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Where am i?

The room was white, my voice echoed. I was confused. The room was motionless, no wind nor sunlight. I couldn't tell if i was indoors or outdoors.

Whats going on?

Suddenly in this gust of wind blew my hair in my face.  My dress was fluttering along with the wind. I reach out to remove my hair from my face as i pat my hair into place and that's when i realize.


My dress was a dark blue with gold embroidery dragons all over it. It was probably the most beautiful dress i have ever seen in all my life. As i continue to examine my beautiful dress a deep voice had talk to me.

Are you happy?

I look forward, not knowing were the voice came from.

You look confuse my dear.

I was indeed confuse. This voice that called out.

"Who's there?" Without thinking i called out.

You forgotten me.

"Do i know you?"

The white surrounding turn into a light blue. Bubble formed everywhere, the dry clothe that i was wearing was slow starting to get wet. it was only when i begin to swallow water that i realize i was drowning. I cup my mouth but made no attempt to reach the surface to breath, I just.... floated.

Gently I was let down to the bottom of the sea. In front on me was a dragon 10 times larger then me.

Were you happy?

I didn't answer him as I thought to myself 'was I?'

"Yes." i answer out.

Suddenly i wave of emotion hit me.

It's okay to be heartbroken in a relationship.

I look up to meet the dragons eye, assuming that the dragon was the one speaking, i let my hand fall to my side. Before me the dragon disappear into foam and a young men dress in a turquoise emerges. Naturally, my eyes meet his and he meet mines. He came closer to me and with his hand, he slowly place his hand on my face.

Why are you crying? Did this trial hurt you that bad?

'Trial?' I thought. "What trial?"

This unnecessary love trial you went through.

He retreat his hand as i was lost in my surrounding.

"Why am i here?"

Look around, where do you think you are?

I didn't know where i was, all i knew was that i was under water.

"I don't know where i am." Then i remember, my children, Zhelan, the kingdom.

Don't think about them.

I look up to the guy, shock that he knows what i'm thinking about but confused on how he knows i was thinking of them. With a single gesture of his hand, a white like screen appear before me, in that vision, Zhelan was drench in water as he hold a body.

"LIYU!!" Zhelan called out while tightly clinging onto that body.

I felt my heart sank.

That was you

"That's me? How did this happen?"

No, that was you. You were never concubine Li, you simply borrowed an expired body.

"What do you mean?"

Do you know who you are?


Do you know who you are?

I didn't have time to respond before my surrounding begin to change. One second i was underwater and the next i was in a pastel yellow color room. That guy disappear, I turn around to look at my new surrounding. Yellow and pink design that went all around the room. The room was rather large, at least it was larger then my royal room, it had a similar layout as well. I slid a door open, in my quarter, the door would lead to the bathroom, in this case it didn't. When i slid the door open, there was a bright light, the room was cover in white and in the very center was a throne made of pink and yellow thorn roses, surrounded by wither red rose petals. But what made it stunningly beautiful was on the rose throne was a fairy, a goddess.

Isn't she just beautiful

He was back."Mmm" I agree. "She is indeed very beautiful."

Take a closer look

He motion his hand toward her. Obediently i did, i got close to her and look at her. She had long silk like hair, her dress was similar to mine, instead of blue and gold embroidery, it was gold and blue embroidery.

Her earring was made with the finest jade in the world and her pearls could only be found in the southern sea, look at them and tell me what you think.

I look at the earring, indeed they were only made of the finest material, even the empress didn't have this kind of luxurious item. But i say something interesting.

I turn to look at that guy but again,he disappear and my surrounding changed. i was in the water again

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