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"Goddess." The witch said. Yuwang had his sword press against her neck by then.

"Yingqiu." I said in disbelief. "What are you doing? Have you seen my children?"

"Goddess, you have to come with me." YingQiu said as she took a step closer to me.

"Do you know where they are? My children."

"The instant i sense their presence, i knew you come looking for them, follow me." Yingqiu said as she quickly led the way. Yuwang had put his sword away and like me, he followed witch.

While i was following Yingqiu, i thought about what Yuwang had said earlier, had i really lost my powers? I told myself over and over again that it was because i was in the mortal realm for too long and i had stop practicing my magic. But it had been awhile already, are they really not coming back? I quickly push those thought to the back of my head as i continued to follow YingQiu.

The scenery around us had change, YingQiu cast a spell, one that uses ancient magic. YingQiu open a barrier, the barrier was at the dead end me and Yuwang face saw. We were standing in front of a straw house, pacing back and forth outside the house was Xiaoxin and Zhecheng. It felt like a dream, it was like they, like we had never separated, they still looked the same. My necklace that was hidden under my shirt levitated, escaping from under. The necklace had a glow to it, it had a pulse of a heartbeat, one that matches mine. As i took a step closer,i could hear the sound of Xiaoxin and Zhecheng mumbling just as loud as my heart was pumping.

When i got close enough, both their necklace also begin to levitate as their glow match my heartbeat. I watch as they both stop in their step and watch their necklace.

"DO you think mother knows of Zheyuan's situation?" Xiaoxin asked Zhecheng. I was standing close enough behind them that i could hear them through the necklace and in person.

"Xiaoxin....Zhecheng...." I mumble.

Both Zhecheng and Xiaoxin turn and saw me, there wasn't a single word between us when suddenly they both ran my direction.

"Mother!" Xiaoxin said as she ran to me and hug me.

"Mother, where did you go? We've been looking all over the place for you. " Zhecheng said as he also hugged.

"I'm sorry." I said to Xiaoxin as i embrace her.

"Mother, something happen to Zheyaun, come quick!" Xiaoxin said as he and Zhecheng practically dragged me in.

On the bed was Zheyuan, almost colorless and black vain coloring his pale white skin.

"Mother whats going to happen to him? Can you save him?" Xiaoxin asked.

"I tried to get rid of the evil from in him, but i couldn't do much so i place a spell on him to keep the dark energy from spreading further." Yingqiu inform me.

"Okay.." I begin to think, last time this had happen, it was Wanglong that had cured him while i was in a deep slumber. I slump down as i knelt beside Zheyuan who was sick in bed. 


"Yes, Goddess" he respond.

"Get your father for me. He'll know what to do." I said in an almost worried voice.

"By the time he gets here, it'll be too late." Yuwang said. I turn my head at Yuwang, forgetting for a second that he had came with me.

"Yuwang, do you know what to do?" I ask as i got up from my Zheyuan's bed side.

"I do." My chest was filled with hope again. "Yuwang, please, help him."

Xiaoxin and Zhecheng was told to leave the room as well as i. Xiaoxin and ZheCheng sat down on the steps, waiting impatiently, I, on the other hand, pace back and forth outside the straw house.

"Come in" Yuwang called from inside the house. We all raced back in, Yuwang was sitting on the bed side of Zheyuan, wiping away the sweat from Zheyuan.

Finally, after we resolve the situation with Zheyuan, Yuwang and I sat down with YingQiu to figure out what was going on and where this place was.

"Yingqiu, tell me where is this place?" I ask her while sitting next to Yuwang.

"This place is and illusion i had created to help the people of the palace."

"The palace?" Yuwang asked, puzzled.

"Yes, The palace. This is the place where everything had started. The first ever attack, the first event that caused the heavens to take action." YingQiu said.

"If we can find the source of this incident, maybe we can prevent less casualties during the war." Yuwang said.

"Liyu is the main source for the witches, a consort of the royal court. The witches use her to extract the souls from the bodies of the palace maids and attendants as sacrifices. Everyone here is just a soul without a body." Yingqiu answered Yuwangs concern.

I shook my head as i took in the new information.

"Crown Prince, do you think that maybe, since we're here, we could look into the incident more?"

Yuwang dismissed Yingqiu before answering me.

"I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if you know about Nuwa's disappearance. For some reason i think she's link to this."

"I hope not, it will just make things that much more difficult."

There was three knock at the door before it was pulled open. It was Zhecheng.

"Zhecheng." I got up out of my seat.

"Mother..."He responded with a hint of thorn in it.

"I'll excuse myself." Yuwang said and exit the room.

Zhecheng took the seat that Yuwang had sat in and talked with me.

That evening i sat on the porch of the house enjoying the view of the sunset. The vivid orangeish-red sky that fades into a cool dark blue. The cool breeze that just blows through your hair as it whisper in your ears. Slowly someone sat next to me.

"Isn't it just so pretty?" i stated.

"I suppose." He responded.

"I use to sit on top of my roof and watch the sun rise and sun fall. I'd occasionally sit there and think of my life, all the accomplishment, all the things i did that day and all the thing i wanted for my future."

"And what are you thinking of now?"

"Mmm..." I said as i think.

"Changxi...tell me, where do i stand in your heart?"

I looked over to Yuwang who was staring into the distance and smiled.

"For you, i'm willing to take 80 lightening strike, i'm willing to turn the world inside out for you as long as you don't leave me." I continued to stare at him as i realize my feeling for him. I felt young again, and again, i looked back at the beautiful sunset.

"You asked me if i was still thinking of my future, right?" I asked him.

He looked to me before smiling embarrassingly. 

"I am thinking of my future. I'm thinking of forever with you." I said bashfully. I was never one to speak such words but when i said these word, they came out naturally. I turn to Yuwang who was sitting besides me. He was looking at me with soft eyes, eyes of someone watching their lover.

"I guess i made the right decision to trust you." he said."Can you tell me about your heavenly trial? Maybe i can learn a bit about you."

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