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The beautiful scenery was now cover with thousand and thousand of celestial soldiers and witches, ready for battle.

In the front line was Moyuan, the god of war, Yuwang and myself. On the other hand, the witch had no leader for the front line there was just witches.

"They're rather unorganized." Moyuan spoke.

"They seem to be only a distraction." Yuwang added on.

Yuwang and I was only gone for afew hours, when we got back, it was already chaotic. There was witches in the camp. We didn't even have a moment to completely take in what was going on before we were attacked. The plan to attack in three days suddenly changed. The soldiers wiped the witches in the camp out and prepared for battle.

Everything seem amiss. We, the celestial tribe was attacked by surprise but we were fully prepared while they seem relaxed. Either way, we all charged, full speed ahead, the demon clan draw their power from the dark, hidden in the shadows of our horses, they were the first to attack. Tearing and chopping down the enemies left and right. We seemed to be at an advantage. Witches scream were heard all around us. As I look around, not a single celestial body was laying with the witches. Blood of the witches painted the ground red and the war was over.

"This can't be it." I spoke out first.

"This can't be it." Yuwang said. Moyuan had a serious face on before speaking.

"I'm afraid this isn't it." Moyuan spoke under his voice. "Group up!!" Moyuan suddenly called out to the soldiers. But before all the soldiers could group up, the dirt below their foot begin to violently shake, causing to them all to lose their balance, even the horses had fallen over. Above them was a green light that had shone beautifully. Then it cast green barrier on us, causing all the soldiers to fall to the ground in pain. Pain rung though my head as i also fell to the ground. beside me was Yuwang and Moyun also suffering the effect of this green barrier.

Whats going on?

I was stuck in my head for awhile thinking off all the possible spells that can hurt so many people at once, not just ordinary immortals but also High Gods. Suddenly something familiar came around, i sworn i felt this presence somewhere, it felt like family, felt like i owe this person something.

I turn to look at Yuwang who was now coughing up blood and Moyuan who was on his feet, fighting off the enemies with whatever strength he had left. The Celestial army that was so confident just a second ago was fighting for their life as the witches, one by one came back to life. The ground that was covered with the blood of the witches were quickly coated in a newer, fresher, layer of celestial soldiers blood.  In front of me a pair of dark boots cover my line of sight, before i could even see who it was, that person grab me by my collar and lifted me up in the air almost effortlessly. I came face to face with that person and i felt the air knock out of my lungs.

He was dress in a long black and green robe with half his chest exposed. His skin was as white as snow and his lips as pink as the first cherry blossom petal that bud in spring. His hair was silver that came all the way down to his waist and his nails were as sharp as a blade . Thought his skin was as white as snow, his veins were as black as the ashes of the witches. He looked just like someone I use to love. He gave me a faint smile before he threw me across the battlefield.

"Long time no see, Liyu. Oh no, i mean Goddess Changxi." He mocked me.

The only thing i was able to mummer out was his name.

"Zhe-Zhe-" I tried to take a breath but i struggled to. "Zhelan-"

I felt something tricking down my lips as i tasted iron. Sorrow flickered in his eyes as his eyebrow twitched, quickly, his demonic side resurface.

"I almost forgot, i should let you live. I will make you beg for death after you watch all three of your children die." Zhelan then took a deep breath as he turn to look at Yuwang who was on the ground to his right.

"You know, all those years that i had spent with you, i truly did love you. I thought that i'd never regret loving you, I even thought of cleansing myself of this evil and dedicate myself to Buddhism for you." Zhelan said before he shook his head in false pity and tsk at me.

Zhelan again, with magic, life me up in the air before teleporting before me and stabbing me in my shoulder with in sword like thumb.

AS Zhelan was stabbing me in various places, i gather whatever power and energy i had left and, cast a barrier within the barrier, healing the many injure soldiers along with Yuwang and Moyuan.

"I'm surprise." Zhelan said as he swung his sword around.I saw flashes of his sword before my eye, and narrowly escape the attack. Yuwang, after regaining some energy, attacked Zhelan with me. While attacking, Yuwang was able to cut a piece of Zhelan's shirt, exposing his whole chest. 

"Not bad." Zhelan said as he grin widely. "You were able to block my magic with another spell. The magic i used if from an ancient book, a book from the celestial tribe, aren't you afraid of the back fire? Not only will it possible kill the owner of this magic but it could kill you and all your friends, will you give it a try?"

"If sacrificing my life stops this war, as well as saves humanity, then it's worth a shot. " 

Zhelan charged towards me, when he got close enough, i saw something flash before my eye, something shiny and dark, right where his heart was suppose to be.

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