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A couple days has pass since the incident. Liyu had push back her ceremony due to my warning. Under my watch she dare not do anything out of line. If she did, she ask me for permission.

"She's a goddess!"

I heard a voice as I was walking past Liyu's  room.

"She's not a goddess, she's a witch."

I instantly knew that voice belong to Liyu.

"Did you know that the last time she came, Dawang was going to wage war with a country bigger and stronger then our own. But with the advice the goddess, Dawang took back his orders."

"That's what she want you guys to think. She's just a witch."


"If I were to bring a monsters into the kingdom and say he was sent from above, would you have believe me?"

He had nothing left to say.

"So are you with me or not?" Liyu ask once more.

"I'm sorry I could not-" his word was cut short. Through the hole on the door I could see a sword covered in blood and a dead men dress in blue.

"Such weakling." Liyu said. But I could see she was shaking.

I did not butt in, instead I walk away.

How could I just walk away and not give him justice? He was killed for standing up for me. I don't deserve to be a goddess. I thought, Maybe this is fate.

I continue to walk away, deep in my thoughts, I realize I came to a empty part of the palace. I look at my surroundings and realize that it was a place Zhelan warned me not to go.

White lotus palace?

The door to the palace was block and seal off.

"Who's there?" A voice called out.

I got scared. I did not respond but stood still. There was also no response aside the question.

"Hello?" I ask softly. Suddenly the door begin to violently shake. I took a couple of steps back.

"Who are you?" The voice asked.

"Are you a witch? I can sense your presence." I told her boldly.

"Another witch?" The voice ask.

I, trusting my guts, push open the door. In front of me was a beautiful witch. She was tall, skinny, had beautiful silk like hair. Her eyes were big and beautiful. It was extraordinary because her eyes were blue.

"You're not a witch." The voice said. "A witch cannot touch the seal on the door."

I saw they way she was dressed and the style of her outfit and bowed.

"With the clothe you're wearing, I assume you're my senior in the palace."

"Yes." She said with a sigh. "It has been hundred and hundreds of year now. My husband was King Guanzhen."

"The very first king." I said in a suprised voice.

"I am the disposed queen, Queen YingQiu. And you are?" she asked as she tilt her head.

"I'm.... i was once Concubine Liyu. I stole soon to be Empress Liyu identity. But I am Goddess Changxi owner of the moon and creater of the stars."

She quickly kneel down.

"Goddess, I beg for forgiveness for not realizing you sooner."Yingqiu said.

I help her up onto her feet. Somehow we just click. It was like we've known each other for so long that naturally we open up to each other.


"I'm so scared." I said. "I, a goddess is scared of the world above. I want to take my sons with me but they're humans."

"So what, they're still your sons."

"I know, but I can't bare to watch them die before I do."

Yingqiu was silence.

"You told me that your son took his last breath in your arms. How did you feel?"

"I... I was a horrible mother who was missing the whole life. Lock in this place, only when he has time he would come visit me. You know, his last words were word of disappointment. He ask me why we couldn't have a normal mother son relationship like everyone else."

"That's what I'm afraid of. What if one day they realize that I'm not human and they get scared of me? What if at that time they no longer regard me as their mother."

"But I sense more then just you thought. I can't tell the difference between another witch or God, but I definitely sense more then just you."

My eyes widen by the news. There's more witches here?

"Why couldn't I sense them like I did to you?" I question

"I don't know. But it's only natural that witches can sense each other."

I became worried. Was there a witch hanging around my sons? How about Liyu? I grab Yingqius hand and practically drag her with me.

We got to Zhecheng and Zheyuan room.

"Do you sense any other witches here?"

"No, not at the moment, but there is a lingering presence here."

"What are you doing?" Liyu called from behind us.

Both Yingqiu and I turn to face Liyu. In an instant I felt a strong presence of a witch. She was a strong one.

"Huohua." Yingqiu spoke.

"Yingqiu, I thought I never see you again. Did this goddess let you free?" Liyu said.

I didn't even get a chance to say a single word when Yingqiu attacks Liyu.

"Wait Yingqiu!!!" I called out, but it was too late. Yingqiu had blast Liyu with a spiritual ball, separating Huohua from Liyu.

Liyu had blood gushing from her mouth as she collapsed.

"Liyu!!" I rush to her side. "Liyu are you okay?" I asked a stupid question.

"Goddess..." she utter a word before she fainted. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain from my chest. There was a small pair of hand hold a handle that was sticking out of my chest. I trace the hand to the arm up to the face.

"Zhecheng..." I felt my blood rush out of my wound when he quickly pull the dagger out of me.

"Goddess!!" Yingqiu quickly cast a spell tying down Zhecheng. I look up and I saw Zheyuans eye glow as well.

"Zheyuan..." I mumble.

"They're no longer who they were. Huohua had planted a seed in them."

"A seed?" I question.

"Yes, a seed of hatred."

I look up to the both of them. I angered them, they must really hate me. Still cupping my wound, Zheyuan lunges at me, grabbing a knife from nowhere striking me in my shoulder.

"Mother, how are you feeling?" Zheyuan asked me. I was speechless as blood gushes from that spot as well.

I trembled. Of all people, I didn't think my own sons would hate me so much. I've disappointed them.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. Yingqiu cast another spell, tying them both together.

"Goddess." Yingqiu called me, holding, and supporting me.

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