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The sky was now a dark blue and the moon was out now. In the distance two black sillouite approached.

"Uhhh..."One of the man said. "Is...Xiaoxin and them here?"

"And you are?"I said with authority in my voice. After what had happen, i became very overprotective.

"I'm Fengyuan. I came here with them."

I stood up straight.

"So you're Fengyuan." i said coolly.

"Do you know me?" he asked.

"I do." I said. "They're not here at the moment, they went out hunting."

"Hunting?" Yuwang and Fengyuan said simulator.

I just shook my head.

"Well, here, my father had ask me to bring some fruit over."

He lean in and handed the fruits to me and walked away. There was oranges, apple, grape and peaches in the basket.

"Excuse me." Fengyuan asked again

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you? So when Xiaoxin ask I can tell."

"Me? I'm her mother."

He was surprise.

"Oh!" He quickly bowed. "I'm sorry, I was rude."

"It's okay, you didn't know." I said and he quickly ran away.

"Mother!"Xiaoxin said as she saw Fengyuan walk away.

"Where are you going?" She ask Fengyuan, but he quickly replied home.

"Mother!!" Xiaoxin continue my way.

"Where's your brothers?"

"They're hunting for rabbits. They said they miss your rabbit stew." In her hands were a few wild chicken.

"Mother, can you make supper?"

"Of course." I responded as I took the chicken from her.

"Mister, come inside. It's gonna get cold out." Xiaoxin said as she welcomed him.

That night I had cooked and clean like a mortal when I could have just use a little magic. I watch my children's eat as we laugh together.

The sun was already peaking in the horizon when the children fell asleep. I kissed them on their forehead as I blessed them with only good fortune.

"They're already adults, why do you still treat them like children?" Yuwang asked.

"Because to me, They're still my little babies." I simply replied. 

"Look at me, I'm already so grown and old yet my mother always kid and kisses me." I said as i  took a sigh. I push back some of Zheyuans hair. "I always hated when my mother did that, I was always embarrassed but now I know." I turn to look at Yuwang. "A mothers love is unconditional, no matter how old you get."

Yuwang gave me a faint smile. "Come, let them sleep."

I followed Yuwang and left the room.

"YingXue." I called to him. He instantly stopped. With his back still facing me, i said;

"Thank you. If you didn't help me I don't know how I would have been right now."

"Like you said, one day we will be husband and wife. IF they are your children, they are also mines."

"Thank you for letting me have one more day with them."

I suddenly felt a heat wave hit me, like my face flush with heat. My heart was fluttering and I quickly went shy. I look down to my hands to avoid him seeing my face.

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