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I ran away. I was crying like a child, in my arms was Zheyuan and Zhecheng, both lifeless. I was scared. What would happen to them. Would they ever come back to me? Those were the kind of questions that were running through my head.

After the attack, Yingqiu had hit them both with the spiritual ball, separating the evil within them but there was a wrong turn. Because they were so young, it was easier for the evil to consume their spirit. In other word, Yingqiu had killed them.

It was just moments ago when I held their lifeless body in my hand, their pulse was missing, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't bring them to my house, my parents would quickly disown then as their grandchildren. Yuwang couldn't find out either.The only person I could think of was Wanglong. It was like he knew I was coming, he was standing at his gates pacing back and forth.

"Changxi!!" He called to me as I ran to him.

"Wanglong! Help me." I approach him holding my sons in my hand.

He was in shock, with his eyes wide open and mouth ajar, he called for a couple of people to take Zheyuan and Zhecheng inside as he held me.

"Changxi, what happen?"

All it took was that one question. I look at him in the eye and finally felt sore, finally felt the blood gush again. My legs gave up on me as I collapse to the ground. Wanglong grab me and tried to support me.

"Zhecheng... Zheyuan..." I begin to puke blood as I was trying to tell Wanglong what happen and who they were. But to him, they probably sound like gurgle and mumbling. I black out.

I felt a violent shake then being lifted. My eyes open a bit and I saw sparkles that quickly turn black.

I found myself on a bed in a bright room.

"You're awake." A soft voice called to me. I tried to turn and look at her but my neck would not allow it.

"Do not strain yourself. I'm Chunxing, queen of the southern sea."

I didn't say anything. Sometime I forget that Wanglong is married and have many wives. I let out a sigh.

"I may not be good at healing physical wounds but I do have an open heart and ear. If there anything you want to say? Anything you want to get off your chest?" Chunxing ask.

I still did not respond. I didn't know where to start.

"I.." Chunxing started. "I was a fallen star. I didn't want to go back to my Goddess Changxi. Though I never meet her before, she was always nice to all of us."

I tried my hardest to look over to her.

"Why didn't you return?" I question.

"Thousand of years ago, my Goddess had warn us multiple times that if we fly too much, our wings will fall off. I didn't listen to her. That day 300 years ago when I fell, my Goddess did not respond to my call of help. So I thought that she was disappointed in me."

"I am sure she's not disappointed in you. She must have her reasons."

I decided to keep my identity a secret since i was sure she had millions of question for me, but i didn't want to listen.

"I will let you take your rest then. I will excuse myself." As soon as Chunxing got up, my mouth open.

"I've been a human for too long."

Chunxing sat back down and listen to my gibberish.

"It's been thousands and thousands of years. I forget how to use half my magic, forgot how to sense things. I don't want to be a Goddess anymore. I just want to live a hard painful life of a human." I said.

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