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"I escape with the blind man but I trip and spring my ankle. I tried to keep up but I couldn't. This is the area I lost them at." She explain.

"How long have you been out here?"

"I don't know. Years?"

"How did you manage to survive out here? I heard that witches have roamed this place in looks for you guys."

"THEY WERE WITCHES?" She raised her voice as she tremble in fear.

"You didn't know? There's witches out here." Zheyuan asked. But she quickly shook her head in response.

"No. But every night when the moon shines, there's these black figure with bright red glowing eyes pass through these forest."

"And they don't see you?" Zheyuan asked. But just like earlier, she shook her head.  Feeling pity towards her, Xiaoxin gave her a new pair of cloth and a pair of shoe and told her to go along with them until they found a place for her to settle.

"Besides." Xiaoxin asked the lady. "How old are you and what's your name?"

"My name is ugly, just call me what you like."

"No. We all are given names, i'm Xiaoxin, if anyone called me otherwise, I wouldn't answer."

"In that case... I'm Maili."

"Maili. That's unique." Xiaoxin said before she turns away.

There was a rustle in the distance and a sudden call which startled all for of them. "YOU THREE!" All of them turn that direction seeing some familiar faces.

"What are you guys doing here?" The familiar face said. Suddenly Maili started to shake.

"What's wrong?" Zheyuan said. But Maili just shrug it off.

"Baijiu!" Xiaoxin said as she waved her hand, excitedly. "Where have you been? I thought that maybe you ran away for good." Baijiu paid his respect as he looks up and sent laser beams towards Maili. Xiaoxin caught the look and patted Baijiu on the shoulder, telling him he need to relax.

"Don't worry, she's of no harm."

Behind Baijiu was another similar face.

"I'm sure you forgot my name." Xiaoxin smiled at him.

"Of course I didn't." Xiaoxin lied through her teeth trying to recall his name.

"FengYuan!" Zhecheng called out as he held his hand in the air.

"I knew that." Xiaoxin said nervously, but Xiaoxin couldn't keep her eyes off of Baijiu as he kept the glare on Maili.

The night came and the fireflies glow. A  small fire was kept lite to keep warm as the night grew colder. All of them had stayed close to the fire while starting small conversations to stay awake.

"So Maili, what did you do to keep the witches from spotting you?"

"I don't know. When one comes by, I just freeze."

They shook their head and silence flew in the air. There would be a rustle here and there, all their weapons were in their hand and they were ready to attack but it was usually cause by an animal.

"You guys." Fengyuan said as he held his sword infront of him. "How could we fend off all the witches? When we tried to fight off the demon last time, we hardly survive." Fengyuan talked then switch his gaze to Baijiu. "If he hadn't shown up. Who knew what would have happen."

"Don't worry." Baijiu said. "Witches are a whole lot weaker then demons."

"You act like you've fought a witch before." Fengyuan said.

"I haven't but i know that for a fact. All the monsters should bow at my feet."

"What are you? The king of the world?"

Suddenly the air around them turn cold, ice cold. Slowly they all stood up, naturally back to back as they look at their surrounding.

"I'm not the only one that felt that right?" Fengyuan spoke.

"Shhh!!" Zheyuan harshly hushed him.

In the distance two firefly hovered side by side lighting simultaneously. It was like they knew, as there was no other fireflies flying.

The fireflies got closer and they felt as if they were in danger, Zheyuan swings his sword at the two fireflies, killing one of the two. Again in the distance two more fireflies flew their direction.

Little humans... come, let me show you the way. A chilling voice called to them as the fireflies glowed, not flickering once since. Come....

"What is that?" Maili ask. "This is my first time hearing these voices."

The fireflies that glow white turned red as a black figure starts to form. Around them, the fireflies that were invisible turn red and like the first one, a black figure formed around it. In minutes, they were surrounded by witches, dozen of them.

"I don't think this is good. We should run." Zheyuan said.

"Yeah let's go." Zhecheng added on.

"But how? We're surrounded." Xiaoxin added on.

"I could distract them, your highnesses. Make a run for it." Baijiu said.

"Your highnesses?" Fengyuan raised his voice a bit in surprise.

"No. I'm not going to leave you behind." Xiaoxin replied to Baijiu.

"No. It's your safety first." Baijiu said.

"No! You approach us first and offer us a helping hand. We won't leave." Xiaoxin said with her sword held tightly in her hand.

"Have you forgotten who I am?" Baijiu ask the three siblings.

Well, well, well. If it isn't Long Baijiu. What is a sea creature doing on land? Don't you know that if you stay out too long, you'll die?

The voice echoed, bouncing off the trees. Being surrounded by witches, they didn't know who was speaking. The black figures all turn into ladies, beautiful ladies dress in fine silk.

There was a grunt and all the witches disappeared. A big flash appear in the dark woods, and if there was a military base around, they'd probably think it was some sort of explosion and march their way to the location.

Zheyuan was on the ground while Maili planted a kiss on his lips, then a strong force push her off of him. It was that beautiful lady from the beach, still dress the same, she had a sword in her hands as well.

"What are you doing?" Xiaoxin ask.

"What are you doing?" Maili mocked Xiaoxin in a high pitch voice. "To bad you guys so gullible, I was able to do what I needed to."

"Do you know who he is?" The lady infront of Zheyuan said in a different language.

"Of course I do, Changxi's disciple." Maili respond back in the language. "They are none other then Changxi's brats she found on the street."

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