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I don't dare to leave them ever again nor do I plan to. But in order for me to stay with them, I must break this engagement.

I stood in the center of the room. To my left was my parents and in front of me was the Jade Emperor. Besides me was Yuwang.

"The both of you standing together makes me feel good inside. What is the matter?" The Jade emperor ask.

I was sweating cold sweat. Seeing the Jade emperor only a few time in my millions of years OF living was perfect. But standing before him, with very very bad news was nerve wrecking.



I was playing with the string on my clothe.

"Father. I come with bad news." Yuwang spoke up.

"Bad news? What sort of bad news."

"I do also." I quickly interjected. I couldn't miss the timing.

"Oh. Is that so." The Jade Emperor said.

I could feel a set of heat ray piercing into the side of my head. I tried my best to ignore it.

"Okay... what is it then? Changxi, why don't you go first?"

I took a deep breath, thinking of all possible outcome and among them, being with my children wasn't an option.

As long as they're with Wanglong, he'll take care of them.


"I want to break this engagement." Yuwang quickly interrupt.

My eyes widen as I was surprised.

"You want to break the engagement?" The Jade Emperor ask.

"Yes.....I never liked her. Plus, I don't think I'm ready to take your place. I get scared to do so."

"You want to break the engagement with me?" I question as well.

The Jade Emperor slam his fist down onto his table, causing everything around us to tremble.

"You dare break this engagement." The emperor roar.

The emperor took a couple of deep breath before he turn away from us.

"Fine, I'll push the wedding back. But this marriage must happen."
In a calming voice the emperor calls me.
"Changxi, you said you also had bad news. Don't tell me you also want to break this engagement."

Bingo. I thought, but I couldn't tell him, my parents were staring and it could hurt my clan.

"No, I just like to request some more time to travel."


At the end, I was to marry him.

"You're not going to thank me?" Yuwang called from behind me.

I turn to face him. We were both leaving the court hall when he called to me.

"Why should I thank you?" I ask him.

"You really don't know?"

"I really don't"

He took a long pause before resume.

"Fine, I won't say anything then."

"Goddess."A tiny voice call to me. I recognize that voice, it was the demon clans crown prince's consort Zhuhua. When I turn around she was standing behind me.

"Consort Zhuhua, what brings you here?"

She gave me a smile.

"The crown prince had agree to help."

I was relive that he agree to help but something didn't seem right. Why was Consort Zhuhua here?

"But why are you both here?"

Her face broke a bit.

"If there's anyway I can help with in this situation, I'll be glad to help."

"Don't tell me."I look at her bulging stomach. She was due soon and to be held hostage in case something goes wrong during the operation was just too much.

Slowly behind her, the crown prince of the demon clan had appeared.

"Changxi." He said in a low voice.

I knew the crown prince long enough to know what he was going to do.

"Whatever you're planing to do with your princess, you need to stop she doesn't deserve to be held hostage because of the witches. Look at her, she's due soon."

"I know, but I can't put my clan at harm." The demon's clan crown prince said with his head lowered.

"you won't regret this?" I asked.


I enter the room again, irritated that Yuwang was entering with me. The Jade emperor pace back and forth.

"What business brings the Demon clan here." The Jade Emperor ask.

"I have come to reports a problem."

"And what is that?" the emperor asked

"The witches had overthrown a kingdom on earth if they aren't stopped I'm afraid things will get out of hand."The crown prince said.

"And your reporting this to me why?"

"The war between the nine heavens and the demon clan had left such a big scar to everyone, I did not take action, scared it might effect everyone."

"I do not understand what you're getting at." The Jade Emperor question.

"Everyone had suffer because of my parents. I, being the offspring of horrible demons, came to report the situation."

"How come I haven't heard anything about this."

"Emperor!! Emperor!!!"

The doors swings open as Lord Baiyu came running in.

"Slow down" the emperor said.

Before he finish gasping for air he spoke;

Baiyu: there's trouble!! The witches had start a war, against humans!!

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