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"Emperor, Nuwa has been missing for a long time now, this is unlike her."

"3,000 years ago, in Changxi stead, she became our shield, and still fought. I believe she is still secluded and meditating."

"My emperor, it has been 3,000 years. Nuwa isn't just and ordinary Goddess, she is the creator of human kind. She lives off of their liveliness and energy. How could she just disappear?" A courts men said.

"Right, if we don't know where she is, at least her followers will know, but no one knows." Another spoke.

"One of her followers said since the war, no one have seen her. I'm afraid..."

"Quite!" The Emperor said.

"Even if she meet her end, I will send out my men's to bring back her body. I will revive her." The emperor spoke.

"Mother, I caught a few bunnies and chicken here. I've been craving your rabbit stew for a couple of days now, can you make some?"

"Of course." I replied to Zhecheng.

"That's great!!! Me and Zheyuan will go tend to the animals. Xiaoxin, you can help clean the chicken den!!"

"Hey!!!!" Xiaoxin yelled at the both of them as they ran towards the animals.

"Mom, look at them." Xiaoxin said with a pout.

"It's okay, I've already clean the chicken den this morning." I replied. Her eyes brighten at my news to her. "You can just go help your brothers." Instantly Xiaoxin ran their direction as fast as she could and on the way she picked up a stick as well.

"Just you guys wait!!!" She yells to them. I shook my head and with the bunnies, I began to cook.

The night already grew and the moon became more vivid. The sound of the stew boiling and the light shuffle of footsteps slowly approached.

"You guys are back." I spoke in a soft voice. "The stew is just about finish, sit." I spoke without turning around.

"Changxi" a voice spoke out to me.

I turn around and found Wanglong starting at me, still dress in that Bluish-green outfit.

"It's been awhile. How have you been?" He asked as he sets his sword onto the dinner table.

"What brings you here?"

"You forgotten that there is still a war going on. You ran from it."

"I did not run from a war if it had not started."

"You've been gone for 14 days."

"I've been gone for 14 years. I still have another 5 year to prepare for this battle."

"Mother!" Xiaoxin called out to me. Zheyuan and Zhecheng stood behind Xiaoxin with their sword drawn.

I turn get the stew off the stove before it's flavor disappear.

"Put that away. He's a guest." I said.

"I haven't seen your children in a while, you guys grew a lot."

"Do you know us?" Zheyuan spoke.

"Maybe for a couple of days. But I do remember o e thing clearly, you burnt apart of my house down."

"Mom, who is this rude jerk?" Zheyuan asked.

"Silence." I told him. "He is someone in a much higher status, no matter how rude he is, you must respect him."

"Yes mother." The three of them said in union. I sat them all down at the table where I fed them and sent them to sleep.

"What brings you to me or better yet, how did you find me?" I question Wanglong.

"You were the one who told me." He simply reply. "You've been gone for awhile now, the war is right around the corner."

"I still have 5 days."

"That the thing, the witches have found a new source of energy, we have to act fast."

"How fast are they moving this war?"

"In two days. The demon clan await our command."

"You know, once you go back, you won't be able to return. "

"I know, that's why I have a favorite to ask of you."

"Favorite. I think I've done enough."

"Then I will come when I want."

"You've lived 14 human years, but you're still as selfish as ever."

"When you thought it through then come find me."

I wave my hand at him and sent him away.

"Mother" Xiaoxin spoke as soon as he left.

I turn around to see Xiaoxins eye wide open.

"Mother, did you just use magic? That guy just disappear in thin air."

"Xiaoxin, you're suppose to be in bed."

"Mother, all those time I saw you when I was younger are all true right? We're not from this world are we." She frantically spoke.

"Xiaoxin." I stoped her. "Xiaoxin, you're too tired. You should sleep."

"It's him isn't it." She caught me attention. "The guy when I was small and you let me take a bath. It's the same guy. I remember him."

"You remember." I question her.

"Mother you've always told me about the time where I nearly drown in a bathtub and how scared you were because I was still young. It was at his house that I nearly drown in. Right?" She was puzzled yet surprised at her own memories. 

"Changxi..." Xiaoxin called my name as if she was slowly remembering the past. They were such happy children's I was afraid that once she remembers, she'll view everything differently.

"Xiaoxin, no matter what you remember, please remember that everything i did was for the best but because of circumstances thing we're view differently. Don't lose hope, I'm still here with you. I'm still the same old mom."

"Of course." Xiaoxin replied.

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