"Get out."

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Hermione POV:

I stumble out of the fire place and into the Nott house hold and quickly begin yelling "THEO? THEO? THEODORE BLAKE NOTT, GET YOUR LAZY ARSE IN HERE!" I hear panicked foot steps from the floor above me and then see an alarmed Theodore Nott running down the stairs "Malfoy? What the bloody hell do you want? It's hardly noon!" he says looking agitated "Well, Nott. I have some interesting news for you." "What is it?" "We need to wait a moment for Ginny Potter, and George Weasley to floo over because George has my proof." "Proof of wh-" as he begins to ask a question George Weasley falls out of the floo holding a shaking with anger Ginny Potter in his arms "I"LL BLOODY KILL THAT FERRET!" she yells looking at me and Theo "I have the picture Mione." says George.

 "What picture?" asks Nott looking as confused as ever "This one" I say and show him the picture of Malfoy and his lovely wife "Thank God, Now I have a reason to kick that bitch to the side." I look up and begin to laugh at Theodore Notts reaction to all of this "What, Mal-Granger? I hate her, The only reason I kept her around is because I knocked her up fifth year with Abe." George looks like he might fall over dead and Ginny is muttering "What kind of slags did this bloke mess around with?" He hears her and says "The bloody easy ones." causing all of us to shake with laughter. "Would you lot care for some tea? I'm am sure the show has yet to start." "Sure." we say and no sooner do we all get sat down with our tea, Malfoy and Mrs. Nott (Soon to be Greengrass again) come stumbling out of the fire place spouting about how the 'Mudblood' was telling a lie and how she loved him , while Malfoy looked ashamed of himself. "Theo, please believe me, I love you. She is telling a lie."  Theo snorts with laughter and says "Get out, You bloody slag. I will be sending an owl to inform all five of my children that you are no longer in the picture and that the can return home anytime they would like. I will also be telling your sister and parents as to why you are no longer welcome in the Nott manor." 

I look over to Malfoy and he finally says something "Blaise will never believe you Granger, You are just another ex of mine." I put an amused expression on my face and say "That's nice to know, but you see, I see a flaw with that. Don't you agree Blaise?" I say looking up the stairs and seeing Blaise Zabini looking ready to beat Malfoy. "Blaise, You weren't supposed to hear that." says Malfoy looking angry with me "Well I did, and I suggest you take your slag and leave." Blaise says looking from Draco to Astoria who is still blubbering like an idiot. Theo who has remained silent while Astoria cried says "Get out." Astoria looks at me and smirks "You heard him mudblood, Get out." I am about to hex this witch when Theo speaks again "Astoria, Draco. Get out of my house. The rest of you are welcome to stay for lunch." Astoria gets up and grabs Malfoy and says "You will regret loosing someone as great as me, Nott." Blaise then yells "I am sure he will regret loosing a shag as easy as you. Now bloody leave already." She looks pissed but before she can say anything back George walks over and tosses a handful of floo powder at them and yells "Malfoy Manor" effectively getting rid of them then he turns back to Theo and says "Well, Nott, I think I heard you mention lunch. So lets eat." 

Two hours and a hell of a lot of food later Ginny, George, and I bid our goodbyes and floo back to the burrow. No sooner do we step out fireplace and into the living room of the burrow are we bombarded with questions such as "What took you so long?" "Why is Ginny pissed?" and "Has Mione been crying?" Ginny responds to all the questions by saying "The ferret is a bloody cheater. She left him and needs to find a place to stay."  Harry and Ron offered a room at their homes but I politely decline and say I will figure out something, then George says "The flat above the shop is empty, Its got three bedrooms and it's yours if you want it." I smile brightly at him and say "That would be lovely, Could I maybe work at the shop? I would rather fall over dead than work for the Malfoy family again." he smiles kindly "Did you even have to ask Mione? You could have just showed up and been like 'I work here now.' and I would have said 'Okay.' and been done." "Can you take me to the flat now please?" I ask "Come on." He says and for the fourth time that day I am pushed into the floo.

We arrive at the flat above the shop and I see it looks like it has been untouched for a while, George catches me looking at the condition of the flat and says "It hasn't been touched in eleven years...I left everything just as Fred left it."  I started to tear up and ask "Are his shirts and hoodies still here?" "Yes. I haven't moved anything." I launch myself at George and crush him into a hug before asking "Do you mind if I keep his stuff? To give to the girls?" all he does is nod his head and then ask "Let me help you unpack?" we spend about five hours unpacking all of mine and the girls things before we floo back to the burrow for supper. 

Upon arrival we hear Harry and Ron talking about a raid on Lestrange Manor being planned for the end of the week so I ask "Can I go? I need an adventure. I haven't done anything exciting in eleven years and I feel like I might explode if I don't do something soon."  Harry and Ron share a look before turning to me and saying "We suppose we could allow you to go... If you are careful."  I scream with excitement and thank them both before going over to tell Ember why we can't go home. She surprisingly understands and goes to owl her sisters the news. Three bloody long hours later I floo Ember and myself to our new home above Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and get her settled and into bed before I can finally collapse onto Freds old bed in his old room and fall asleep.   

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