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White rain begin to fall from the sky, trending slowly until it falls onto earth, melting away. The once colorful palace turn cold, nothing was the same, even for me.

"Mother, don't worry, me and Zheyuan is old enough to take care of ourself." Zhecheng said. I put on a smile and crouch down to his eye level.

"I know, I'm not worry."

"Now that you're back, we will be happy. Even though father is no longer by our side, I believe he will watch over all of us."

I pat Zhecheng on the head as I smile.

"You sound like an elderly speaking like that."

Though Zhecheng was speaking in such manner, he was still dress in white. It was only the second day since Zhelan had left the nation and leaving the throne to the twins.

"Did you hear?" A maids had whisper amongst themselves.

"Hear what?" Another maid ask.

"That King Zhelan had pass his throne onto his sons."

"What was His Highness thinking? The Princes are still young so they are playful, but all of my life, there is always a bloodbath for the throne. I can't imagine it between them."

"Right. I've been in the palace for so long, they are always the one to brighten up the mood. Not just for Liyu and his highness but also for us."

"Right. Oh and did you see? Lady Liyu was already looking at dresses to wear for her ceremony."

"Really? But his highness hasn't been gone for a week yet and she's already thinking ahead?"

"Shhh, don't speak so loud. Someone will hear us." One of the two maid concluded as she look around.

Liyu is already looking at dresses? I have to see for myself.

I stood outside of her chamber as her windows and door were wide open. I was angered.

(Heavy breathing and loud moans)

Liyu, future empress of this nation, two days after Zhelans death, she was already sleeping with another men. Her bare chest was visible from the window as she was not trying to hide. I stood in the snow that was now falling more heavily.


Liyu was laying in the arm of her bodyguard, naked, circling her finger on his chest.

Liyu: I always wanted to do this.
Liyu whisper to him in his ear. Liyu got up and kiss him on his lips as they were getting it on again.

Guard: Wait.

He said

"You have to go to the funeral again. If you don't, they might come and find you."

"What you said is right. I'll see you again tonight."

"You will not be seeing him tonight." I said as I barge in. The scene in front of me was quite a sight. I tried my best to keep my composure with the scene. Liyu's face flush red with anger while the bodyguard was shocked. In a flash 3 blade came flying towards me. Before it could even reach me I had them turned around and sent them flying back.

The bodyguard gasp. In front of him was his three blade, floating in midair.

"Changxi, what are you doing?" Liyu yelled. "Step down!" She demanded.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I question her.

"You were there when that dumb king died. I am to be made Empress." Liyu answered. "No one in this whole world would be able to look down on me now."
As Liyu spoke, her hand slowly reach for a string under neath her pillow. Liyu pulled the string and behind me a cupboard swing open and arrows here shot towards me. Again before they hit me, I stop them in mid air.

"You have utterly disappoint me. You are no longer the same Liyu from 3 year ago. I will no longer watch over you or give you any more blessings. If one day you wish to ask for forgiveness, you can look to the moon because I will never show myself infront of you again." I told her.

"I can have you killed, I don't need you, you're just a witch who steals people hard work." Liyu chuckled abit. "Look at her trying to act all high and mighty. Just because she's a goddess. I will make history. The first empress to have killed a Goddess."

"Empress, your existence itself is going down in history." The bodyguard said as he was relax.

I held my hand out to the bodyguard and the bodyguard begin to choke. I lifted him into the air.

"You don't deserve this kingdom and its people." I said.

"What are you doing?" Liyu snap. "Put him down this instant!"

I ignore her words as her voice slowly fades into the background. I was only focus on that dumb bodyguard who thought his life would be easier.

Liyu was devastated as she watches her lover getting lifted up in the air. There was loud crack coming from her lover as well. Slowly one by one, the arrows along with his blades enter his body. His scream was horrific and hunting but it ease the thorn in my heart. I watch as his blood came gushing out of him. His feet was dangling in mid air. Normal humans, they would have died the instant their bones begin to crack especially if it was their spine but this human, I wanted to show him how much hatred i had at the moment.

"Empress..." he was able to utter a word as blood poured from his mouth.  Liyu face was covered in horror. Finally she let out a scream as she covers her mouth. With a swing of my hand, that bodyguard's body went flying out the window and landed on the cold white snow. The snow quickly absorbed the blood and turn red.  It was indeed a beautiful sight.

Plenty of soldiers came rushing in at this point. Most of the solider had turn away because Liyu was still naked.  One of the solider who was turn around ask if there was something wrong. Unable to answer, I told the soldiers to return back to their post.

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