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The king emerges from the many soldiers. I look to the crowd and saw him, i froze.


The king approaches me with anger in his face. I wasn't surprise that he was mad, I've been gone for 3 years.

"Leave us." The king order as he stared me straight in the eye. For a moment I thought he was talking to me. "LEAVE US!" This time the king yelled to the soldiers and they scamper away.

"Dawang, being one on one with an assassin is dangerous, allow a few soldiers to stay with you."

"Are you deaf? I said leave."

Without a word to utter, the eunuch sigh and left us. The only other person to stay was the lady and the two sons.

"How are you here?" The first thing he ask me was that.

"I'm home." I said with a little hope in my eyes, but there was no hope there.

"You've been gone for 3 long years. Do you still consider this your home?" His word were bitter, as he looks past me. I knew from that moment that his love for me had faded. It was because of me, this ill fated love.

"I know you hate me for just leaving for three long years. But I'm here again, not for you but for my sons." I told Zhelan straight forward as I turn to Hei and Bai'er.
"I have many thing to ask you still. And so many secrets to share. Spare a moment for me." I said to Zhelan


Me and Zhelan was sitting down as the maid was playing with my sons. It was abit more awkward now that the king and I was staring in their direction.

"What is it that you have to tell me." He bluntly ask.

"She's perfect."

Zhelan turns to look at me.
"I don't understand."

"She's the perfect mother for them. She gives them all her attention and she's always there for them. Unlike me who drown herself and disappear for 3 years. What's her rank?"

"She refuses to wed with me." Zhelan replied. "She said that you'll return one day even though she doesn't know how you look like."

I had not expect him to respond like that. I personally did not want him to marry another but I couldn't be by his side.

"I name them Zhecheng and Zheyuan."

"It fits them, how beautiful"

"Is there anything you want to tell me."

"Yes." That we're not fated to be. I thought that to myself. A high goddess like me scared to tell a mare human of my identity. If any other gods were to see this, they'd laugh.

"If it's regarding your identity, don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Zhelan spoke as he looked in the distance.

I was a bit shock. Was it that he had already knew.

"Remember." He said "you once asked me if I knew that a day in heaven is a year on earth. I didn't understand then but when I saw that you disappear before my eye, that when I realize who you are."

"Okay, I won't hide it from you any longer. I'm Goddess Changxi, owner of the moon and creators of the star."

He wasn't surprised at all.

"Tell me then, our children, did they inherit any of you?"

"They were born from me but my mortal self. I can't be sure."

The whole time I spoke to him, we had not made eye contact. It must have gotten too awkward for us to face each other.

"Tell me," he asked " how long are you going to stay this time?"

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