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I knew he would have a hard time understanding me. I had no idea on how to tell him straight up that I was a Goddess. Without warning the Queen Dowager came in, an in a second I went invisible.

"Mother" the king spoke in a soft voice.
"Lan'er, what happen? I heard a palace maid had try to poison my great-grandsons."
"Don't worry, I have everything taken care of already."
Zhelan console the Grand Dowager as he look around the room for me. I took the chance to look at my sons once more before I quietly slip out of the room. I decided to take a stroll around the palace once more for I knew I would never get to do it again.

The sun was setting already, I took the chance to climb to the top of the palace where Zhelan and I would always watch the sunset.

"It's been a year, how have you been doing sun?"

I remember when I first found out I had become pregnant, I was over joyed but I didn't realize that meant my freedom was cut short. I wasn't allow to climb up and down as freely anymore.
The sunset was just as beautiful as I could remember.

"Did you hear? The poisoning act was order by the crown princess."
A maid from below whisper to a fellow maid.
"How could that be?"
"Yeah, she sent the assassin."
"Why would she do something like that?"
"I don't believe it was her thought, what would she gain?"
"She's always so nice. I think it's just rumors."

My blood was boiling. Crown princess Meihua is the future Queen. Everyone thinks she's nice and fair but in reality she's a two face whoring bitch who seeks for attention. I thought it was time to show the people what shes really like.
I had jump from the roof and land behind them silently. My blood was still boiling as I thought of a way to punish the gossiping ladies. Then I thought; I can't use to much of my powers, the heaven will know, I can't injure them badly as well. I can just trip them.
I stood a few feet away from them until it was the right distance. I had flick the air by their knee and sent them both tumbling down. It was even better because what was in their hand was the Queen Dowager favorite tea set, the tea set gifted from her mother. While the maids await their punishment I rush to the Crown princess chamber.

"How could this happen!!?!" It was the Crown princess's voice.

"Princess, I deserve to die!"

The princess pound her fist onto the surface of the table.

"Stupid useless maid! That whore Li concubine, she let her brats enter the world."

"Princess, don't be mad. You don't even know if those brats are even the kings."

Everything could be heard outside her room. And here I am, invisible, watching all the maid act like it was natural to kill people. I was not going to put up with it. I push the door to her room open.All the maids standing guard gasp in horror.

"What do you guys want?" The princess yell in a rude manner.
"It wasn't us." The maids said in union.

The maid that was with the Maihua got up to close the door, I slid right by her. When the maid turn around after closing the door, she fell to her knees.

"Concubine Li..."
I didn't bother hiding myself at that time. I gave a pleasant smile as I greeted the maid.

"Xiaoli, long time no see. I see you found a new owner."

I said as I look at the crown princess who was in my arms. I had a little blade tied onto my finger against her throat.

"Tell me Xiaoli, dose she treat you better then I treat you? Do I threaten your family like her?"

"You scum bag, you're dead. How are you still here?"

"You can't kill someone like me. With a flick of my finger, you'll be dead."

"Concubine Li, you can not act so rashly"

"I'm no longer Concubine Li, shes dead."

Xiaoli's face went pale. she begin to beg for forgiveness.

"Lady Li, forgive me, please. I'll tell you everything you want. Just let me live."

"That's good."

The color on the Crown princess's face drain rapidly.

"What do you think you're doing?" She ask as soon as Xiaoli's mouth made a movement.

"It was her." Xiaoli said as she pointed to Crown princess Meihua. Meihua had stiffen, she couldn't believe she told someone the truth that easily, then she should have knew. She was able to take a servant away from the kings favorite women with just a few conversation and a little help of money.

"She was the one who order the attack on the two young prince. She had gotten the maid from north, i'm not sure where but that's all i know."

I smiled.

"Really." I tilted my head and pulled the blade away from her, pushing her to the maids side. Before Meihua tumble besides Xiaoli, Meihua was able to stable herself. There was tension between their eye exchange.

"Changxi, Changxi." I felt a violent shake. I knew that someone had probably try waking me up in my chamber, though i am in the mortal world, my real body was still in my yellow and pink room. I had to go already.

"What do i do? i Have to go now. Xiaoli, you know what to do, if i come back and you haven't done what you should, i'll make sure you watch everyone you love die, then i will inflict 1000 cuts on you and through you in a tiger den."

I really didn't want to go but i must go before they find out.

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