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We made it to the beach. Just like last time, we made a fire to keep us warm. The shadow and the crabs dance on the beach.

"Can I join you guys?" A stranger said.

"Umm." We all didn't know if we should allow it or not so for a few second we pounder on the thought.

"I don't think you should." Zhecheng said.

"Why not?" The stranger replied.

"Because-" Zhecheng stop as he look at that stranger to see if he had a shadow before continuing.

"Because we are going to fight something dangerous." Zhecheng continued.

"Something dangerous?" The stranger said with his eyebrow raised. "Like a water demon?"

"YES!" Xiaoxin said. "Do you know how to kill it?"

"Yep. You have to rip its heart out."

"It's heart? It has a heart." FengYuan nearly scream.

"All water demons have a heart. We just have to know where it's located."

After the stranger finish speaking, the sky turn dark.

"It's back." The stranger said.

Automatically the 5 of of them, excluding the stranger, stood back to back in a circle. With their weapons drawn, they were ready to attack. As the stranger distance himself from the crowd. Attack from all sides went at them. Xiaoxin and the others tried their best to block off the attacks but with every attack, their strength begin to weaken. It got to the point where each attack cause them to stumble.

"I can't keep this up." Xiaoxin said.

"How, just a little longer." Zhecheng said.

"I think this demon is getting tired too." FengYuan said.

"Ah!" Zheyuan grunt as he falls onto the sand.

"Zheyuan!" Xiaoxin called out. By the time they all turn around, the demon had launch another attack to Zheyuan. No one was able to block the attack.

It was like everything was moving in slow motion. The demons claw had aim right for Zheyuan's heart, Xiaoxin and Zhecheng tried to intercept the attack but no one was fast enough. The sky grew darker as the attack happen. Then suddenly there was a bright flash, one that they all saw for the first time with their bare eyes. Everyone's eye was widen as they all held their breath. In between the demon and Zheyuan was a beautiful lady. She stop the demon from coming any closer to Zheyuans heart. Xiaoxin and Zhecheng quickly went to go help Zheyuan off the ground.

They all couldn't believe it, infront of them was a someone strong enough to hold a demon off with just a single hand. The source between the two of them cause the ground under them to cave in.

"You should leave." The lady said to the demon. But the demon repoed in a language they never heard before. All 5 of them was so absorbed in the lady and the demon that they had forgotten a stranger was watching it all.

There was a soft, beautiful whistle amongst all the caious that caught their attention. With that whistle he held his hand out and in seconds, the demon was in his hands.

"Prince!!!" The demon said nervously.

"This is where you've been hiding." The stranger said.

"Spare me."

"You've harm many humans, you will have to pay."

He squeezed his hand and that demon turned into flying dust as some sparks were visible. After that, it was almost as if they thought the same thing but they all turnt around to see if the lady was still behind them.

She was gone.

They all turn around to see the stranger kneel down.

"I'm the oldest prince of the 4 sea, Prince Baijui." The stranger said. "I've been sent to find you three." He continued as he stares at Zhecheng, Zheyuan and Xiaoxin.

"Us?" Xiaoxin answered.

"Yes, I was sent by my father Wanglong."

"I'm sorry. I don't know a 'Wanglong' you got the wrong people." Xiaoxin said as she waved her hand back and forth.

"I have not Miss Xiaoxin. I was told not to ask any question, just that if you or your brother was to decline me all I have to say is that Goddess Changxi sent me."

"She did?" Zhecheng butted in.

"You guys were looking for trustworthy people."

Baijiu was able to convince them that he was sent by their mother to aid them in their journey.

"How is my mom doing? Where is she?" Zheyuan said

"I can't tell you that information until we've successfully take back what was once yours crown princess."

"Crown Princess?" Xiaoxin replied to Baijiu.

"Yes, the goddess and my father said my mission is to aid you three until you reclaim what was yours, then i can return back to my home."

"And where's that?" Zhecheng ask.

"In the 4seas."

The three of them had a confuse expression on their faces as what he had said was very general.

"Wait a minute." Feng Yuan butted in. "Whats going on? Whats all this crown princess and prince of the 4sea thing? Can someone tell me?"

"We-" Xiaoxin was cut off by Baijiu.

"You don't have to know who they are. Thank you for helping them but you guys can go on your way." Baijiu said to Feng Yuan and his friend.

"Wait! I think i deserve to know. I meet them first, they requested my assistance to kill this demon." Feng Yuan raised his voice at Baijiu.

"And did you?" That one sentence from Baijiu made FengYuan yell at the top of his lungs. Baijiu just stood there listening.

"Are you done?" This time, that one sentence made FengYuan storm off while his friend followed after.

There was a long silence between the 4 of us.

"So...Jie, where should we go next? I dont think theres anyone here who is trust worthy."

"I honestly dont know as well."

"If i'd be so bold to suggest that you make acquittance with worriers." Baijiu suggested.

"Worriers?" Zhecheng ask.

"not any worriers but worriers that served your late father, King Zhelan."

"But do you think there'd be some? Its been 15 years since the kingdom fallen."

"Yes but the kingdom was never abandon."

"What are you talking about? My mother always told me that the witches have invaded my kingdom and took control." Xiaoxin said.

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