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I woke up in my room again. Tears were streaming from my eyes. The little maid was by my side watching me.

"Goddess, did you have a nightmare?"

"I did not. It was rather...sad."

"Is there anything I can help you with to ease your mind."



Zhecheng and Zheyuan had fallen asleep late that night due to crying.
"Zhelan, could what she had said be  true?" Liyu ask.
"Do you wish to see them again?"
"I..." Liyu hesitated
"If you do, I'll make it happen. No it has to happen. It was a gift from a Goddess to you."

Liyu had watch the king as the king talk.

"But still, I'm a bit scared. What if she did that so she could calm my nerves."

"Either way, we must see for ourselves."
Liyu was nervous and Zhelan could see it.
"Don't be afraid, when would you like to set out?"
"If possible, can we leave tomorrow?"
Zhelan smiled at Liyu as he respond.
"Of course."
Liyu divert her attention over to Zhecheng and Zheyuan.
"What about them? What's going to happen to them? Will they be coming with us?"
"No, it's a long trip, they might get bored. And on top of that, this trip might get dangerous, I don't want them to get in harms way."

The night went by fast, before the two of them knew, the sun was already high above their heads. Again Zheyuan and Zhecheng were crying to go along as well but after a complicated while, Zheyuan and Zhecheng had stay behind. The trip from the palace to the outskirts will take two days by wagon. But it will take longer because they did not know which part of the outskirt.

The first day was spent in silence. Both of them were nervous, Liyu was scared that Changxi had only said that to take a weight off her shoulder. Zhelan just stared at Liyu as she was lost in mind.

"Are you nervous?" Zhelan ask.

"I am. What if-"

"No what ifs. Just do." Zhelan cut Liyu off.

They've been to many parts of the outskirt with no luck. It had been 4 days now and they both became wary.

"I'm sorry" Liyu spoke up.
"For what?"
"For making you come all the way out here."
"That's nothing to apologize for. I knew it would be like this."
Liyu clasp her hand together and begin to pry.
"Goddess Changxi, I know you've shown me everything, you've given me everything I have now, just show me the way back to my family."
I felt a sudden burst of energy through me. I had gotten up to wash my face after the whole 4 month in the mortal world thing. I couldn't breath.
"Someone just prayed to me."
Goddess like me rely on human prayers to stay alive. I'm the Owner of the moon so people talk to me all the time on a daily basis thought I don't absorb as much power as a prayer gives us, it's almost the same. I as a God cannot look at the person but to full fill their wish.

Show me the way home.

The voice whisper over and over again. With a single hand movement. I had guided the person to their destination.

The king and Liyu grew weary and hungry. They haven't seen anyone since they had left the city and headed towards the outskirt.

"We haven't seen anyone in days. Could it be we're heading in the wrong direction?" Liyu ask.

"Impossible. We have general Yang here with us. He know these area well." The king responded.

"Indeed, not far ahead is a small town. Maybe we can stop by. " General yang said reassuringly.

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