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Maili launch her attacks on the 5 of them with powerful blows but it seem like there was always a flash of bright light between the siblings and the witch. When Baijiu saw an opening, he sent a arrow through the witches head.

But Maili didn't die, with a hole through her head, she turn around to Baijiu who was laying on the ground, blood running down his lips , and injured.

Eldest son of the the 4seas. Prince Baijiu, would you sacrifice yourself to save these humans? You know already, we witches-

Maili stoped as she saw something in the distance. It was another witch, hand clasp together as she mumbles a prayer. Maili felt a strong burning sensation in her as if she was set on fire.

"What did you do to me?!!" Maili screamed at Baijiu and the other witch. Baijiu got up and wipe his blood away. 

"I didn't do anything. I just sent an arrow through your head." Baijiu said as he struggle to get up.

Maili held herself as she screams in pain.

The sun was already peaking through the horizon as the sky was lite just a bit. Black and red dust was hovering around Maili. As dust hits the ground, a fire begin to spark.

Soon enough, the hole in the middle of Maili's head slowly expanded until Maili disappear with black ashes. Xiaoxin and Zhecheng was still helping Zheyuan.  Baijiu slowly approached the three of them, Fengyuan was just standing, staring at the horrifying scene.

"What did you just do?" Fengyuan asked.

"I killed her." Baijiu replied.

In the distance, every time Fengyuan blank his eyes, a lady got closer and closer to Baijiu. He got scared, pointing to the lady who came closer.

"Baijiu!!! there's another witch that's coming closer."

Relaxed, Baijiu turn to look the witch right in the eye and told Fengyuan to stay calm.

"Shes on our side."

But Fengyuan couldn't let his guard down.

What are you children doing here?

"They're here with me." Baijiu said.

More like you are with them Baijiu.

Baijiu dismissed her and approached Zheyuan.

"Zheyuan, what's wrong?" Xiaoxin asked in a worried voice but he didn't respond. Instead, he waver back in forth in cautious and collapse in Xiaoxin's arms.

We can't do this here, we already cause a disturbance here. I'm sure half of the witches are already on the way here. Follow me, i'll show you to a safe place.

She was right, as soon as they got Zheyuan up,there was crackles and broken twigs and they knew that they were closing in. Without hesitation, they followed Baijiu and the witch.

This way!

Xiaoxin and ZheCheng drag Zheyuan across the forest grounds towards a dead end. Worried covered Xiaoxin's face as she quickly examine her surroundings. Besides the tall wall of a mountain side in front of her there was a small, small puddle besides them. Gently she set Zheyuan down and pulls her sword out.

"I thought you were going to take us somewhere safe?" Xiaoxin asked

In the distance she saw black, fast, shadow approaches the 7 of them and just as fast as they approached, they disappeared

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