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Zhecheng and Zheyuan came running. They had heard everything from within their bead necklace. Trapped, Baijiu decided to drop the barrier ans fight the witches head on. Zhecheng and Zheyuan had tried to escape to find their mothers plenty of times already but the witches continued to attack. The witches attacked in waves, hardly giving them any breathing time.Zheyuan who was hardly keeping up let out his loud war cry and swung toward a witch the had tried to attack him. Before the sword could even get close, all the witches vanished without a trace. 

"Go! Go find your mother." Yihuai yelled.

Zhecheng and Zheyuan ran toward the main battlefield, hoping to take a last glimpse of their mother. They ran fast, sweat was running down their face, but it was all in vain. The only thing left of their mother was just the sparkles dancing in the air, slowly floating up, and vanishing. Fengyuan squat down besides Xiaoxin  who was on the ground, sobbing right under where the sparkles floated.

"jie jie, wheres mother?" Zheyuan asked as he didn't want to believe. 

Tears endlessly fell from her eyes, as Fengyuan responded with a head shake. The brothers couldn't even take a step closer since their heart wouldn't allow them. They thought that their mother couldn't possibly have died, she's a goddess! Their sister's cry came to a halt as she turns to look at NuWa.

"Nuwa, you said you could save my mother."

NuWa thought of the moment Xiaoxin and Fengyuan had saved her. She was held captive by the witches for over a thousand year. They extracted her powers, used it to harm those she had loved, she was in great pain. She was held captive in a small, pitch black room with only a ray of light shining directly above her, with hardly any water, she was desperate to make such a promise. The moment the barrier broke, she knew she was going to finally be save, she was finally going to escape that hellish place.

The room was dark with a single beam of light shining right above the beautiful lady. Chained, her long hair dragged along the ground, her lips were still a rose red color as scales outline her face down to he neck. She was stunningly beautiful. Xiaoxin and Fengyuan aimlessly ran around the palace in search for her brothers or mother. Instead, they had wander into the inner court where Xiaoxin begin to have flash backs. She would see her mother, Lady Liyu, running around chasing the child version of her. It was so vivid, she had forgotten Fengyuan was besides her, she forgotten her objective.

"Its merely an illusion."  a voice echo through the halls. The voice sound like is was right there with them yet it sound like is was only an echo. It sounded like thousands of people speaking in union yet it was only one voice.

Xiaoxin felt a sudden heat wave flush through her body as she blink. Once she had open her eyes, she was somewhere else.

"You came to visit me." The lady in the dark room said. "I've waited along time for you." She said as this time, she lifted her face, revealing an enchanting ocean green set of eye. Xiaoxin's eye widen in shock since she had never seen green eyes before, as she took a step closer, Fengyuan came huffing in with a sweat rolling donn his forhead.

"I finally caught up to you." Fengyuan said before stepping back out the door to what he then saw. In the dark room was a beautiful, heavenly lady chain up, but never in his life had he seen such a stunning demon.

"You have a tail." Xiaoxin stated as she stared right at her.

Fengyuan on the other hand had pulled out his sword, ready to attack.

"Xiaoxin, i maybe a demon slayer but I've never seen such a demon. I'll attack this demon, you go find your mother."

"Fengyuan, you made it." Nuwa said as she looks across the room to him. "Do not be afraid, I am Nuwa, the creator of mankind. If you set me free, I will surely repay you."

"If i set you free, will you repay the favor to me instead?" Xiaoxin asked before she quickly undo her chains.


Nuwa watch as Xiaoxin glared at her in anger.

"You didn't keep your word!"

Zhecheng and Zheyuan hadn't notice the half snake lady before. Nuwa came slithering towards Xiaoxin as her ocean green eyes turns into a sapphire blue. The two brothers couldn't helo but stand guard couldn't help but stay alert.

"You said you can save her." Xiaoxin said in a soft rigged voice. Gradually her voice grew louder showing a hint of anger. Again she repeated herself.

"You said you can save her. Why haven't you moved?"

Nuwa had slither in closer, her voice was present yet it wasn't, she sounded like a thousand of people speaking in union yet it was only one voice.

"I told you. i'd save your mother, but she is not your mother. Your mother lays within the ground of this battlefield."

Nuwa raised her hand and from the ground came a women, dress in royalty, with long unkempt hair. Her eyes were shut tight, her skin was a pale, winter white with black veins all over her body.. Zhecheng and Zheyuan recognize the lady to be Lady Liyu, Xiaoxin's birth mother, but Xiaoxin was not pleased.

"You!" Xiaoxin quickly stood up in anger while pointing her finger at Nuwa.

"How dare you!" Yuwang yelled at her but Nuwa stopped him.

"Child, I know exactly what you meant, its just that your mother is no ordinary person. She is Changxi, the owner of the moon and creator of the stars. She long existed before me, even i have to bow to her. I know right now you probably hate me for going against my own words but i did say your mother."

Nuwa sighed at the scene as she shook her head in bitterness. 

"You children have seen too much, come, i will return you to where you all belong."

The three children's' eyebrow wrinkled in confusion.

Yuwang and Moyuan nod their head in agreement. Although it was the right thing to do, Yuwang couldn't help but worry for the childrens on Changxi's behalf, all she had ever wanted was to keep her kids safe. Now that Nuwa was resetting their time, Yuwang's heart broke for Changxi, her childrens will no longer remember her, the moon and stars no longer have a leader. Yuwang, no longer had his lover.  Nuwa begin whisper some words under her breath, before saying them out loud;

"In the beginning, i created men and women, to live in harmony, to be prosperous and healthy. Now for the sake of my children, I set an example, turning back time and setting things right. Through all the troubles and hardship of a heartbreak, i will heal you and send you back to where you are to be. Let all of the memories fade away and store them with ones that should be."

The four of them felt their heart beat slowed, their tense shoulder loosen and their breathing became one. They felt their eyelid get heaver, as if they were getting hypnotized. They tried to shake it off, the drowsiness but their surrounding became to fill with a white light, then a strong wave of energy blast through the whole universe, shaking it, lasting only a few seconds. 

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