"Professor, I hope it gives you hell."

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Freddy POV: 

It is the first day of classes, and because it's our second year... Georgia and I think it's about time we start living up to our fathers legacy of being the best pranksters Hogwarts had seen since the Marauders. Georgia, Jacob, Zeke, and I are meeting up outside the Great hall before breakfast so we can pick a victim for our first prank of the year. As Georgia and I are headed up to the hall I spot "Professor Malfoy" picking on our little sister, I look over at Georgia and elbow her in the ribs to get her attention. "Oi, That hurt! What do you want?" I point over at Ember and then say "Give me the extendable ear." Georgia doesn't skip a beat before she hands me the extendable ear and tells me "I'm going to get Styx and Reaper, Ill be back in a few."

I toss the extendable in the direction of my sister and begin to listen to what Professor Malfoy is saying to her. "Ember, you can't really be telling me that you would rather be a Weasley than a Malfoy." "Well, Professor. I am, and I don't think it's your place to ask me anything about my home life, Sir." "I AM YOUR FATHER, YOU DAFT CHILD! IT IS ALWAYS MY PLACE TO ASK YOU QUESTIONS ABOUT WHO YOU ARE LIVING WITH! YOU MUST BE AS DAFT AND IDIOTIC AS YOUR SISTERS!" "Do. Not. and I mean do not ever, Insult. My. Sisters. You can call me what ever you want, But my sisters are brighter than you will ever be." "Detention, Tonight. Miss. Malfoy." "It's Miss. Weasley.  Ember Fallon Estelle Weasley to be exact, and if you plan on teaching me all year then you better learn my name." "Two weeks detention then." He says sending a hard glare at my baby sister. Just as I am about to go over to fight Mr. Malfoy, Georgia comes back Jacob and Zeke in tow. 

"Banshee said you needed us?" Zeke says giving me a look, "Indeed I do, I need you and Styx to start planning a prank for Professor Malfoy. While Banshee and I go and have a word with him about how he talks to our sister." "Deal. Meet us outside the hall before lunch. Got it, Siren?" "Got it. Now go." as soon as I tell the boys to leave,  they take off down the hall and Georgia and I start across the courtyard to where our sister is still arguing with Mr. Malfoy.

"Oi, Professor Slag Bag! What's the problem?" I yell at the grown man who is bullying my little sister. "Watch your mouth, Ten points from Slytherin. and I am giving her a dentition for being disrespectful." "No, You are giving her dentition for realizing she doesn't want to associate herself with cheating scum such as yourself." "Another ten from Slytherin." "Oh, So she gets detention for correcting you, But we can flat out insult you and you just take house points? That's not how it works, Mr. Can't keep it in my pants Malfoy." Georgia says stepping towards Ember and pulling Ember behind her. "Fine, You want detention you've got it. Doesn't mean she gets out of it."  I look at him and say "Well then Professor, I do believe you just made the worse mistake of you life." "What do you mean?" "I guess you will find out, Anything you want to say to him Ember?" 

"Professor, I hope it gives you hell." Ember says to her father. "What do you mean, Miss. Weasley?" he says glaring at her "I mean, I hope it gives you hell to know that I respect Fred Weasley more than you, that  I despise you, that I am embarrassed to know you, that I am embarrassed to even be related to you, that your only child hates you. I hope it gives you absolute hell." Ember says before she turns around and walks off in the direction of Jordan Flint who has been standing across the yard watching us the entire time just in case we needed help. "Well, Professor, I suppose we will see you in class... and in detention." 

*Time Skip: Ten minuets before Lunch*

"So, What are we doing to the bloke?" Georgia asks Zeke and Jacob who are grinning like they have gone mad. "Well, you and Siren were late getting here so we already rigged up the prank. When he sits down for lunch, we used a few muggle pranks as well, he will get a tack to the arse, then when he stands up and pushes his chair back it will hit the trip wire and pull the bucket of troll bogey from the roof and onto his head. and Lastly after he gets cleaned up and comes back to actually eat his pumpkin juice is charmed to turn his hair the same color red as yours." Jacob says with an evil grin. "Impressive." I say just as we hear a yell of pain from the professors table and then a yell of frustration. "ONE HUNDRED POINTS FROM... WHO DID THIS?" Professor Malfoy yells.

"We did." Jacob, and Zeke say walking into the great hall "One hundred points from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff." Mr. Malfoy says charming his clothes clean and picking up his juice for a drink, "And that one, Was us." Georgia and I say walking in "What one?" he asks "Well, look in a mirror... I think you will find a rather Weasley surprise." he looks down into his spoon and screams "ONE HUNDRED POINTS FROM SLYHTERIN!" "Worth it." Georgia says "You are in for a very magical year, Professor. Especially if you continue to bully our little sister." I say smirking at him "You wouldn't dare." he says glaring at us. "But we do dare, Have you forgotten who our father is?" I ask him "How the hell could I? He's all your mother talked about for eleven years." Professor Malfoy says. "I can understand why, I'm bloody amazing." says the voice of my father from the entrance of the hall. 

I turn around to see my father holding two baby carriers and my mother holding one baby carrier. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! HOW DARE YOU BULLY MY CHILDREN, YOU BLOODY BETTER RUN!" My mother yells handing her baby carrier to Uncle Theo and turning to Professor Malfoy. "They need to control their mouths." he says to our mother "THEY WILL DO NOTHING OF THE SORT!" she yells at him and draws her wand "OI! WEASLEY, GET YOUR WIFE UNDER CONTROL!" Mr. Malfoy yells at our father who just says "I would, mate... But as you can see my hands are full." Professor Malfoy takes off running out of the hall my mother hot on his heels. "Well, Would you like to meet your brothers?" my dad asks Georgia, Ember, and I. "We would love to." as dad is telling us our brothers names I can't help but think about all the hell we will be giving Professor Malfoy this year.... This year will be fun.          

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