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"You forgotten who I am." I was a bit angered, she was really rude towards me.

"I remember who you are, I remember clearly, shall I tell you?" Liyu said.

I smirk. She was someone completely different.Liyu took a seat across from me and sip on her tea.

"What are you doing back here. You were gone for two years." Liyu said as she blew on her hot tea. 

"If you want to step on the people who harm your mother, heed my advise."

I caught Liyu's attention. She looked directly at me, set down her tea cup and lean forward hin her chair. I couldn't be more intimidated my her, i look over and took a sip of my tea.

"Do not lose sight of who you really are." I finished. "Let the maids go, the person who poison the king is still out there, and this is not the end of her evil scheme."

"You know who the person is." Liyu asked.

"Of course I don't, but if you do not stop her soon, she will make your life worse. Tomorrow, you'll announce my return. Once the king awakens, make sure you tell him that I came for a visit."

"Why would I do that for you?"

"Because I will be of great use to you."

Liyu smiled and shook her head. 

"You think I'm will do that? You're actually not all so useful, but you can just disappear."

I could not hold my anger anymore as I snap at her. I held my hand out as i grab her throat with my power. I lifted her up out of her seat and into thin air.

"I humble myself to you, I volunteer myself as a pawn to you. A goddess like myself in your command is already a great advantage. " I warned with anger. Liyu's foot was dangling in the air, she held onto her own throat for air.

"I came back. Announce my arrival." I said and I drop her.

She coughed as she held her throat. 

"Where were you when my mother was sent away."

I took a deep sigh.

"I know your mother was accused for murdering someone important even though Zhelan knows well it was not her. What can I do?"

"Don't say it." Liyu warned me.

"Its fate." I said.

Liyu threw a fit about Fate and about how much she hated that so call Fate. I just stood and listen, no matter how much I agree with her, I still could not stop Fate but instead took it in.

"Mother." A voice called from behind.

Liyu looks up as I turn towards the voice.

"Zheyuan." Liyu calls out.

Zheyuan had run to Liyu, blocking her in a protective way.

"What are you doing!" Zheyuan said. He was only 6 years old.

"You've grown to be so handsome." I said and I slowly approach him and pat him on the head.

I look back to Liyu and warned her.

"You've gotten too greedy. If you keep this up, you will lose everything in your life, even the thing that is not yours to begin with."

I said in a soothing voice trying to not hurt her.

"If you keep this up, the good news you have for Zhelan will be bad news."

Liyu was huffing as she tried to calm her anger.

"Wither is good or bad, he will know."

I smiled, trying to not to show my unpleasant feelings. I reach my hand out to Zheyuan.

"Come, let's leave Lady Liyu alone."

Zheyuan looked at me, turning his head back and forth before gently placing his hands in mine.

"Mother?" Zheyuan said in a low voice. I was going to answer as I felt happy and excited inside. But Zheyuan quickly stopped.

"No, no... Lady Liyu said mother had gone traveling." Zheyuan said again under her breath.

I smiled. Crouch down to his eye level and I said;

"I'm back."

Zheyuan eye lite up.

"Is it really you mother?" Zheyuan ask.
I nods my head yes. Zheyuan did not know how to react to the news. Behind him was Lady Liyu, the person who raise them and then there was me, the person who abandoned them. I didn't expect him to jump in joy and hug me, though a bit of me was a bit disappointed.

"Zheyuan, come here." Liyu called out as she cuff his arm.

I stood up and meet eyes with her. Her eyes were filled with anger and that instant, I knew what path she had chosen.

"You decided I see. You keep being greedy then, nothing good will ever happen."


A couple days had pass on earth and there was no news of the kings recovery. I was certain that this wasn't his time, could I have remember wrong? I took whatever I had and begin to write the story, her story.

"This is definitely not his time, but why?"

Was it because of my appearance? Or her greed?

I heard a rumble, the house begin to shake.

"What's going on?" I question.

The ground under my feet were shaking and I couldn't hold myself up as I keep wanting to fall.

Suddenly it stops. I took a look around me and the house was a mess, the wicker baskets were all on the floor. That was about it besides some flip furniture. The house was not well furnish.
I went to pick up the baskets and flip the furniture back. When I turn around to go back to reading, lighting struck the next step I was going to take. Before me was Wanglong and Lord Baiyu.

"What have you done?" Lord Baiyu asked.

"Changxi, you better have a good reason for this." Wanglong said afterwards.

Wanglong was a friend of mines, sometimes I forget that past his role as king of the 4 seas, he is also the the final destination.

"What bring you both here?" I question.

"You had written the fate of a human on earth! If that human saw, she will be lifted to immortality. Without any moral or knowledge, she will be a messy one." Baiyu said.

"Changxi, are you aware that you just broke a rule of the heavens?" Wanglong added on.

"No, I'm not. I have never ever read that rule book." I respond.

"The jade emperor sends you a warning."

"Child, you mustn't act recklessly, the story is just a story, a perfect one. But it can only be perfect if the human has the will power for it. If not, the story could be completely different." Baiyu said as they vanished, leaving a hole in the ceiling.

"Such horrible people....." I said as I begin to absorb what Lord Baiyu said. 

"The story will be different if the person dose not have the will for it.... THAT MUST BE IT!" I thought in my head as I took a big gasp.

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