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"Goddness." A little maid had come to wake me up. Unfortunately i was not asleep. After i tidy myself abit, i went to open the door.

"Did you need something?"

"Chang mama had told me to watch you for 3 days and 3 night just in case anything happens to you." the little maid said boldly. Though she look like a 10 year old child she was million and millions year older then i was.

"Its okay, there is no need. I'm doing fine." I had said in hopes she'll just walk away. But that was more of a reason she had to stay with me.

"Goddness, you only woke up moments ago. When you woke up you were emotionally unstable but now i sense a crazy wave of emotion from all over. Its best if i help you with that."

"No!" I blunt out." I mean.."

"It's okay, I don't mind taking care of you." She pushed her way in.

For the next three day, I couldn't even move a muscle. I guess my life on earth effected me a lot. If I couldn't leave my room, I'd at least get up and walk around but she wouldn't even let me.

I thought that maybe i could adjust my sitting position abit because i was getting uncomfortable. Who knew that little maid would send a chilling glare at me.

"Goddess, you cannot move. It will ware you out."

"Uh..." I was figuring out a way to leave."I want to sleep." I quickly came up with an excuse. "Sleeping is best for healing, is it not?"
She wasn't to convince but she nodded her head. The bed was only a step away but she would not allow me to move on my own, she had to come and support me.

"I like to sleep for an hour or so. Don't bother me. When I wake up, you're allow to come back then."

"Very well then. I will take my leave as soon as you fall asleep."

"That's not necessary."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

"I can't sleep if you watch me."

She was so fixed on watching me sleep. I somehow was able to drive her out of the room. It had been three days I wanted to see my kids, they should be 3 by now. Before I could leave there was knock on my door.

"Goddess, I forgot to mention but later this afternoon Crown Prince Yuwang will drop by."

This afternoon? I'll have half a year then.

I didn't reply. I close my eyes for a minute and when i open them again, i was already back.

"Your highness, your highness, wait up."

I turn to where the voice came from. In the distance there was a lady dress in fine embroidered silk with silver hairpin pin in her hair.She was beautiful indeed but i have never seen her before. Running infront of her was two young boys holding hand in hand as they circle around the table. I instantly recognize the two boys.

"Mother, come chase us!!" One of the boys said. 

The lady stop in her steps as she tried to catch her breath. "I told you, i'm not your mother. I am your maid. Young princes, please, your father had summon for the two of you." The maid stood straight as she wiped her forehead but stop when she saw me staring at them. 

"Who are you?" She question me. I didn't say anything and simply walk her direction. I must have been scary as she had stumble back a few step. The two boy saw the situation and ran to hide behind the lady.

"Who are you?" The lady ask once more, this time she stood her ground and had her hand protecting the boys. I couldn't help think that i had heard her voice once. Maybe it was one of the many voice i hear every night praying to the moon. When i was feets away from her, i realize she was the maid i saw once by my sons side. 

"I must be lucky. I have a very faithful lady protecting the young princes." I was indeed very lucky but one thing ran across my mind. Why was she dress like that for a mear maid? Could it be that she was a new concubine?

"Tell me, what rank are you?"

"Help us! She's trying to harm the princes"

I heard footsteps quickly approaching me from behind. I turn around and the sword came halting at my face as that soldier's eye widen. I blink my eyes which sent the soldier stumbling afew step back. He raise his sword up again and charge towards me. Although i was a goddess, i could still get hurt. With him quickly approaching, i summon out my sword as well and aim it to him.


"DaWang(大王), a witch have come to attack the prince."

The king stood up in an heartbeat. All the minister in the hall mumble among themselves on the topic.

"What did you say?"the king was furious. "Someone dares to attack the young prince?" The king walks from his throne and grabs the closes sword to him and proceed to the door.

"Follow me, surround the area! Do not let the assassin leave this palace. I want her alive!"

I was in the middle of trying find his weak spot. Of course I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted him to be weaken that's all but I couldn't find it under his thick armor. There was a couple of times where he almost got me but as quick as I was, I barely dodge his swings. There were fleet of soldiers that came rushing in, some had spares other had their sword. The wall was lined with soldiers and their bow. Soon the area was filled with armed soldiers and their target? It was me, stuck in the center of it all.

"How bold of you assassin. To come into the palace and make a commotion. Today you'll learn your lesson." The kings eunuch called out.

Zhelan was nowhere in sight. Other then him, no one knew who I was.

"Kill her!" He yelled signaling the soldiers to attack me. They all came charging at me but i didn't realize that the lady and my sons were stuck in the center with me.

I can't back up anymore. I'll put Hei and Bai'er in danger.

Instead of backing up I charge as well. I limit my power usage as i swung my sword, chopping down one soldier at a time. In the wreck, one of the soldier was able to nick my shoulder but i held out. 


I look up and saw the archers pull their bow string and aim.Afraid that the archers would horribly fail to get me and injure the kids, I had to put a stop to all of this. But before i could even say anything, the archers already fire. 100 arrows coming from all different direction, i jump infront of them. I turn to look at the arrows that were aimed towards us and turn them to ashes.

"Wait!" I demanded. "I took down many men already, I don't want to hurt anyone. I surrender."

Everyone stop. There was two swords against my throat, i threw my hands in the air.

"Concubine Li? No way, she's dead." I hears someone whisper among the crowd.

"Stop!!!" A voice was heard over everything else.

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