"Really Fred? Just Bloody Really?"

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Hermione POV: 

As soon as George kicks all of the kids out and locks the doors he turns to Fred and I and yells "START TALKING, NOW!" I look at Fred and wait for him to explain something but when he doesn't I kinda feel like I should "We are adults. What we do in our free time is none of your business." George then looks from me to Fred and says "You two shouldn't have time for that. You both work full time at the shop so I don't see how you have any ti- WAIT!" He then shoots Fred a glare and says "You better not have defiled my shop." Fred just winks and shoots George another smirk causing me to turn rose red out of embarrassment "YOU BLOODY DID IT IN THE SHOP?" Yells George again not taking his eyes off of the smirk that just keeps getting bigger on Freds face until it turns into a grin. 

"Really Fred? Just bloody really?" asks George in a softer tone than before "Sorry, Georgie... but what did you expect?" "You to have a little more self control. What would have happened if someone walked in on that?" I turn red again and Fred smirks once more "You got caught, didn't you?" asks George with a smile finally playing on his lips "Yep. Lee Jordan walked into the back room at the wrong time... The boy always catches us at our worse." I finally say looking up at George who is struggling to contain his laughter. "Wow Mione, I figured you would at least wait until the shop closed." I hear the teasing voice of Ginny Potter say from across the room, I look over at her to see the amused expression on her face "Well, Mia never has been one for simplicity has she?" asks Fred with a smug smirk on his face "Clearly, That's why she wen't out with you. She likes a challenge." says a smug looking Percy from across the room.

"Okay, Is anyone else slightly bothered by the fact that they did it in the place were the twins make all the joke products that they give to us and sell?" asks Harry with a horrified expression on his face "Not really, Love." says Ginny "If I am thinking correctly didn't you try to convince me to do it in the astronomy tower?" she asks Harry smirking at the embarrassed expression on his face. "Shut up, Gin." Blaise and Theo have been silently sitting in a corner observing this little argument exchange a glance before Blaise begins to speak "It really is a shame that we are all going to have to fight each other for the position of God-Parent..." "It's not a shame, It's my turn to get one. The rest of you have God-Children. This one (Or two) are MINE." 

"I was actually going to ask you and Pansy to be God-Parents." I say looking at Theo "So, I don't have to fight anyone? Dang. That would have been fun." "Shut up, You knew you would get this one." George then yells at them to "Shut it." before turning back to Fred and I and starting at us again "You two go at it like bloody teenagers." Fred grins and chuckles before saying "Well... Can you blame us?" "You two are disgusting." says George looking ready to vomit "We aren't that bad." I say looking at my feet. At that moment Lee Jordan decides to floo in so George turns to him and asks "How bad are Mione and Fred? I mean they go at it like teenagers don't they?" Lee starts laughing and rats us out "They have always gone at it like this. I have walked in on them doing many things in the past, For example the-" I jump up and clamp a hand over his mouth and yell "That's enough, Lee." 

"No, Lee. Please do continue." says an amused looking Ginny smirking at my red face and Fred's death glares at Lee. George walks over to me and picks me up before sitting me on the couch and putting a full body bind curse on me and Fred before telling Lee to continue. "Okay, so I walked in on a pretty intense make-out session during her fourth year (On my bed might I add), I walked in on a topless Hermione and Fred with his shirt half unbuttoned, in a broom closet, with her hands down his pants. I also walked in on our dear Fred completely naked with our lovely Mione doing several things that she would hex me if I told you about them, and that was her fifth year. I walked in on Fred leaving a lovely trail of hickeys on Miones neck the summer before her sixth year. Sixth year I walked in on a hell of a lot of shit that I'm not even going to get into today because we don't have time for that... and just two weeks ago I went into the back room of WWW's to get some more 'Nosebleed Nougat' to put out front, only to find Fred and Mione shagging on the table." 

"Lee, I will bloody kill you." I say waiting on George to take this bloody curse off me, "Mione, you are so not the good girl I always thought you were... I like it." says my best friend Ginny while shooting me suggestive looks to which I responded to with a look of frustration. Fred is giving Lee and George glares that would kill them if looks could kill "Calm down, Fred. It's not like I said anything that wasn't true." said a Lee choking with laughter "I think all of you are just jealous that I am getting more than the lot of you combined." said Fred with a grin that went from ear to ear "That might not be totally true." said Harry with a chuckle before Ginny slaps him on the back of the head. "Fred, If you hope to keep 'getting any' then you better keep your trap shut." I say shooting him a warning look. After ten more minuets of everyone making fun of Fred and I, George decides its time we let the kids come back in because it's getting hot outside and he doesn't want to listen to them complain about getting sunburn all weekend. 

(I was very iffy about this chapter, so I am asking you to please leave your thoughts in the comments because I might end up taking this chapter down if you all don't like it.)                 

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