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Yuwang emerges from behind me. He was expressionless, i couldn't tell what was on his mind. I quickly hid my necklace under my shirt, but each step he took, i held my breath even longer. To make everything scarier, my necklace wouldn't stop shining. It was only when he came close enough, that i remember me to breath.

"Crown Prince." I said as i compose myself again with an tight lip smile. 

He couldn't have heard of my conversation right? I don't think i spoke that loud. I thought to myself to as i tried reason it out in my head. The sound of my heartbeat was loud and fast, I felt like a thief who was just caught, i was nervous.

"Changxi, you have some explaining to do." He said in a rather cold voice.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as if i had nothing to hide.

"I heard it all. Your children, Zheyuan...Baijiu."

Then i thought of something ridiculous, maybe if i told him, i could get his permission to leave for a couple of hours to help them. But suddenly, the thought of my clan, i thought of how much shame it would bring them.

"If you wish not to tell me, its fine, i won't push you on this matter but just know that one day, you and i will be husband and wife, i will know sooner or later."

I thought about it.

"You're right." I told him."One day we both will be wed and share a house, share our darkest secret. We will have children of our own and live in the same house. It will be filled with joy..."

Yuwang's face flash red and a rush of emotion filled him, he was not expecting my answer. 

"But Yuwang..." I added on. "What i am about to tell you now will change your the way you look at me. You can break off this marriage, or you can just kill me, but..." I took a huge breath, i felt my heart racing as i lower my eyes. I begin to fidget with the end of my sleeve as i prepared myself for the verbal attack.

"Yuwang," I called his name again as i let out a sight, "I have three children, Yuwang. They're all human and right now, they need me."

There was a long pause between us. As i still had my eyes lowered, he didn't move a step away nor did he say anything to me. There was just the sound of silence and the sound of my heart racing even faster and louder. After a few more seconds, i thought i should look up to see if he was even listening to me, but as soon as i looked up, i was staring right into his intense stare. I felt my heart stop and the blood rushes up to my face.

"Crown-" I didn't get to finish my words before Yuwang pulled me into his embrace. My face was shoved into his shoulder. Shocked, I stood in his embrace stiff, with both of my arms stretched straight down. I finally heard him let out a sigh as he quietly spoke to me. 

"I thought it was something serious. I got too work up for no reason." 

I was in utter shock, not because he had pulled me into his embrace but because he was okay with me having children. He was actually okay that i had children. I thought that maybe he thought that i found and raised them.

"Yuwang," I said as i pulled myself away a bit. "Yuwang, they are children that i bore, they're my flesh and blood."

"I'll go with you. If they're your flesh and blood, they are mines as well."

"Okay, lets go." I said as we both disappear.

In a blink of an eye, we had already made it to the mortal world. We were standing at the last place my necklace had detected them to be. An dead end. I look around and saw nothing, no one was in sight.

"Where are they?" Yuwang asked.

"I don't know. I-" I said.

Then there was a crunch of a snap tree branch a few feet from behind us. Behind a thick tree was a little girl, dress in rags, approaching us.

"Are you running away from the witches too?" the little girl in rags asked.

Before i could even answer that girl or ask of my children, Yuwang had already dug a sword right into her heart and in that instant, the little girl in rag turn into black and red ashes.

"It looks like you've really lost sense of your powers. We have a war coming up, we have to find a way to resolve this issue."Yuwang said.

As soon as Yuwang finished speaking, he swung his sword around behind him. Behind his was another witch, a different kind of witch, she had long, silk like hair, her vains weren't black like the other witches. Rather she looked more like a human. Yuwang constantly strike the witch before him but the witch did not strike back, she only dodge.

As i watched them fight, the image of the witch kept popping in my head, i kept thinking that i had seen that witch from somewhere before. I charged at the witch as i grab my sword from midair. As i flew past her, we made eye contact and finally i remembered who she was.

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