Theo's Wedding

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Hermione POV:

Today is absolutely maddening. Susan and Theo are getting married today and I swear I have never been so stressed in my life. Susan's mother came in earlier and took one look at the black brides maid dresses and flowers and promptly told Susan her wedding was canceled because pure bloods can't have black in their weddings, Susan then had her mother tossed out and told me to take the white cake to the bakery down the street and have them put black decorations on it. Her father told her that though he was proud she was getting married he didn't approve of the fact that A.) She had a 'Mudblood' maid of honor, and B.) That she was marrying someone with kids, and that because of this he wouldn't walk her down the isle. We had to bloody have Bill suit up and get ready to give her away. 

"HERMIONE! I NEED YOU!" Susan screams, I immediately am on my feet and at her side. "What's wrong?" I ask her, "Can you do my hair? It's tradition for a pure bloods mothers to do their hair, but seeing as I kicked my mother out I need you of Ginny to do it." She says calmly fixing her dress. "I've got it." I say picking up a brush and starting my work on her mane of red hair. An hour and a half later we are all ready for this wedding to be bloody over. We love Theo and Susan... but I haven't seen my husband in twenty four hours and I just want to kiss my bloody husband and go home. "Bill is here to walk you down the isle, Are you ready?" Daphne asks running in slightly out of breath, "Let's do this." Susan says and walks out of the room barefooted. "I guess she just said 'fuck that' about the shoes." Ginny says sighing after her. 

*Time Skip; Vows* 

"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring I ask you to be mine." Theo says his 'Vows' and then official appoints them man and wife, and tells Theo he may now kiss his bride. Theo leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on Susan's lips, grinning like a mad man the entire time. "This is the first time I've ever seen him this happy. Astoria was an arranged marriage and the bloke looked miserable at his own wedding the first time around. I think this is the first time I've seen him smile without it being forced." Blaise says to me as we are watching the scene in front of us. "I remember that day, Draco had to talk me out of hexing Astoria for insulting the ring Theo payed a small fortune for." I say smiling at the memory. We are led to a tent outside for a small party to celebrate the new couple. 

Blaise being the best man stood up and gave a short sweet and to the point speech, because I was the maid of honor I was expected to give a speech too. I talked about how I was happy my 'brother' was happy and that I am glad that he finally found someone who brings out the good in him. The party continues on going fine for a few hours until Draco and his whore show up and try to ruin things for Theo. "Theodore. Bones." Astoria says to them approaching them, "It's Nott, not Bones." Susan says showing Astoria her rather large solid black ring. I notice Astoria's jaw drop at the size of the diamond that was in Susan's ring. Then I remember that Astoria's ring from Theo, though pricey, was quite small. Astoria slapped Draco's arm and pointed out that Susan's ring was better than the one he had gotten her for their recent wedding. Susan, being Susan, pointed out to Astoria that my wedding ring was much better than both of theirs and that neither Draco, or Astoria had been invited to her wedding and that they both needed to leave before Ginny Potter caught sight of them. At the mention of Ginny, Draco paled and grabbed Astoria's hand dragging her out of the tent. 

Slow music starts playing and Theo and Susan have their first dance as husband and wife. Just as the song is ending, Theo leans over and kisses her forehead. "Would you like to dance?" I hear Fred ask from behind me, "I would love to." I say taking his hand and letting him lead me to the dance floor. Three hours later this thing is finally over and Fred and I floo home for some much needed sleep. "Love, Mum has the kids for the night." Fred says to me when he comes out of the shower in his pajama pants and with a towel around his shoulders, "I know, Dear." I say to him changing into my night clothes and climbing into bed. "Well, We could either fool around, or sleep." Fred says climbing into bed after me. "After the last twenty four hours, I'm going to sleep." I tell him rolling over ignoring his scoff and comment "Your loss.", He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him before finally we both fall asleep. 

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