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I was sitting on top of the roof where me and Zhelan would always watch the sunset. I for the first time admire the sunrise.

"I knew i'd find you here." Zhelan was standing a couple steps away from me. I glance quickly and continue to watch the sun rise.

"Come sit." I said to him as i eye the seat next to me. He scale up the wall and quickly jump onto the roof.

"What are you doing up here?" Zhelan question me.

"I'm watching the sunrise."

"You never like the sunrise though."

"yeah...i thought i should appreciate the sunrise at least once before i-" I stop myself.

"Before what?"

I turn my attention from the sunrise and look at Zhelan.

"Before i go." I told him truthfully.

"You said you were staying for half a year, its only been 4 month."

"I know, but i have to go."

"Why? Our son still misses you, you're all they ever talk about."

"I know, but they have Liyu now."

"It's not the same. they're still very young, they need their mother."

"Don't worry to much, i'll be back in a couple of years."

"Because a day in heaven is a year on earth. I know."

The rest of the time on the roof was spent in silence. Finally when the sun was high enough i leap down from the roof.

"Where are you going?" Zhelan ask.

"I'm going to go see my sons. I want them to at least see me before i go. I at least want to see them before i go."

I had vanish before his eyes and went on to my sons chamber. They were not awake yet. The maids were all standing at the door, knocking, waiting for their response.

"Young prince Zhecheng, Young prince Zheyuan, wake up." The lead maid call out.

"Calling them like that wont awake them" I said.

All the maids were startle, unaware i was standing there.

"Let me do it." I said.

I had push the door open to see my sons still sound asleep.

"Hei'er, Bai'er, wake up." I shook them a bit before i called out again of them to wake up. The second time did the trick, one before the other slowly begin to wake.

"Mother.." Hei'er called out as he rub his eyes.

"Mm. It's me." i felt tears swelling in my eyes. I had nothing left to treasure in my life, when they told me i was to marry the crown prince of the nine heaven and the future Jade emperor, i was doomed, but to see a bit of me walking around, to see them wake up like this was more then enough.

" Mother What are you doing here?" Bai'er asked.

"I came to take you both out to play."

"Really?"Hei'er was now wide awake.


"Where at?"Hei'er asked

"Is father coming along as well?"Baier added on.

"And San." I told them. "Now you guys, i have to tell you guys something."Both of them came and sat by my side.

"What do you guys think about her?"

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