Hufflepuff I assume that's a compliment." I say with a smirk and he shakes his head yes and asks "Can we go get lunch now?" "Sure." I say and then he says "Race you." and takes off without giving me a chance to start. 

"Damn you Zabini!" I yell as he beats me into the hall by two feet. My yell earns us some strange looks from the Hufflepuff and Slytherin tables so I blush and say "I'll see you after classes Zeke." and head off to find my sister at our house table. I finally spot her sitting with Abe Nott and Cameron Crabbe at the far end of the table, I make my way over to her and plop down into the seat next to Abe Nott and strike up a conversation with Abe and Cameron about quidditch. We are in a heated debate on house teams and if first years will be able to tryout this year when my sister looks alarmed and asks "Have you spotted Dad's ghost yet." I look at her oddly  "No... Have you?" she shakes her head and says "No, and neither has anyone else in the past eleven years. Not even Peeves." after I don't say anything Abe says "So what?" Georgia looks at him and says "Every other ghost of those who died in battle have been spotted by students... our dad hasn't... so he is either really good at hiding, or, he isn't dead at all." I jump up and yell "Holy Fuck!" and run out of the hall to find a ghost of a war hero and after an hour of looking I finally spot one.

"Tonks! I need help!" the woman turns to look at me before floating over and asking "Weasley?" "YES!" "Okay, What do you need?" I look at her hopefully and ask "Have you happened upon my fathers ghost?" praying she said no, she looks me up and down and says "Fred? I haven't happened to see him. Ever. I have doubts myself that he is really dead." is all she says before she yells for "Remus!" and floats off down the hall in the other direction. Deciding it's time to talk to Headmaster, I turn and run twords his office but run smack into none other than Zeke Zabini. "What do you want?" I ask softly "I was wondering if you wanted to walk around the grounds with me after dinner?" "YES! Uh.. I mean.. Sure." "Okay, See you then Weasley." he says before shooting me a wink and heading off in the direction of the great hall.

Shaking my head to clear my mind and focus on talking to Headmaster Longbottom, I take off running twords his office once more and this time I make it only to realize  I don't know the password. "Mother of all sweet tarts." I say in frustration only to realize the door was opening and I had accidentally guessed the password...Oops. Running up the stairs yelling for Headmaster sounding like a bloody fool, I realize the portraits are of war heros, I see my Mum, Dad, Uncle Harry, and Uncle George... I can't find Uncle Ron though. By the time I reach the top of the stairs I am out of breath and panting while still asking for the headmaster. He looks up at me and asks "Are you okay, Miss. Weasley? Right?" "Yes Sir, and yes I am fine, but I have a slight dilemma..." he looks slightly amused and asks "And what dilemma would that be?" "I believe Fred Weasley, My father, is still alive." he looks shocked and quickly asks (More like yells) "What makes you think that?" I look him dead in his eyes and straighten my posture before I respond "No ghost." he looks lost and asks me "What do you mean?" "What I mean is, My father doesn't have a ghost." 

After our meeting he rushes me back into the castle hall and I realize I must have talked with him longer than I expected because it was dinner time. I make my way into the great hall just in time to see Abby (Slagy as I like to call her) dump her pumpkin juice all over Dillion Nott, That is the last bloody straw I think before I walk over and tap on Abby's shoulder. She turns around and is met with my fist to her face. She looks like she is about to cry and looks to James for help, he is struggling to keep from laughing at the girl and looks at me and gives me a thumbs up. I draw back to hit her again but am tossed over someones shoulder for the second time today and packed out of the hall. "Zeke, Can we go on that walk now?" I ask shyly "Might as well, If I take you back in the hall Abby will do good to keep all of her teeth in her mouth." he says with a grin before putting me down and grabbing my hand pulling me around the castle and eventually walking me to my common room before bidding me goodnight. 

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