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"Liyu.." a faint voice called out.

Liyu was dozing off at the bed side of King Zhelan.

"Liyu..." the voice called out again.

This time Liyu heard and woken up. In front of her, Zhelan had his eyes barely open.

"Zhelan!!" Liyu nearly scream out but hushed her voice.

"Your highness, you're finally awake. Do you know how worried i was? I was so scared you wouldn't wake up."

A tear of happiness suddenly turn into a tear of bitter when Zhelan confess.

"Liyu, will you hate me?" Zhelan asked.

"Why would i hate you? You did nothing wrong."

"You mustn't hate our children. If you must, hate me."

Liyu sat straight when Zhelan said that.

"I dont understand." Liyu stated with a blink mind.

"I will announce you as my empress, second in command, hoping this will make up for all of your lost time."


"This whole time, i could only think out the Goddess,and how much i miss her and done her wrong."

Liyu's heart drop to the ground.

"The reason i chose to marry you was because when her mortal self died, you were there to raise our children, you treated them like they were yours. The moment i realize that she had come back and not for me, i used you as a leverage but i failed to win her heart back. Love changes so easily."

Zhelan confesses as he cough, spacing in the distance. It was too much for Liyu to take in.

"When the Goddess had finally put an end to us, i was filled with sadness and sorrow."

Zhelan took a deep breath in as he shift his gaze to Liyu.

"Do you hate me?" Zhelan ask one last time.

"How can i hate you? You were the one who made me whole." Liyu respond. But deep down anger and sorrow boiled as she thought of a plan to take revenge.

"You cannot leave now, if you do, the fate of everyone around you will be incomplete." I said. I was standing at the entrance of the room. Liyu stood from her seat, will little anger showing in her eye she question my statement.

"What i am saying is that, if Zhelan leaves now, you will not survive."

Liyu's eye open wide.

"Your Majesty, you cannot leave me. The princess is still so young. She needs help and protection." Liyu plead Zhelan but I can see his eyes are fixed on me.

"Liyu, you are dismissed." Zhelan said to Liyu. Liyu already knew what was going to happen. I just watch the hate unfold, thought I knew very well what was going through her head.
Liyu exit the room. Zhelan, still sick to the bone, place a hand above the blank, waving for me to come closer.

"Liyu..." Zhelan said in a weak voice.

I smiled. I knew he was calling for me, I did take on the name Liyu for awhile.

"Your highness." I responded.

"You finally came back to visit me. You told me that if we meet again, I should act like I do not know you, but I thought; 'will I ever see you again?' You always tell me about the time difference between the two world, I was so sick of hearing it but when I realized how short my time on earth was, all my efforts in life distinguish."

Love Lost Through TimeWhere stories live. Discover now