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Yuwang decided to return to Zhecheng and Zheyuan to gather the other two glass beads. He had hope that with the two beads, Changxi would revive since it would make up 75 percent of her full soul. Before he had taken off, he turned to look at the Ocean of Obligation one more time, when suddenly a blindingly bright light shined. In the light he saw a silhouette of a women laying on top of what looked a water Lilly.

"There is hope." Yuwang said under his breath as he flew into the light towards the silhouette.

Yuwang picked up the silhouette women and flew out of the light. When Yuwan reached land, he took a look at the women in his arms and almost imminently cried tears of happiness. Changxi was dressed in a white outfit, unconscious, breathing in his arms. He pulled her in closer as he embrace her, making sure she was real and that this wasn't all just a dream. 


Zheyuan was the last one to wake up among the siblings. Some how they were in their room and not in the jail cell anymore.

"Zheyuan, you're awake."Xiaoxin said in a worry voice.

Across the room, Zhecheng was sitting on the sofa with Lady Tanxi by his side.

"Jie, whats happening? Why-" Before Zheyuan could finish his sentence Xiaoxin cut him off.

"I know what i did was wrong, but....I saw something, an item of mines was gone and  i thought you and Zhecheng was behind it. But Zhecheng explain everything to me."

Zheyuan was lost and confused."What are you taking about?"

"I'm talking about that demon with long teeth and red glowing eyes."

Zheyuan's took a sharp inhale as his eyes widen in shock.

"You saw it too?" Zheyuan asked.

"Zheyuan..."Xiaoxin said with a softer voice. "Tell me, what do you remember."

"What do i remember? You mean about that night?" Zheyuan asked.

"No, just in general." 

ZheYuan found the situation at the moment weird. Just moments ago, she was attacked my a stranger who, somehow, enter without the guards knowing, then...
Zheyuan stop in his thoughts, indeed there was another set of memories, ones that felt more real then the ones he had before. He felt heartbreak, he felt pain, happiness, all sort of emotions from memories he felt was his yet not.

Lady Tanxi had already step out of the room by then and Zhecheng was already by their side.

"Is it just me or does it feel like we're missing something?" Zhecheng said.

"Mother! Mother!" Xiao Biao called out as she embraced Xiaoxins legs.

"What are you doing here?" Xiaoxin said calmly. In a short distance, Fengyuan was waking behind.

"Zhecheng, Zheyuan." Fengyuan greeted the two of them with a small bow.

"Mother..."Zhecheng said in a low voice. Suddenly, flashing before their eyes, their memories were as clear as day, in matters of fact, their mother was not Empress Dowager Liyu but...


"Goddess Changxi!!!" Lord Baiyu blurt out as Yuwang sets her down on the spare bed. 

"Lord Baiyu, you must know of a way to wake her up." Yuwang asked Lord Baiyu.

"You were able to find her!" Lord Baiyu asked in excitement.

"You must have a way right? You were the one who said that if i put her lingering soul in the  Ocean of Obligation, she will be revived. She has been out for so long, but her eyes haven't flutter once."

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