Twenty- Three

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The hair on our back stood as the news was let out. Baiyu went on about how the stories in his book erased in front of his own eye and how the stories he was beginning  to write would not stain. Still bowed a solider came rushing in.

Solider: Report!!!

Emperor: What is it?

Solider: one of our new recruit was found dead with this letter in his hands.

The Jade Emperor step down from his place and personally walk over to read the letter. Outraged, the Jade Emperor threw the report across the room. The report happen to land right in front of the crown princes of the demon clan.

The Crown prince of the Demon clan lean over to pick up the letter but happen to see what the content of the letter was. Very soon, his breath were cutting short as he shook in fear. I took a quick glance at the paper and in red, I saw the word 'War against the Nine heavens signed by the witches leader.

"Emperor, we've cut tie with the witches since my parents death, all the witches are not related to us." The crown prince of the demon clan spoke in a nervous voice.

"That's right" I added on. " If the demon clan had anything to do, they would not be here."

The emperor looked at me.
"You're quick to defend the demon clan Changxi."

"Of course. They're my friends. I've known them for quite sometimes, they're not scared of their parents but of you, for the peace of the world."

"Fine I say that I believe you but what if they turn against me." The Jade Emperor asked Changxi.

"Us demon clan will never go against you. I knew it was gonna be hard for you to believe us so I've brought my wife along with me. You could hold her hostage she is with child if anything goes wrong she will take the blame as well as I."

The Jade Emperor looked at him hard and long and finally after taking a deep breath he said;

"I believe you."

A let out a sigh. I took a sneak peek at the crown prince of the demon clan and smiled.

"I will send out 50,000 soldiers to aid you in taking down the witches." The Jade Emperor said.

Princess consort Zhuhua was pacing back and forth in front of the main hall waiting for her husband to come out. The big doors creep open and before her eye he stood with a smile on his face. He took a big step over the door frame and took even bigger steps to his consort and embraced her. It was his first time he openly shown affection to her in public which shocked her.


"We're fine, We'll be just fine." He spoke softly to her as he kept her in his embrace a little longer.

Seeing them remind me of when Zhelan would do that to me when our problem were resolved. He would hug me tightly then when he let out a sigh he would loosen the grip. Even though it was hard to breath at times, I knew he loves me and was doing everything to protect me.

"I'm so happy for you." I snap out of my dream. I took a couple of step towards them and then she grunts. I stopped.

"Wife." The crown prince of the demon clan was a bit unease. The Crown prince held her shoulders but her and grip his arms tightly, her face scrunch together as she gritted her teeth.

Princess consort Zhuhua held her belly, her face scrunch in pain.

"What's happening?" The crown prince asked. I saw a small puddle forming down by her leg and I quickly rushed over to support her.

"We have to find a place for her. She's going into labor." I responded.

"Labor?" He question. "Not here, not now."

With the commotion, the Jade Emperor came to take a look.

"What's going on?" The emperor ask.

I could see the terror in the crown prince's face. I was almost sure he'd say nothing was wrong so I quickly answered.

"Princess Zhuhua is going into labor."

The Jade emperor looked at the situation before tuning his head to the side and reply;

"There's an empty chamber over in the south part of my palace, take her there. I'll send over the royal doctor."


"Just a little harder!" One of the midwives called out.

"I-... I can't."

It's been a whole day already and there was no sign that the child would come soon. We, the Crown prince of the demon clan and I, were getting worried. All we heard was the painful screams and the words of encouragement from the mid wives.

"I have to go in." The crown prince said. He was worried sick.

"You can't." I stopped him.

"I'm so worried. I just wish I could take her pain and suffering."

"I'll go in." I told him. "I'll go in and help, I'll use some magic to soothe the pain."

"I'll come along."

"You can't, you'll only make her worry."

"I can use my magic as well." He quickly replied with a little hope in his eyes.

"You haven't been given the seal of the Demon Lord yet so your magic wont work on celestial ground. Crown prince, you must not know, Here in the celestial realm, we have an option to give birth or just use magic to bring them into the world. But when a fairy falls in love with a demon, and she drinks the blood of the demon lord to be a demon, they must go through this. Don't worry though, if she passes this trial, in the future, she will be fine.  "

He must have forgotten since he's worried. Before i went in, I ask him:

"I'm going in. Is there anything you want to say to her?"

His face was blank, he was trying to think of what to say to encourage her but he couldn't think. I turn around to enter before I open the door he finally said,

"I just want her to be safe. It's okay if the child dose not make it. She has to be okay."

I nod my head showing that I heard him but his words weren't very encouraging.

I walk in.

Finally, after a few more hours, there was a baby's cry. It was a baby girls. The sky lit up in a wave of gold as a cool breeze came through. All the noises came to a halt. Even I was surprise.

The room was quite, the only noise there was, was the heavy breathing of Zhuhua. One by one the midwives, maid and even the royal doctor left. Besides Zhuhua was the little princess of the demon clan. The only other offspring of the royal family.


"Thank you."

"I wonder, what would the little princess think now that she's an older sister."

Watching her hold her child made me think of mines. I never had the chance to hold my children, i became a bit bitter inside.


"Zhecheng, do you really think that we could find mom if we do this?" Zheyuan ask.

"We're surrounded by a lot of bad people. We have to go save mom."

Zheyuan nodded his head as he spark the two rock together in front of a pile of clothe.

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