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I was brought to the base camp where the War God, the Demon lord, a few generals, strategist, shields and of them all, Yuwang the crown prince of the 9heavens were.

"You've come." Moyuan said.

"Mmm, I'm here." I replied.

Through out the whole entire time while Moyuan spoke I felt uncomfortable. One of them behind that I'm in a room full of faces I don't know and the other reason was that the person across from me was staring at me.
Afterward we were dismissed.

"Changxi, I need to talk with you." That one sentence from Yuwang made everyone hurry out.

"What is it?"

Yuwang had walk to the desk across the room and sat on the desk.

"How was your travel?" He ask.

"It was perfect."

"Perfect? Sounds nice."

I shook my head while a awkward 'mmm' came out.

"SO..I'll take my leave." I said as i turn around.

"If..." he said before i walked out. "If, and i said if you no longer wants to travel, maybe-"

"Crown prince. When i left to travel the second time, i knew either way i'd end up in the back in this world."

"What's wrong with this world?" He question me

"Nothing. There's nothing wrong with this world."

"There has to be."

"Crown prince, if you have any other question regarding my travel, please hold them back until after this war."

I exit the tent.

"Changxi!" A voice called to me.I turn to look and in front of my eyes was Fuhan, the new Demon Lord.

"I'm glad you made it." he said

"I should at least be here if i dragged you into this war."


Zhecheng, Zheyuan and Xiaoxin rushed back home to an empty house.

"Mother!!We're back!!!"

there was no response.


it was silence. The three of them split up to look for their mother but it was all in vain.

"Mother's not here."

Xiaoxin was nervous, her mother couldn't disappear. And then she remembered what their mother told her, about all the stuff she thought was fictional was actually true.So when the night came and the moon was out, Xiaoxin look up to the moon with her hands folded prayed.

"Where ever you are, let us know you are still alive and well."

After that pray, the necklace that her mother gave her lit and all the stars in the sky lit as well.

"Xiaoxin!!Look, our necklace are glowing, does that mean mother misses us?" Zheyuan said.

Xiaoxin took a deep breath and told them, "Zhecheng, Zheyuan, what i'm about to tell you now seems like make believe but you have to believe me."

Xiaoxin slowly told Zhecheng and Zheyuan about their identity.

"So.... you're saying my and Zheyuan are the prince of the fallen kingdom." Zhecheng said in disbelief. Xiaoxin nod her head.

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