The Letter.

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Hermione POV: 

The next day I woke up to a very loud tapping on my window and opened it to find Freddys owl with a letter attached to its foot, I retrieved the letter from the owl and gave him a treat before sending him back off to Hogwarts to be with my daughters. I opened the letter and immediately yelled for Draco to get his arse up and come read the letter with me.  He slowly sits up on the bed and tosses his pillow at me for waking him up before noon then gets up and comes to read the letter over my shoulder and he almost dies laughing when he sees what house the girls were put into. 

*The Letter*

Dear, Mum and Draco

Me and Georgia are already making history as the first Weasleys to ever be in Slytherin. Cousin James nearly fainted when both me and Georgia were put into Slytherin but he will get over it. Tell uncle George that we miss him and hope he wont be disappointed in us, Tell Grand-mum Molly that we hope to see her and the rest of the clan at Christmas and ask her if we can bring the Notts... The Nott girls were sorted away from each other and have also been disowned by their mother Astoria Nott even though their father Theodore is against it and still sends them packages just like he did and still does with Jacob after Astoria disowned him for mot being a Slytherin, Does she not realize they can't help who they are? But anyways Georgia and I were also wondering if the Triplets could stay with us over break because Jacob is going with Zeke Zabini to stay but Uncle Blaise and Aunt Pansy don't have room for the girls. I love you mum, Tell Draco I said I send my love.  


After reading my daughters letter I assume it's about time I floo to the burrow and tell everyone the news about the girls house and finish telling them about Fred and I, I ask Draco if he want's to go and bring Ember so she can play with Lily Potter but he says Ember can go but he isn't really feeling up for going to the Weasleys to face George and Ron yet. I wake up Ember and tell her we are going to see the Weasleys and the Potters and she says she will be ready in five so I go down stairs to let her get dressed and am shocked when she comes down wearing a navy blue long sleeve shirt tucked into a floral skirt with boots (No hat) her hair which I notice she has brushed and braided looks slightly darker than it usually does considering it's Malfoy blonde hair but that is to be expected considering my hair is brown. (Embers Outfit and Hair pictured below.) 

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After she comes over to the fireplace where I have been waiting she grabs my hand and waits for me to use the floo powder and say "The Burrow" so she can see Lily after I don't immediately floo us over she grows impatient and grabs a hand full of ...

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After she comes over to the fireplace where I have been waiting she grabs my hand and waits for me to use the floo powder and say "The Burrow" so she can see Lily after I don't immediately floo us over she grows impatient and grabs a hand full of floo powder and says "The Burrow" and the next thing I know I am tumbling out of a fire place and into a solid figure, my daughter waists no time running out the front door and into the yard to play with Lily. As soon as I see my daughter get outside and safely over to Lily I finally look up to see who I had ran into only to come face to face with a grinning Harry Potter, "Hey, Mione. Did you get a letter from the girls yet?" "Yes, Harry I did. Can you get everyone into the living room so I can tell you the news?" "Yeah, I'll be back in like three minuets with everybody." Harry then takes off up the stairs to wake everyone who stayed the night last night and I take a seat on the couch only to sit on something, I look down and see George looking up at me "Morning." is all he says before he sits up and pushes me onto the seat beside him, Before I can say anything else Harry and the entire Weasley family is rushing down stairs and taking seats in the living room. 

"Alright, Everyone. Freddy sent me a letter this morning and I have some news that  not all of you will be happy about." George looks at me oddly, Ginny looks ready to hear that they got expelled, and everyone else is just waiting for me to continue "So as you know, The Weasleys have had a long history of Gryffindors, But my daughters have decided to break that history and make some new history for the Weasley family... By becoming the first Weasley children to be placed in Slytherin." after I finished speaking I looked up to see how everyone was reacting and almost passed out when I see George stand up and shout "YES!"  everyone else has different reactions for example Ron looked like he wanted to kill something, Ginny looked pleased but not as happy as George, Harry looked proud, Molly looked as if she was going to faint, Author looked over joyed at the thought of history being made in the Weasley family. Percy, Bill, and Charley looked disappointed but somewhat happy.

Ron spoke (more like yelled at George) "WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY? THEY ARE GOING TO RUIN OUR FAMILY NAME!" George looks offended and angrily says "Fred and I had to beg to be put into Gryffindor because the hat wanted us to be Slytherins, I wish I wouldn't have begged though. I would have been happier in Slytherin and Fred would have been too." 

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