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"Your mother was afraid you guys would be found out. She is a very important person to the whole God world. When she told my father about you guys, my father knew that you guys were so precious to her. So in order to keep you safe, she built a barrier so the gods will be blind and deaf to her happiness. But that also block you guys from reality. She probably thought that as long as you guys were safe, it'd be okay.
15 years ago, when your mother made her return, appearing at our gates with Zhecheng and Zheyuan, the witches over threw the palace, taking over people with deep hatred. Those people were the source of their energy. The witches had killed alot of their source to make the palace look empty and abandon but in honesty, all those palace maid, servants. soldiers and others and still in the palace,waiting to be saved from the witches."

"How can they cant escape?" Zheyuan asked.

"They are under control." Baijiu replied." If i remember correctly, my father and a few others are going to go wipe out the witches because they threaten the existence of the humans. I'm almost sure that should be the time we make our move." Baijiu told them with out hiding much but that didn't make them any happier then what they already were. In fact, it made their mood worst, to know that they were out of touch of the world for so long and that they will have to fight with something that probably wasn't even human.

"If everything is true then when will we attack?" Xiaoxin said as she tried to hide her fear.

"We only have 1year and 11 month left. We have to find some people." Baijiu replied.

"This world is so big, where are we to go in order to find them?"

"I know a place." Zhecheng said.

Zhecheng said as he lick his upper lips. He lead the way for them.
"How are they doing?" I ask as i look into a glass bead necklace. It was connected to a silver chain as a swirl design covered it, and within was a small light, flickering between a blue and green.

"They definitely take after your bravery." A quite voice spoke out of the bead.

"There. What time is it there? Is it early morning or is the sun setting?" I was carious. I missed the orange sun rise and the colorful sunset. I miss watching it from the roof top of the palace next to Zhelan hand in hand. I especially miss watching it with my children.

"The sun is hardly peeking in the horizon, the stars still shine as bright as they do at night. Would you like to look at them?" the voice ask.

"no." I replied. I nearly rip my own heart out with my response. "If i see them...i'm afraid i won't be able to let them go again."

"I see. You can always call me when you like." And with that, the light in the bead died.

"Who were you talking to?" It was Yuwang. I turn around as i hid the glass bead in my sleeves.

"Huh?" I respond as i was startle right out of my seat.

"Who were you talking to?" He ask again.

"Oh..It was no one."

"If i see them, I'm afraid i wont be able to let them go?" Yuwang repeated what he heard.

"Ah" i said nervously. "It was a story i read in the mortal world. It was just to sad and loving, i remember only a little."

"Sounds heartbreaking. Why don't you tell me about it."

"Now?" I asked as I was taken aback by his sudden response.

"If possible. But of course, if not, I was wondering if you wanted to spare with me."



"What are we doing back here?" Xiaoxin said.

"Don't tell me that you don't want to do what mother wants us to do." Xiaoxin added on.

"I do miss this place. It had been our house for the past 15 years. Mother built this place herself." Zheyuan said.

"So you don't know anyone do you." Baijiu said.

Zhecheng didn't say anything as he walk inside his home. "Honestly, i don't care for the kingdom nor for the world. I only want to like here like the past 15 year with mother." Zhecheng tried to control his voice but you could hear it shaking.

"Zhecheng-" Xiaoxin said but Zhecheng continued.

"Don't worry. I'll go find him tomorrow."

It had been a month since they have last slept in a bed, their bed. Being back home brung back a lot of memories. Some fun one and some serious one.

"Jie!" Zheyuan called as he tossed a snake at her. She squeal at first then ran after him cursing him while Zhecheng laugh at them. Baijiu stood outside the door as his back was turnt against them.  The three of them had a schemed to scared Baijiu. Of all the times he has been with them, he was always timed and serious, they wants to loosen him up.

"Ahhh!!!" Xiaoxin screams as she held her ankle. Baijiu turn in time to see her faint and took a sharp inhale.

"Princess." He called out as he drops down next to her. With a wave of his hand, he toss the snake outside, it plop onto the ground and he felt no life in the snake. That was when Baijiu realize that it was all a scheme. Xiaoxin burst into a laughter while Zheyaun and Zhecheng came out from the room.

"Thats not funny." Baijiu said, straighten his back.

BUt they hardly listen to him as they laugh.

"Come on, loosen up. " Xiaoxin said as she calmed down.

"I will calm down once i've complete my mission." He replied with his head lowered.

"Come on!!!You have to admit, it was pretty funny." Zhecheng said.

"Yeah. Your face was priceless."

"Maybe you'll find it funny when you find my dead body."

Everyone's face went blank at his sudden statement. They weren't expecting that answer.

"Your mother sent me here to help you all achieve what you had lost, for you guys, it's all fun and games but this two day mission could lead to my death." Baijiu said as gets up, dusting the dirt off of him.

"You don't have to be too serious, we were just playing a joke." Zhecheng replied. The three of them didn't know what to say when he was being so serious.

"You're the same age as us, so i thought that maybe..." Xiaoxin tried to reason with Baijiu but it didn't work when he responded harshly to them.

"I'm 150,000 years old, your elder, a sprite, but i have to come and watch over some immature humans." he turns away. "I wonder how your mother would have felt if she knew that her loved ones played as she sacrifice all that she had." Baijiu finished what he had to say before he disappeared.

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