"Gryffindor Wins!"

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Ember POV:

Well, Today is the first game of the year, and it's Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. The girls in my dorm have slowly started to get over the fact that I'm dating one of the best looking guys in our house and have started being nicer to me. "Hurry up!" Georgia yells pulling Freddy and I so we would walk faster. Georgia is wearing Jacobs old quidditch robes and a pair of bronze tights. "Bloody hell, Weasley! So much for you being a Slytherin." Abe Nott says as he looks Georgia but he smiles when he sees that they are his little brothers robes, but when he looks at me his eyes widen slightly and he all but yells, "ARE YOU WEARING A BOYS OLD ROBES??""Yes..." he trys to regain his chill but when he sees the last name 'BOOT' written on the back in gold letters he completely says 'Fuck it' and picks me up talking about making me go change because Taylor was bitchy enough as it is.

Taylor and I haven't spoken in a week and it's driving him mad. He has tried to apologize for the note and for what happened in the common room at least fifteen times but he can never get within five feet of me without one of the boys stopping him. I kick Abe in the chest and he drops me, allowing me to run and catch up with my sisters. Just before I can reach my sisters, a hand reaches out from behind a wall, grabs me, and pulls me behind said wall. "Kory! You scared the hell out of me!" I exclaim when I notice that it was only Kory and not Taylor. "Sorry, I just needed a good luck kiss..." he says smirking down at me. I lean up to kiss him, but instead turn to whisper in his ear, "Not a chance." I turn to walk away but realize I cant move because two arms are wrapped tightly around me. "Nope." Kory says spinning me around and leaning in for a quick kiss, "Fine." I mutter and give him a quick kiss before I pull away before he can say anything else and run off to join my sisters.

*Time Skip; Game almost over*

I've been sitting with Freddy and Georgia for most of the four hours this game has been dragging on, I just moved to go sit with Tylor Nott when I hear Lolly Jones yell "Gryffindor Wins! Seeker Kory Boot has caught the snitch!" I look up and see Kory flying over to me being followed by Cassius, Damon, and Paxton. Kory hold his hand out to me, and I reluctantly take it... He pulls me up onto his broom ignoring my startled shout of protest, and proceeds to fly around the pitch with Paxton on his right, and Damon and Cassius on his left. We circle the field a few times before we slowly make our way back to the ground. When we land I have to wait on the boys to go change, while I'm waiting I notice Taylor looking at me from across the pitch. He starts to walk over to me but stops when an arm suddenly wrapped around my shoulder.

Taylor looks at me angrily before turning around and walking the other way, I turn around and see Kory standing behind me... except this isn't Kory, he has purple eyes. "Paxton, He's gone." I say watching a smirking Kory morph back into a smirking Paxton who looks a little too proud of himself. "Kory is in the shower and I know Coote isn't as intimidated by me as he is by Damon and Kory so I did the only thing I could think of." Paxton says pulling me over towards the Gryffindor changing rooms. "I can't go in!" I say quickly when Paxton pulls me into the entrance of the changing room, "Yes you can." He says and pulls me in roughly, and drags me over to sit on a bench facing away from the showers. Three minuets later a half naked Cassius lets out a scream when he walks out of the shower and sees me sitting on the bench sideways talking to Paxton, "MATE! Next time warn us!" Cas' says pulling the towel tighter around his waist and running to his locker to quickly get dressed yelling for me to cover my eyes.

Damon is the next one to exit the showers apparently not having heard Cassius scream earlier because he walks out with a towel draped around his shoulders... and that's it. I let out a small scream at the same time Damon does. Damon scrambles back into a shower stall (Arse on display) and quickly comes back out in a pair of muggle basketball shorts that fall just below his knees. "Damn, I was hoping if something like that ever happened it would be the other way around." Damon says taking a seat in the floor in front of me. We wait on Kory for like fifteen minuets before he comes out of the stall in his underwear and socks, Unlike the others he only lets out a small yelp when he sees me before quickly going to get dressed. "At least I had clothes on." Kory says laughing at Damon who is a bright shade of red after hearing Pax' telling Kory about the incident that happened in the changing room. "Lets just go to the damn common room." Damon says grabbing Cassius hand before turning redder when he realizes he just grabbed Cas' hand, I raise a brow and Cas' and mouth 'You are telling me everything later.' we walk into the common room and are greeted by a party in full swing. "Let's do this." I say dragging Kory to dance while the others went to go get something to drink.

I find Cas about an hour later, and drag him over into a broom closet and demand he tell me whats going on with him and Damon. "N-n-nothing" he stutters quickly looking down, "Tell me." I say again stepping closer to him so he can't make a run for the door. "I-Uh...- Fine. We've kinda been snogging a bit..." Cas says with red cheeks. "I KNEW IT!" I yell and start jumping up and down with excitement. "Shhhh!" he says putting his hand over my mouth quickly. "You can't tell anyone. This is fairly new and I would like to keep it on the low." he says in a low tone before side stepping me and walking back into the common room. I open the door a crack and wait until I see the familiar red/brown hair of Kory, before I shoot my arm out, grab him by the back of his jumper, yank him into the broom closet, and shut and lock the door. "Well, Weasley, This a pleasant surprise." Kory says in a teasing voice from behind me. "Don't get used to it." I say with a smirk before rounding on him and noticing the similar smirk on his face. "I might just have too." he says before leaning down to capture my lips. We pull apart and sit down and spend the rest of the party just talking with the occasional snog every now and then... School would not be boring with Kory, Paxton, Damon, and Cassius at my sides... and that is a fact.



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(Which one of the boys POV should the next part be in? Let me know in the comments) 

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(Which one of the boys POV should the next part be in? Let me know in the comments) 

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