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I had jump all the way back to the heavens. I was carious about something. There was the rock of 3incarnation, it belongs to no one and everyone had access to it, but there was a Book of Fate that belong to one person and that person was Lord Baiyu. He was in charge of all the human life's and their story.

I was curious about something so I had come back. It didn't take me long before I got lost. I was the crown princess so no one had stop me from entering the heavens. I heard the Lord Baiyu was a scary person, like a crazy man looking for someone to bite. On top of that, he is an expert at magic.

"Where am I?" I spoke to myself. I look around myself and no one was in sight.

"You're in my part of the palace." A voice called out. I turn to the voice and before me was an elderly men.

"Welcome Crown Princess, what can I do for you."

"You know me?"

"Of course I do. The one and only surviving disciple of the War God, the one who stop end the war between the demon clan and the heavens. The future empress and the only Crown princess, Goddess Changxi."

I'm shocked

"I have a request." I said. The elderly mans face went flat.

"Why?" He question.

"Well... there's a human life I want to know about."

"A human? Which human could have possible have peak your interest?"

"Her name is Zhang Liyu. I just want to know if she's safe."

"Don't worry, She is."

"You know her?"

"Of course."

"How? There is millions and millions of human, how can you just remember one?"

"Did you not take the form of Lady Liyu?"

I held my breath.

"How-" i shouldn't say more. I have to be careful.

"With your help, She will become empress. Without you, she will die soon."

"What about-" I stop myself again.

"About who?"

My sons. What about Zhelan? What will happen to them? Are they going to meet a tragic end or will they live as long lovers, and leave cause old age?

"Nothing. Never mind." I said as I quickly turn away. I stop, I found the person I was looking for but quickly forgot that I was lost. I didn't want to make myself look lost as I walk forward.

I heard him laughing. I had to let my pride go as I walk back to him.

"Uh... Lord Baiyu.... can you point me to the exit, I will be in debt to you."

With a flick of his arm I was outside the heavens, again standing in front of the gates.
Lord Baiyu had sent Changxi away. As soon as she had left, Lord Baiyu vanished back into his hall.

"Liyu...Liyu... could it be...." Lord Baiyu  had search for his Book of Fate.

Lord Baiyu always had a bad habit of losing his things, one of them being the Book of Fate. Underneath his many stacks of paper, all the way in the back, hiding in the shadows the book laid.

Lord Baiyu had open the Book of Fate to the page were Lady Liyu's story was written.

"Lady Liyu... LIYU!!" Baiyu had scream.

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