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The room was dark as light foot steps could be heard. The usual candles that were always lit were off as a little breeze could be heard hollowing through the small space between the window panes. Behind the wall where Xiaoxin's bed laid was a small room, where all of her information and goods were stored. But among the goods, laid a small wooden box with the same exact necklace

"Why do they have one too? What exactly is this thing?"

Xiaoxin woke up one morning to find the necklace clutched it tightly in her hands. She held onto it so tightly that it dig into her skin, there was a tear that fell from her face as well. When she had turn to look at her pillow, she realized her pillow was wet from her tears.


Yuwang stood in front of the Ocean of Obligation with Changxi's necklace in his hand. He hopes it work but at the same time scared it might not.

If you can find the 4 part of her that lingers, and places it in the Ocean of Obligation, we can revive her. But i must warn you, do not have hopes. Those who truly went into the Realm of Nothingness cannot return. Same to those who do not have the will to live further.

Lord Baiyu's word flashes through his head as he took a deep breath before dropping the glass bead into the ocean. Almost instantly, the sky grew dark and thunder roar.


Zheyuan bolted up in bed with sweat rolling down his forehead. The thunder roar awoken him, giving him a fright. He looked around the dark room and begin to panic until the necklace around his neck started to glow. Unlike the first time, the glow was a much more stronger glow, lighting up the whole room.

It was then that he realize that there was a tall black figure on the other side of the room. It had red glowing eyes and sharp teeth. The smile that thing had on its face gave Zheyuan chills and horror as he froze in place. He was so scared that he couldn't let out a single cry of help.

Suddenly, as the glow dim down a bit, Zheyuan suddenly felt safe as another figure stood  in between them. The figure was a women in a elegant white outfit, it was the first time in a long time that Zheyuan felt this safe. But when that women appear, that black figure disappear. In a flash, the necklace shine blindly brighter then completely dim down to that soft glow it had on the first day he had it.


"Ge, last night did anything happen to you?" Zheyuan asked as he still shook a bit in fear.

"What do you mean? I just fell asleep at my usual time...that's it. Why do you ask?"

"If nothing happens then... i guess its okay."

Zhecheng shrugs his shoulder while blandly replying; "Okay then."

But in that moment, their necklace shine in union. Xiaoxin approached them with a group of soldiers.

"Arrest them!" she shouted

The soldiers hesitated for a bit before approaching the brothers. They were in shock, what was their sister doing?

"Jie, whats wrong?"

"Don't speak, you guys aren't my brothers."

That was when they realize her pale complex and dark eyes, but they listen to their sister and didn't speak as they were then escorted to the central dungeon. They were there for days without their sister visiting them once, they were scared. Why would their sister do this to them? They were both tied to a chair ensuring they wouldn't escape. Finally, when they thought their sister really wasn't coming, footsteps were heard coming down the quite hall.

"Jie!"Zheyuan called out but it wasn't her, instead, standing before them was a tall, handsome guy, dress in black. 

"Who are you?" Zhecheng asked. He stood from his chair, standing in protective stance.

"Don't worry, i wont hurt you. I just came here for two things." Shortly after he spoke, he lifted his hand forward and close his hand as if he had grab something. As soon as he pulled his hand back, the necklace on their neck yank forward. Zheyuan who was sitting was pulled up form his chair, while Zhecheng who was standing stumble forward.

"What are you doing? There are our necklace." Zheyuan shout out.

"There necklace are worthless, as a prince of this nation, you shouldn't wear such cheap things." The man said.

The necklace glowed as bright light, blinding the brothers, and catching the man off guard. Zheyuan cup his necklace in the palm of his hands and pulled the necklace back. The light in Zhechengs necklace disappeared as another light appeared before them. Before the man could get his hand on the light that floated, someone pushed the man. Out from the man came an similar orb, rolling toward the brothers. The light that the man nearly took floated right back to the glass bead that was around Zhecheng's neck.

As the man reach out to pick up the glass bead, someone stepped on it, shattering it to many pieces. That person was no other then Xiaoxin. Anger flare up in that mans eye as he push her aside. Xiaoxin flew all the way to the wall, spiting out a mouthful of fresh blood after falling to the jail floor. Zheyuan and Zhecheng rush to their sister.

"Jie, are you okay?"

Before she could even speak, a soft voice spoke out.

My children, mother really misses you. I can't stop thinking about you three, it must  have been years, have you forgotten about me?

Suddenly there was a yellow light in front of them, it played memories, none of it was theirs but surely they were in there. Memories of them as children playing with water and a solider to when they were all grown up, living in a small house in the middle of a bamboo grove. Eventually at the end, they saw the man in black standing in front of them in the memories as well. Before they could see the rest, the man in front of them gathered the memories and turn it into a glowing yellow pearl and vanish before their eye.

They all froze in place. Memories that were lock away slowly begin to come back to the three of them, they all suffer major headache. One after another they fainted.


Yuwang didn't expect the sudden turn of events. He let his guard down way to far that he forgotten to stay caution. Luckily he had cut the memories early and was able to conceal the remaining of  Changxi's sprite. Though he didn't get the remaining part of her sprit, he had to drop the first part of her soul in the Ocean of Obligation before it complete disappear.

He waited, and waited but nothing happen. Suddenly Lord Baiyu's word came to mind

'Do not have hopes. Those who truly went into the Realm of Nothingness cannot return. Same to those who do not have the will to live further.'

Even thought he felt like it was now hopeless, he refuse to let go of the little hope he had left. 

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