19 Years Later

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Ember POV:

"DAMON CASSIUS BOOT! GET YOUR LITTLE ARSE BACK HERE!" I yell at my son who is eagerly running across the platform trying to find his aunts and uncles. "Love, Let him go. It's going to be his first year." My husband Kory laughs from beside me while holding our youngest child, Flicker Addyson Boot, in his arms. "Mummy, When will I get to go to Hogwarts?" my second born son ,Landon Flynt Boot, asks me as he tugs on my arm. "Two years, Love." I tell him as I place my free hand on my overly extended pregnant abdomen. After what feels like ages I finally spot my older sisters and their husbands, and children. "Freddy! Georgia!" I call out across the platform to my sisters who are each trying to gain control of their respective twin sons. I hear Freddy yelling at her husband who appears to be laughing his arse off with Georgias husband, "ZEKE BLOODY ZABINI, IF YOU DON'T GET THESE BLOODY DEMONS OF YOURS TO LISTEN TO ME YOU WILL BE ON THE COUCH THE REST OF THE YEAR!" Zeke looks terrified of his wife as he calls out to his sons, "Gideon! Fabian!  Listen to your mother!" 

Jacob Nott laughs at his poor brother in law right about the time Georgia starts at him "Jacob Nott! If your sons don't calm their arses down then I might actually ban you from our bedroom for a month." Jacob Nott just waves his hand dismissively at his wife and says to his sons, "George, Frederick if you listen to your mother I'll give you fifty galleons each to take to school with you." I've never seen a set of twins calm down faster than in that moment. "Aunt Ember!" my four nephews call out in sync when they finally see me. "Oh, Thank Merlin." my sisters breathe out in relief when they catch sight of me and my family. "How's my favorite niece?" Freddy asks Flicker as she plucks my daughter from Korys arms. "I would be doing better than ever if mummy and daddy would tell us if we are gonna have a baby brother or a baby sister." My charming daughter says with sass to her favorite aunt.

"We would all be doing better if your mum would just tell us, Love." Freddy says eyeing me suspiciously. "I'm not saying anything until Andrus, Blaine, Charlie, Octavia, Dean, Eric, Flynn, Regulus, Scorpius, and Mum and Dad get here." I say to my sister telling her to wait until the rest of our/my siblings and our parents got here. Almost as if they read my mind I see eight heads of red hair and a head of messy brown curls pushing their way through the platform calling out for the rest of us. "Lovely to see you lot!" I say excitedly as I hug six of my eight younger brothers and my only little sister. "So, What is it?" My dad says as he eyes my stomach with interest. "We have to wait on Reg' and Scorp'!" My siblings groan but don't protest because they know Regulus will be here soon because he has to put his daughters on the train. "Wait on us for what?" I finally hear the voices of my other two brothers calling out to me from right behind me. "To find out what this little monster is." I say as I point to my stomach.

"Well then, Get on with it." Scorpious says with a yawn. "Fine. Ladies and Gentlemen the next addition to the Boot family will be.... A little boy!" "NO!" my daughter yells in a panic when she realizes she's still not getting a sister. "YES!" My sons and nephews yell all at once. Before anyone else can react the train whistle blows and were having to rush our children that are attending onto the train. "Write us after you're sorted!" I call out to my son who rolls his eyes but still says "Yes Mum.", I've never seen Freddy and Georgia look happier than the moment they finally get their sons onto that train... Its bloody hilarious to see them each let out sighs of relief and say at the same time, "Thank Merlins Saggy Balls!". 

"I've got some news as well," Octavia says with smirk in her voice. ",I'm getting married in a month... To Cullen Longbottom." After she says this my favorite brother, Charlie, steps up and simply says "I'm never getting married. I'm moving to Romania with Uncle Charlie to work with dragons." Dad looks like he's getting a flashback but simply smiles and looks excited at the thought of less grandchildren. Seeing as nothing new was going on in the lives of any of my other siblings I turn to Kory, "Lets please go home." "Love, We have to go visit my parents in America..." Kory tells me as he steps back in fear of what I would do to him. "The parents who haven't talked to you since you told them you were marrying me when we were twenty two? You realize that we are thirty three now right?" I snap angrily at him as I reach into my pocket for my wand. 

"Now, Sissy, Lets not kill the man who chooses to put up with your crazy." My little brother Flynn says as he snatches my wand and shoves it down his shorts. "You sneaky little snake! Give me my bloody wand!" I scream at my brother who just laughs and informs me, "I wasn't a Slytherin for no reason." I let out a aggravated scream and finally calm down. 
"All these bloody Slytherins for siblings... Its a wonder Mum and Dad survived you lot." I say as I look at Andrus, Blaine, Charlie, Dean, Eric, Flynn, and Octavia... All of whom were Slytherins when they attended Hogwarts. "How is it that they were Slytherins... But all of my children were sorted into the other Houses? I mean, My Ember was a Gryffindor, My Regulus was a Ravenclaw, and my little Scorpious was a Hufflepuff." I hear the voice of my sperm donor sound from behind me. "Father." I say rather formally as I greet him and his wife of seventeen years, Flora. "We were just about to be going." I say slowly to my Father, who quickly realizes he's not needed at the current moment in time. "Let me know what house my grandson and granddaughter get placed in." He says to Regulus and I before turning and walking away. "Mum, Dad. We best get going." I say as I hug my parents goodbye and hand my children over to them for the night. Kory and I leave and head home because Merlin knows I'll not be dragging my bloody pregnant arse to america tonight.

*Time Skip: Later That Night*
Its nearly ten o'clock when Kory and I finally receive a letter from Damon.

*Beginning of Letter*
Dear Mum and Dad,
I'M A HUFFLEPUFF... The hat took nearly seven minutes to place me because it couldn't pick between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. BOTH SETS OF THE TWINS WERE PLACED IN BLOODY GRYFFINDOR (came as a shocker to us all), and lastly little Andromeda Malfoy was placed in Hufflepuff right alongside me! I guess I should go, Its getting rather late and classes start tomorrow...
- Love, Damon Cassius Boot (Or as Headmaster Longbottom said when he read my name off the list "Bloody hell, Here we go again."
*End of Letter*
Kory and I laugh for a good while over Headmaster Longbottoms comments before finally calling it a night and heading off to bed... Lord help that poor school. First they had my Dad and Uncle, the they had The Golden Trio, then my sisters, then Me, and bloody Hogwarts hardly survived having seven Weasley children in Slytherin all at once.... I wish that poor school luck.

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