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"I must have this child"

I mumble in a almost whispering voice. I could feel the contractions getting shorter. I ache in pain, seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours.


I called for his name. Still the pain struck me, I didn't know if I was going to make it through. I could see shadows dancing at the corner of my eyes, my breathing was out of my control.


"My Lady, you must not let us down. Just push a bit more." The midwife told me.

"Just a little more"

She continued to encourage me but the pain was unbearable, it felt as if I was constantly being stab in the same spot, the wound unable to heal properly.

My hand grab the blanket that was over me and form a fist squeezing in in my hand.
I let out a loud scream.


"My lady, I see the head" the midwife said happily.
"Just a little bit more."

I ground my teeth together as another contraction hit me. My hands curled into fists and I winced at the pain.
There was a cry, a baby's cry.

"Congratulation Lady Li, it's a prince."

I felt a little smile displayed on my mouth when suddenly i felt another sharp pain twist inside of me.

"What's going on?" I question
"Your highness, you're going to labor again" the midwife told me. I was surprised but the pain was not as bad as the first time.

The doors to the labor chamber open, Zhelan was standing there.

Eyes wide open he was scared for me

"Whats going on?" Zhelan quickly rush to my side, holding my hand in his he demand.

"Whats happening?"

Within second after his demand another baby's cry was heard. Darkness begin to swallow my eyesight. Before i black out both son was place in my arms.

" Congratulation! King, Li furen, you have been bless by the gods, they're both prince." The midwife said with a huge grin display on her lips.

i begin to feel numb, i couldn't see. all i heard was Zhelan yelling for the imperial doctor.

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