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They're right in front of you, they had just found out of their true identity, they're not use to it just yet so please, do not pressure them into making huge, nation worth decision yet. If we successfully take back the kingdom, then have Xiaoxin be regent.

The words echo through the elderly's man head. He reveal his identity as the kings personal bodyguard, Yihuai. Yihuai nearly cried tears of joy when he found out that the heavens had heard his prayers  and the Gods had watched over them, keeping them in their youth.

"But, Consort Li, the two prince are clearly older then the princess by a couple of years, how come it's the opposite way around?"

"You should have guess it as well. I, Consort Li had already died once yet i appear in front of you guys unharmed. I have disappeared for dozens of year, yet i appear  before you just now. Tell me, have i aged?"

"I don't dear to ask."

"That year when the princes were attacked, i had took them both and left. I forgot about Xiaoxin, she suffer four years with the witches. She watched as they took her mother away, she was starved, scared. While she suffer those four years, the two prince were only asleep for four days. When i came back for the princess, she was already seven years old while the princes were still four years old."

"The King had once asked me if i believe a year was only a day in heaven. I never believed it until now."

Although Yihuai's eyesight was bad because of his old age, he felt the aura of the king off the three children, and that was the way he had confirm that they were really the princes and princess.

Yihuai and the whole village stood in front of the siblings straw house, waiting. It had been three days since Consort Li and the mysterious man left. They left a note behind and had instructed YingQiu to open the doors in three days worth of time. The siblings were getting ready to go on a search for their mother again. As soon as the three of them came through the door, they saw the whole village stand before them, both young and old. 

"What are you guys doing?" Xiaoxin asked. 

"You three highness had return to us safe and sound, for that, we will march into the storm with you." Yihuai said as he rise his staff towards the sky. Suddenly there was a bright blinding light, the old turned young and the young grew older. A group of some 70 people turn to a whole army and a gate between the two world opened. 

"We don't want a war, we don't need the palace, where you guys are, that is the kingdom." Xiaoxin said.

"Consort Li said that once we reach the gates of the palace, she would be there. She also said once everything is settled, You should be Regent, now i see why." Yihuia said. He was no longer the elderly man who needed Fengyuan's assistant, instead he looked like a tall outstanding general.

Xiaoxin shook her head and tried to stop them. Yihuai didn't listen and with his shout, they marched out of the portal. 

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