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The sky was covered in red and black lightening while shining as bright as day. There was harsh wind while ice and rain fell to the mortal realm. Those who didn't know should have thought the heavens were mad and is punishing them with the harsh and scary weather, but tothe hidden village, it meant reclaiming their kingdom for the remaining royal blood as well as for themselves.

Dress for battle, they left the village where it was safe. Thought none of them knew what they were facing, the siblings along with Fengyuan tried their best to stop them. 

"Baijiu, stop them!" Xiaoxin yelled as she stood in front of the army, but they continue to march.

"Princess, whether you like it or not, it is your mothers plan. She had made sacrifices, far to many for herself to even comprehend, as her daughter, shouldn't you understand?" Baijiu said before walking past me and marched with the army towards the palace.

As they approach the palace, a barrier surround it, leaking a green, thick, mist.

"What is that?" ZheYuan asked but no one answered. At the entrance was a few witches standing floating around. They hid in the trees nearby while Baijiu and YingQiu attack the witches. There was no effort at all since they attacked with powerful magic.

Baijiu looked towards the army in hiding and waved his hand, signaling that the coast was clear. The army moved in, Xiaoxin and the brothers watched as the army marched forward without any hesitation. Then Xiaoxin thought about what Baijiu said earlier, although it was short and hurtful, it was a powerful point. Xiaoxin took a deep breath and followed the army.

"Jiejie!" Zhecheng called out. Xiaoxin looked back to her two younger brothers who was nervous, scared and worried, but Xiaoxin could only give and reassuring look to them.

"Mother said she'll meet us there, she will protect us." Xiaoxin had already reached up to hold onto the necklace her mother had given her as she spoke to her two brother.

"Are you guys coming?" Baijiu asked.

 As the siblings ran to the entrance of the palace, they can see red and white lightening strikes, striking eachother. Zhecheng and Zheyuan had no problem entering the entrence of the palace, but Xiaoxin and Fengyuan was pushed out. It was like there was a huge invisible wall stoping them from entering. 

"Baijiu!" Xiaoxin said as she panic at the situation. Baijiu saw what had happen, reached out his hand and pulled her through. Fengyuan was in an awkward position to ask for his help since they technically didn't really know eachother, but Baijiu also helped pull him in. Upon entering the barrier, Xiaoxin and Fengyuan instantly lost all their strength. They became drowsy before coughing up blood. 

"This is not good, the both of you need leave now." Baijiu demanded, but Xiaoxin refuse.

"I'm not going." 

The army did not wait for anyone. They marched forward, splitting into two groups. BAijiu saw that they did not stop so he made a decision. 

"You have to." Baijiu replied.

"I can't leave my brothers. I can't."

"They have me, remember, no matter what, i will make sure they return to you safe and sound."

"Jiejie, you have to leave now." Zheyuan said. 

"But I'm-" before she could finish, she vomited a mouthful of fresh blood.

"You both have to stay behind."Baijiu said as he pushed Xiaoxin and Fengyuan out of the barrier. Zhecheng and Zheyuan stood on the other side of the barrier, worried, but thought that she'd probably be safer there then in a place full on witches. The brothers took a good look at their sister sice they didn't know if they will make it back out. They had never fought in a real war before, everything else was just children's play Fengyuan was a guy so even if he was injured, he'd still stood strong. Xiaoxin was leaning on Fengyuan for support as a tear ran down her face.

"Don't go." Xiaoxin said as her lips still stain fresh blood.

"Fengyuan!" Zhecheng said as he took a deep breath. "Take good care of my sister for me. Don't let her do anything foolish." They brothers eye were watering up but they both turn around and ran to Biajiu who was further up ahead.

"DON'T GO!!" Xiaoxin said as she wipe the tear on her face away.


AS soon as the brothers made it into the grand hall, their sense spike up, something they never felt before. When they look over to Baijiu, they were also able to sense his power, it was powerful. That was when they realize that Baijiu was someone to take seriously, but beside Baijiu, they felt an even stronger presence. That when they realize how strange it was. Didn't that come to take back the palace? Why was it so empty? So quiet?

"How strange." Zhecheng said.

"It is isn't it." Zheyuan replied but Baijiu hushed them. As soon as they stop speaking, they heard whispers, chilling whispers, it came from all directions.Scared, the two of them pulled out their sword preparing to attack anything that didn't look human to them. 

"There's nothing here." Baijiu said.

"Then... what was those noises?"

"This is just a typical illusion."

"If this is just an illusion then where is everyone?"

There was a silence between them then suddenly Zheyuan held his breath before speaking.

"Could it be that there is a different target?"

"Most likely." Baijiu replied.

"Then, is Fengyuan and Xiaoxin is in danger?" ZheCheng asked.

Right when ZheCheng was going to return to Xiaoxin and Fengyuan, Baijiu cast a barrier around them, confused the sibling turn to Baijiu to question him but when they looked around them, their surrounding was suddenly filled with witches.


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