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With such powerful spell came a powerful after affect. A blast of energy shook the whole universe as it reset time. The blast was strong enough to make Yuwang and even Moyuan lost their footing before quickly regaining them. Nuwa was already injured since she was used for the past thousand year, after casting such powerful spell, she threw up a mouthful of blue blood before fainting.

The last of the energy reached the heavens, also causing a racket as it knocked over one of the Heavenly Emperor's scroll of affair. No one dared to asked where this energy came from but they knew very well who could have cast such a powerful spell. It was none other than Nuwa. The heavenly halls were suddenly flooding with advisers, high immortals, God and Goddesses, while all the little immortals stood outside the northern gates, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. While everyone was busy preparing for the return of their long lost Goddess, only Lord Baiyu and Wanglong, grieve the death of Goddess Changxi.

"Who would have known. Changxi lived thousands and thousands of years, ascend to Goddess, just so her life could be sacrifice to mortals. " Wanglong said as he stared out of his window.


"It must be true!" One immortal said."There was rumors that Nuwa had gone in seclusion to recuperate but instead she was really kidnapped."

"Impossible! Nuwa may not be skilled in martial arts but with a single word from her could kill faster then a blink of an eye." Another immortal said

"I heard that she had finally found her lover and ran off with him." someone added on.

"Where did you hear that one form?"The first two immortal asked. But the other immortal just shrug his shoulders. But those three immortal weren't the only ones talking about the gossip, everyone present , immortal at the gate were.

"They're here!!"

Everyone in the crowd sealed their lips as they watch the grand return of Nuwa. In the middle of the army was a large carriage that held Nuwa. Nuwa peeked out the window since there was so much noise just a second before. As she looked out, she realized that there were many immortals outside, staring at her in aw, amazement, admiration and in lust. The low immortals were in amazement, in front of them was the Crown Prince of the Nine Heaven Yuwang following the God of War MoYuan, Demon Lord Wang Fuhan and Nuwa, but no one notice that ChangXi did not return with them.


"Greetings to father" Yuwang said first as Moyuan and the Demon Lord greeted afterward.

"Father, with the help of the Demon Clan and the Demon Lord, we were able to pacify the Witches. Everything went smoothly, there was no problem. During the war thought, we were able to find out that the reason why the Witches were so confident was because the had capture Nuwa, out healer." Yuwang quickly reported.

As soon as Yuwang finished mentioning her name, she came slithering in. Everyone in the room face's lite up at the good news that their goddess Nuwa was saved, unharmed.

"Emperor, I've made you worry. I am incompetent." Nuwa said with her head lowered.

"Nuwa, we're just happy you're back safe and sound." The emperor said while his eye was scanning the room.

"Crown prince, how come i don't see Goddess Changxi. Could she be critically injure? "

They stood silence. Everyone just then realize that Goddess Changxi wasn't present so they looked at one another. The bright faces, again was covered in worry. The Emperor saw that his son's face instantly darken as his eyes threaten to water in front of the dozens of immortals. 

"On the battlefield-" Moyuan was going to speak up but Yuwang spoke out instead. 

"On the battle field, Changxi single handily slay the head witch." Yuwang stopped in his speech as he cleared his throat. Everyone knew how love struck Yuwang became with Changxi since their engagement but only his father, the Emperor knew how love struck he was since the first time he saw her. Yuwang knelt down and bowed as he continue.

"On the battle field with the witches, Changxi.." A tear fell from his eyes as he spoke again. "Changxi took her last breath."

Everyone gasp in shock. The Emperor stood from his chair, more shocked then anyone in the room.


"Your highness, may we come in?" A faint voice was heard in the long hall.

"Your highness, are you awake?" the same voice called to the prince.

"Your hi-" The voice was cut off and soon many foot steps were heard leaving. Confused and relived, he fell back asleep.

"You're still not going to wake up?" A female voice spoke in a soft yet powerful voice.Not fully awake yet, there was a burning sensation running in a single line across his buttocks as pain quickly rushed in. It was only when he open his eyes and saw a long bamboo like stick in his sisters hand. 

"Xiaoxin!!" He came to a realization that the burning sensation was his butt being hit by the bamboo like stick.

"You're still not awake yet, Zheyuan is already outside in the courtyard, practicing his martial arts. Yet you're here sleeping like some lazy pig!"

"Xiaoxin, I've been up all night studying."

"You think i believe you? Last night i heard you visited a brothel." 

Zhecheng was silent at his sisters finding. Among the lecture he was getting, there was a soft glow. On the opposite side of the room, under his layers of cloth on the ground laid a necklace. It wasn't fancy nor was it typical, but it was instead unique. Placed on worn out brown leather cord,  then there was a glass bead, perfectly round reflecting the light like a diamond. The bead was then wrap with thin, yet transparent, teal color glass. But the glass bead gave off a soft, flickering, glow. 

Zhecheng ignore is sister as he got out of bed, slowly walking towards the necklace, then picking it up in his hand. Zhecheng didn't realize when his sister stop and left but he was stuck staring at that necklace. Unable to figure out how or where he got it from, he simply got dress and without thinking why, he casually place the necklace around his neck and left for the court yard.

"Ge, you finally came." Zheyuan said as he wiped away his sweat.

"Mm" Zhecheng answer. Zheyuan sense that something was wrong with his brother.

"Ge, is something bothering you?"

Zhecheng still didn't answer.

"Could it be that the beauty you like at the brothel not there yesterday?"

Even though there was a weird feeling Zhecheng had, he quickly turn his attention to Zheyuan.

"Perhaps, were you the one who told sister about me going out last night?"

Zheyuan grew tense as he quietly and slowly slide away.

"No. Why would you think that?" Zheyuan lied right through his teeth with his jaw tightly shut. But Zheyuan could only give off a light laugh as he slowly walked away.

"Ge, if there isn't anything else, i'll take my leave." Zheyuan said with a bow.

 "Stop right there." Zhecheng called out. Before Zheyuan could stop in his steps, Zhecheng came charging at him with a long bamboo like stick.

A dual broke out as the both block attacks and swing at each other.

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