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"Goddess, forgive me if I offended you." Liyu said as her voice tremble.

"It's okay. You did not know so I won't take it to heart."

The rest of the ride went in silence. I realize that Liyu had now become scared of me. My sons love Liyu more then me which was what I had expected.
I was resting in my chamber a couple week after since that incident when the kings eunuch came to get me.

"Concubine Li, the king calls for you."

What dose he want now?

"I'm coming." I called out.

I had no personal maid, thought one would be helpful, I requested none. I made my way to the kings chamber when I was stooped by the kings eunuch.

"I'm sorry concubine Li, the king had actually went to the meeting room."
I sigh annoyingly.
"Why can't he just stay in one place."
I turn back around.
The door was crack open. Within the hall, my sons were playing and screaming. I approach the door and gave three loud knock.

"Enter" Zhelan calls out.

I enter the room and it was filled with a lot of people. It was the King himself, his other 4 concubine and the only other child, princess Heran, their personal maid and then my sons.

"Your highness, you called for me?" I ask.

"Sit.." he motion towards the empty seat next to a few of his concubine. I walk to that empty seat where I took my seat. A maid from my side had pour tea into a jade cup, it was still hot as stream rises from it.

"Drink." He asked as he stared at me.
I didn't drink, instead I lean back in my chair and ask,
"What is it you want my king. Everyone's here, why beat around the bush."

The king was a bit nerved when I ask.
"There's someone i like you guys to meet." The king stood from his seat and extended his hand.

From behind, Liyu appeared. I was happy, he finally did something I liked but a part of me begin to hurt.

"Many of you guys know her as San. But I had chosen another name for her. Liyu, Zhang Liyu. You all will now address her as Concubine Liyu."

Liyu shrunk in fear as all the other Concubine glare at her, sending her the death look.

"She will be given the title of first rank." The king added on. "Anyone dears to bully her, will face me."

"Your highness, that is not how it's done. There is rules you must follow." One of the concubine called out with grace.

"Has anything that happen in my harem ever follow the rules though?"

"My king, concubine Jin is right. You cannot rank her first. She is a maid. If the kingdom knew, they'd laugh at us. Not only us but you as well."


"You highness, we must examine her. She could be a spy sent from another country."

The many concubine that were against each other had ally together, not letting the king speak.

"You only name Concubine Li first rank after she gave you sons."

"How dare you?" I slam my hand onto the table, knocking down the cup of hot tea onto my hand. 

"I'm very patient with things like this but you guys had gone too far." I talk with as much grace as I could gather.

"Jiejie, aren't you mad? How could the king do this to you." Concubine Jin had tried to add fuel to the fire. I got up from my seat and slowly walk over to the center where Cheng'er and Yuan'er was and had them escorted out of the room before I continue.

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