"I'm putting a glamour on her."

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Hermione POV:

"This is bloody ridiculous." I say looking at the reporters standing outside of the shop. "Love, It was to be expected when Lisa Turpin was found dead. You knew they would be here trying to figure out if we had one of her kids, They know she left them with friends and that we recently had babies." Fred says holding Octavia behind a shelf so that she could not be seen  by the prying eyes of the reporters. "I'm putting a glamour on her." I say and begin to look for my wand, "Why?" "Because, If she looks like the boys then they will think we had quadruplets and leave us the hell alone. Freddy, Georgia, and Ember are miserable because they can't leave the flat without being bombarded with questions. Luna and Daphne already put glamours on Avery and Hunter, and Theo and Susan have been talking about putting one on Kendall. So I'm putting one on Octavia, Now." I say pointing my wand at the beautiful baby girl in Freds arms and I begin muttering charms. Octavia changes instantly. Her dark skin becoming a creamy white color, her black hair becoming the trademark Weasley red, and her gray/blue eyes becoming a vibrant shade of light blue.

"Well, She definitely looks like a Weasley." Fred says looking Octavia over before handing her to me. "Go tell Ember, Freddy, and Georgia to get ready to go out. You get Andrus and Blaine ready, and I'll get Charlie and Octavia ready." I say to Fred who asks where we are going. "We are walking up the street to Luna and Daphne's pet store, It's about time we let the girls get new pets for school, and the babies need a dog." I say before swiftly walking to the counter to tell George that Fred and I would be going up the road in a few minuets and asking him to call Lee in to cover for us. Fifteen minuets later (And a lot of fighting from Ember and the Twins) we were ready to go outside and face the reporters. Freddy and Georgia walk out first, shoulders squared, back straight, heads held high, ignoring the cameras that were taking pictures of them and the questions being tossed at them.  Ember follows the twins copying their actions and then I send Fred out holding Andrus and Blaine. The reports begin to ask Fred more questions, until I walk out holding Charlie and Octavia.

"None of these kids look like the Turpin woman!" One of the reporters exclaim reaching out to touch one of Charlies curls, before I can tell them not to touch my child Freddy is in the face of the reporter telling them that the first person to touch her little siblings would deeply regret it. The reporters having been made aware of a Weasley temper when they showed up and Ginny and Harry's wedding and met Ginny 'Bat Bogey Hex' Weasley, immediately all took a step back from the enraged thirteen year old standing before them. "Mom, Give me Charlie." Freddy says turning to me. "Okay." I hand him over to her and look at Georgia and Ember only to see Georgia with Blaine on her hip and Ember holding Andrus. "Oi! Miss Malfoy!" One of the reporters yell trying to get Ember's attention, "My name is Ember Weasley. I will not answer any questions, nor will I give you any of my time." my twelve year old daughter says sharply before hurrying off down the street with Freddy, Georgia, Andrus, Blaine, and Charlie. 

"Mr. Weasley! What do you have to say about the accusations that you have one of Lisa Turpin's children?" a short reporter with blonde hair asks Fred who looks annoyed already. "Well, You all saw my children. So that's your answer." he says before taking Octavia from me and walking off after the rest of our children. "Mrs. Weasley!" the same reporter yells at me and begins to ask me questions... that I ignore and walk right past the group of around thirty reporters and down the street turning into Luna and Daphne's shop with a rather sour look on my face. I look around and almost die from laughing when I see Ember playing with a white ferret, "Mum, Can I get her?" Ember asks me pleading with her eyes. "Yes, but you need an Owl too." I say to her and walk over to Freddy and almost faint when she turns around holding a green snake. "Please!" she exclaims looking at me like she would die if I didn't say yes. "Fine. But remember, You need a new Owl. You and your sisters gave your old ones to Reed, Dillion, and Tylor." I say taking one last horrified look at the snake before turning to Georgia to see what pet she had picked. I am surprised to see her holding a baby Fennec Fox. "This." is all she says before going over to look at Owls with her sisters.

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