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Yuwang: And who are you?

"Me? I'm none of your business but my mom should not have to ask you for permission."

"Do you know who I am? You know what, nevermind, you're just a child. Just an ill manner child."

"Hey, you're an adult. Why are you so mad and sensitive about things."

"Just a small child, move out of my way."

I heard Zheyuan scream but I thought it was just one of his sword fighting scream he always have with Zhecheng. I ignored him since I was helping Xiaoxin.


I took Xiaoxin and the boys to the market where I bought them new clothing and toys, a lot of it to clear.

Earlier that day I had bid my family goodbye, which disappointed them greatly. I also pack a few of my clothing as well. I wasn't coming back. I made this decision when I woke up and saw Xiaoxin. Yesterday and today, she's two completely different people. Thought she's in heaven, she still grows as if she was on earth, she was now a year older, a bit taller, and definitely mature though her mind was still young.

"Xiaoxin, you mustn't be mad at me okay? I will train you and your brother in martial arts. It's going to be strict training okay?" I told Xiaoxin.

"Goddess, but I am a lady, above all a princess. I am to be elegant and gentle." She replied.

"At the moment, you are not a princess. Your kingdom was attack and you are the only surviving member along with Zheyuan and Zhecheng, you cannot let them win."

Xiaoxin look scared. She had to be scared, so many things had happen to her and I'm forcing her to ignore everything she was taught.


(In the 9 heaven)

"Father, i was foolish."

"I know you were. What happen?"

"Father, i truly still love Changxi, i am just selfish. I am the next emperor but i wish for ones heart."

"What has gotten into you?"

"I, one day, snuck to take a peak at my life time partner, to see what kind of person she was. I always head stories of how well and how pretty this cold heart women was, but as soon as i laid my eyes on her, i knew i had to have her heart. It wasn't her looks or her skills but rather her smile. Father, do you also think i am silly for trying to wins one heart?"

"To win ones heart, you must understand ones mind. You broke this engagement to understand her."

"I want to marry her when shes willing to, i don't want to force her into a marriage she doesn't want."

The jade emperor took a big sigh.

"I will wait patiently, but i will not wait forever for this marriage to happen."

"Thank you father."


Years had already pass since we left the heavens. The children were growing bigger year by year.

"Mother!!!" Zhecheng called to me from afar.

In his hand, he had a few bunnies and a few fish as well.

"Oh, Zhecheng, you're back!"

Zhecheng drop the bunnies down onto the table a quickly huged me.

"I've been gone for too long right?"

"Of course you have. I missed you." I hugged him back. "But, wheres Xiaoxin and Zheyuan?"

Zhecheng pointed towards the entrance of the woods and then they appeared. In the distance i could heard them say;

"Hurry, mom's waiting."

Xiaoxin looks and me and we made eye contact, her bright eyes stared right at me. It made me remember the day she had called me mother for the first time.

(flash back)


That night Zhecheng and Zheyuan had fallen asleep early due to practice. I was in the middle of making supper when Xiaoxin called me.

"Yes dear."


I turn to her as i look her in the eye.

"I just..." she hesitated

"It's well do you know my mom?"

"Your mother?" I smiled and sat across from her.

"Your mother was a nice and wonderful person. She was selfless and put others before herself."

"How dose she look like?" She ask. I was token aback slightly.

"I know, it hasn't been long since i saw her but i can't seem to remember how she look like."  I saw tears forming in her eyes, at that point and realize how much she must miss her mother.

"I don't even remember the voice of my mother." She added on

"There's still me isn't there? " I reach out to her and slowly patted her cold hands.

"I waited patiently for you to open up to me, i'll keep waiting for you until my death bed if i have to. I know i just pop into your life and is already expecting a lot of you.  I could never replace your mother, i owe her a huge debt, but she just kept giving and giving and then she gave me you."

I could see she was trying to hold back her tears and her cry as she cup her eyes.

"Its okay to cry when you miss someone." I got up and went to sit next to her, i open my arms out and hugged her as she let out the cry she held back. My heart races as it tore to pieces, i had tears in my eyes as i tried to appear as a strong person to her.

It was the next day that she called me mother, we came across a beauty shop where many accessories laid. I, still learning about Xiaoxin, didn't know what she liked.

"Mother!!Buy me this!!"Zheyuan called to me.

"Mother.." A voice called out to me, it wasn't so confident nor loud but i knew it was my Xiaoxin. I turn to her who stood at the shop stall with an accessory in her hand.

"Mother, i want this..."

I took a deep breath as tears swell my eyes and memories float in the air. She was already a grown lady, with a silk bag in her hand she came running to me with Zheyuan following shortly behind.

"Sister wait up!!"

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