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There was only two more days before the war. I had to be present so that means that Xiaoxin has to remember who she really is. That also means that I won't be able to see them again for if I went to the heavens, they will cuff me with marriage once again.

Since Xiaoxin was already remembering the past, I though I tell her. The night passed and before the rooster would wake, I woke Xiaoxin up and took a stroll with her.

"Xiaoxin, last night you seem to remember the past. Is there anything you want to say?"

"No, if mother wishes for me not to know then I will not ask."

"I will tell you everything." I said after I took a deep sigh. "You are no ordinary lady, you are the princess of the fallen kingdom. Princess Xiaoxin. Do you remember that?"

Her eyes were widen in shock.

"Then... Zhecheng and Zheyuan are also royal."

I nodded my head.

"But they're born from you and I'm not. Its either I'm not a princess or they both aren't."

"Neither." I told her. "Your mother is Consort Liyu."

"And you...." she ask.

"Me.." I respond. " I'm...I'm consort Li.  You're mother was wed into the royal family after me."

"So then everything i'm thinking of now it true. You're a goddess that yield power and that guy is the king of the 4 seas."

"Yes. And that palace that was rumor to be hunted, the one you always wanted to explore is your home."

"No way." She said in a quite, disbelieve voice.

"Xiaoxin, in 2 a year, you and your brothers will attack that kingdom. The heavens will be on your side. No matter how scary it is, you must stay there. it will be a war of 5 years or shorter but there you must tell the world who you are and reclaim the throne. Only then can your world be set on the right path again."

"And you?"

"I will watch you from above. Remember, I'm Changxi, owner of the moon and the one who create the stars. I will watch over you all."

"But mother, it sounds like you're leaving for good."

She came to a halt in our walk as i kept walking. i quickly wipe the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"What do you mean I'm leaving? I just wanted you to know before its too late. I was just afraid that you'd hate me afterward."


Zhecheng heard the front door creak open, waking up to a cold morningbreeze, he wrap himself in his blanket and walk towards the door. With his half awoken self he saw a man dress in a royal blue and green outfit stand at the door.

"Who is it?" Zhecheng ask as rub his eyes.

"Where is Changxi?"

"I'm sorry, there's no one in this household by the name of Changxi."

"I meant your mother."

Zhecheng was now awake. "Why are you looking for my mother this early?" Zhecheng asked.

"Why can't i? It's not like your mother and i have something going on."

Zhecheng felt mad. He thought of himself so highly that it angered him. He threw his blanket off of him and grab his sword that he had left on the table the night before and drew it.

"Just because you're someone with status doesn't mean you can come into this house when you please and talk. You should get out of this house or else i will attack."

Wanglong chuckled and spoke again.

"This is what your mother must have saw when you decided to stab her in the chest."

Zhechengs eyes widen.

"I would never do that to my mother."

Zhecheng didn't realize it but he raised his voice loud enough to the point Zheyuan woke up alarmed.

"But you did."


I felt a disturbance. There was a huge wave that came by, of course only i felt. I turnt to face the direction the source came from.

"Mother, whats wrong?"

"We need to go back."


"Now." I grab onto Xiaoxin's hand and in a blink of an eye, we were home. I saw Xiaoxin's eye widen and cupping her mouth. In front of us was Zhecheng and Zheyuan sword fighting with WangLong.

"STOP!" I commanded. And as i did, they stopped.

"Wow, Changxi, you've train them well, better then what i would have. I almost didn't beat them." Wanglong spoke.

"Mother, i know you said that we have to respect him, but i don't think i can. He's just to rude." Zhecheng quickly spoke as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'll scold you guys later, What brings you back here?" I directed my question to Wanglong.

"I came to grant you a favor. But, it has to be within my power."

"Of course." i spoke back.

I sent all the of them on duties as i spoke to Wanglong.

"What is your favor?" He was straight forward.

"I will come with you wither you come back or not, after all i was the one who convince the demon clan to help us with this war. The favor is simple. During the war i told Xiaoxin that she has to find a group of trustworthy men and attack the palace with us. Though this is all invisible to the human eyes there is bound to be evil all over. She is to reclaim her throne and become Empress. I ruin everything that was hers."

"And your sons?"

"They of course is going to stay here with their sister. They can't leave her alone."

" they're demiGods, we can't allow them to have those powers."

"They have no powers." I intruded. "If they did, they'd beat you in sword fight. Look don't worry about them, I'll take care of them. All you need to do is make sure that one of those trustworthy person in the group is one of your skilled swordsman. Once he finishes his duty he may return back to you."

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