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I was shocked at the news of our spies being capture. We had sent out some of our best but in the end, they were capture and place on a pole as a sign of provocation. Before i could say anything, Yuwang had slam his fist onto the table top.

"We're attacking tonight!"

"We can't!" I stopped him. "What you're doing is a reckless move. We're not prepare."

"What's wrong with moving our plans a couple of days ahead?"

I hesitated for a moment before placing a hand onto his shoulder and lightly squeezing it.

"This war is inevitable but if you make that decision, i'm afraid the number of casualties will be more then what we had thought." I said in hopes he would reconsider.

His head slightly tilt back my direction and sigh.

"Fine, i'll listen to you." he said before dismissing everyone. Even i left the room and gave him some alone time. I took a deep sigh.

"Goddess!" A female voice was heard through around me. "Goddess, Changxi is back."

They're talking about me?

I quietly approach them. It was none other the Goddess Paner, for as long as I can remember, she has the biggest crush on the crown prince.

"I noticed that the day she arrived! I told you to..." she lets out a sigh. "I told you to let me know when she was going to arrive so I can figure out how to get rid of her."

I continued to stay back and listen to their conversation in amusement.

"Your highness, she is an high immortal who has bares no grudges, and she has thousands of years worth of battle experience, i'm afraid getting rid of her would be hard." The maid that was kneeling on the ground asked.

"I dont care, i'm still going to kill her. She doesn't even love the crown prince like i do. Just because shes some kind of goddess, gives her the rights to marry his as his consort." Paner said in a fit of anger.

"And how are you going to get rid of me then??" I walked in and asked. "If you want to get rid of me, that will be hard, but if you manage to stab me right here," I said as i pointed to my heart, "It will probably kill me." The colors on Paners face disappeared as she tried to keep herself composed.

"Goddess." She said with a tight lip smile and a small nod.

"Though you may be my senior in this realm, I didn't expect such a low move from you." I told her. "We have a war at hand yet you're focus on your personal affairs, I'm afraid that if other see this they'll mock you." I said as i smile back at her. I had read many matters like this when i was in the mortal realm so i used the same concept as my favorite book.

"You..." Paner said in anger before cooling down.

"Luckily it was only me, otherwise...." I turn away and look in the distance before motioning my hand to the little immortal in front of me. "You would have been strip of your title and made a maid."

"You don't even love the crown prince. You think no one notice how you've act towards him!" She spoke in a trembling yet angered  voice. "Every night when he goes to sleep, he looks up into the sky and thinks. About what? How to make you fall for him. Everyone knows that we grew up together and that I best suit him, but all he had ever talked about was you. If he loved me like how he loves you-"

"Enough." A voice emerges from behind me.

Paner drop to her knees as I quickly turned around. Standing behind me was the crown prince.

"Paner, I told you not to speak of this nonsense."

"But Yinxue-" the look on the crown prince's face was ozzing with threat and authorities that even I was surprised.


That name was an attractive name that caught my attention. With just that one look from Yuwang, Paner got up and ran off.

"Goddess!!" The maid ran after Paner.

"Don't mind what she said." The crown prince said as he walked the opposite direction.

"Wait!" I caught myself calling to the crown prince. She stops in his steps and slightly turns my way.

"Is there anything else?" He coldly spoke to me.

"Mmmm... never mind." I told him as I excuse myself and left the area.

I came across a pretty sunset and spoke to myself.

"To bad this place is going to be littered with bodies and blood." Then my children cross my mind. I begin to wonder how they were doing or if they had already eaten. I begin to wonder if Baijiu had kept an eye on them or not.

In that moment, my necklace shined. The heat of the necklace was immense that i begin to worry.

Has something happen? I wanted to jump to the mortal realm and find them but i couldn't. Everyone's eyes were on me, thought they haven't said anything yet, they're just waiting to find a mistake. So the only thing i could do was call out.

"Baijiu. What's going on?"


"Go on. Tell me."

"Your son Zheyuan is in trouble."

My heart nearly jump out of me at the news.

"What do you mean?" I tried to stay calm as i recall how exaggerating he could get.

"I'm not sure myself. All i know is that he interact with a witch and now he's going in and out."

"Interact? With a kiss?"


I was doom. I knew exactly what that witch had did.

"You mean...My child...Zheyuan, is now possessed and if he's not cure soon, he'll become one of my enemies on the battle field?"

Baijiu didn't answer.

"i'm coming to you." I spoke but Baijiu quickly stop me.

"Goddess, i dare not tell you what to do but my father continuously reminded me that you mustn't come back to the mortal world. There is a war, you cannot let your personal affair block the way to victory."

"But they are my children."

"Will they bring another thousand year of peace if you saved them right now?"

I felt my heart race, i felt like i was going to collapse at the truth he had spoken. He was right, they weren't going to bring another thousand years of peace but i was a mother for a reason, i'd give my life for them. Before i could even make a move, 

"He's right." slow foot steps approaches from behind in the dark.

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