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My attack compare to his were rather weak. I was shock at how fast he was even as Yuwang and i attacked him. No matter how much i charge at him, even with the help of Yuwang, he was always a step ahead. A black light flicker from within him.It was a beautiful dark piece but whatever it was, I felt that i must get my hands on it, maybe it will show me the way to defeat him. As soon as i was close enough to Zhelan, he would vanish before reappearing behind me. I took one last breath and charge at him, full speed. Strangely, this time, instead of vanishing, he asked me;

"You'd go as far as killing me? The father of your children?"  He dug his sharp claws into my abdomen slowly making his way through the other side. I spat blood as some trickle down my lips and horrific pain surge through my body. I grab onto his arm, the one that puncture through me pulled him in

"If you're going to do it, do it correctly." I utter through my teeth as i tried to with hold the pain.  "Watch, i'll show you." I grab onto the cold black object that had replace his heart. It was ice cold, yet it was beating like a human heart, you can feel the pulse and the blood run through it. I watch as his eyes widen as he suddenly grabs onto my arm as well. I tried to pull my hand away but he pulled me in and whisper in my ears.

"Can you really kill me? You left me for three years, they grew up without a mother."

I knew he was trying to get into my head, indeed in my hand was a beating heart, one that skip a beat when he looks me in the eye, but it wasn't him. I yank my hand from him, holding his heart in my hand. His heart was black but it bled red. At that time, he pulled his hand from me and clasped, fading into black and red sparks.

My life flashed before me as all i could think about, at the moment, was my children. I told them i would help them take back the palace, but here i was, bleeding away.I suddenly saw Yuwangs face flash before me, i thought, if, and if,... if i can make it out alive, i wouldn't hesitate anymore, i would face the consequences, i won't push Yuwang away anymore. 

"Changxi!" I watched as Yuwang drop his sword and came running towards me, calling my name, but his voice and image begin to fade as all i could hear was my own weak breathing and a high pitch ring in my ear. My eyes begin to blink heaver and my eyes blurred. I knew i was dying. I had already lost too much blood, and i had a hole in the middle of my body. No one can save me.

"Changxi, don't close your eye." Yuwang said as he pulls me into his embrace.

"I told them i would be there, to help them reclaim their rightful spot in the world. I told them i would be there."

"Don't say anymore, I'll take you to the Saint, she'll heal you."

I made so many promises, and i really going to die on this battlefield?

The necklace glowed.

(Outside The palace gates)

Xiaoxin and Fengyuan was still stuck outside of the palace gates as they couldn't get through. Xiaoxin had already tried many ways, yet there wasn't one that succeed. Fengyuan yeaned on the barrier and watched Xiaoxin pace back and forth, talking to herself. Finally, as if she had an idea, she reach into her shirt and pulled out the Glass Bead necklace.

"Mother, have you seen Zheyuan and Zhecheng? Are they with you?" Xiaoxin spoke into the necklace. It was Fengyuan's first time seeing such scene, so instantly he thought she was being weird, then he thought of it as a prayer, just like how people pray to the Fox immortal for their lifetime mate. Fengyuan saw her shoulder's slump as there was no response.

"Changxi!" A  faint voice could be heard through the necklace. Fengyuan stood stright as he was fascinated. There was haggard breathing in the background. Xiaoxin recognized the voice in the necklace to be the man that came with her mother.

"Changxi, don't close your eye. Don't say anymore, I'll take you to the Saint, she'll heal you."

Her heart droppe, Xiaoxin had hope that her mind was running wild as she shook her head.

"Mother, whats wrong?" she panicked. Xiaoxin beginning to pounding on the barrier, shouting  'what was wrong' into the necklace. She begin to throw what ever she can get her hands on at the barrier. Nothing worked so she begin to pound on the barrier with her hand while yelling.

"ZheCheng!! ZheYuan!! Let me in!! Baijiu!! Someone!!!"

Seeing Xiaoxin in a panic state, Fengyuan grabs a hold of her and told her to calm down.

"If i was to calm down now, i'd be too late, i might never see my mother or my brothers again." Xiaoxin pushes Fengyuan to the side and begin to pound again. Like before, the barrier hardly left a sing of touch as Xiaoxin continues to pound. As Xiaoxin prepare to slam her head into the barrier, she let out a cry and banged her hand against the barrier one last time. Before her eyes, the barrier cracked.

Xiaoxin let out a sigh in relief and Fengyuan stood in disbelief. Xiaoxin took a step back and the barrier came falling to the ground as it turns to ash.

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