Twenty- Four

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The child was presented to the Jade Emperor since she was born onto celestial ground. In his hands, the emperor held her gently swing her back and forth singing lightly.

"Unlike everyone else in the Demon clan, her little horns are far more beautiful, a solid shining jet black. Have you chosen a name for her?"

"Replying, I have not." The Crown Prince of the Demon Realm replied

"If you don't mind, I would like to name her." The Jade Emperor asked.

The Crown Prince of the Demon realm was shocked by the Jade Emperor. He had always had the impression that the Emperor was all pushy had had thing his way, but seeing that the rumor was false, he quickly responded:

"It's an honor." He replied.

"Huaxiang. Flower fragrance. It has been a while since I've held a baby in my hands. I feel attach to her, as if she was my own." The Jade Emperor look her in her eyes and back up to the crown prince.
"Because of the war, I've thought all demons were the same. You have showed me another side of the demons. Tell me, what's your name."

The room was silent.

"To be honest, I don't remember my name. I am the only son of the royal family, as far as I remember, everyone had called me 'Crown prince' or 'Your highness'."

"You don't have a name either. The emperor look to his guard and they all shook their heads. No one knew his name."

"I will bestow a name to you. You will be called Fuhan. Wang Fuhan. From today forward, you will be known as the Demon Lord."

Everyone in the room mouth drop. The surname Wang was only for the royal family of the nine heaven. I was taken aback.

"Yes, Wang Fuhan. You will be my treated like a son of mines, your daughters will be given title princess and your wife will officially be given the title Queen Zhuhua of the demon clan."

"I-" The demon clans crown prince hesitated.

"This child is born with gold skies and a gust of cool wind. Her signs shows that she will have a great duty to do."

A solider came in and handed me a letter stating Wanglong had urgent new to tell me and the I had to go the instant I read the letter.

"It looks urgent, you should go." The emperor dismissed me.

The moment I step out of the door I vanish. I had teleport to Wanglong's place.

"What is the matter?" I ask while approaching Wanglong from behind.
As he turns around, revealing a pile of burnt clothing.

"Do you see this?" He ask me.

"Of course, I'm not blind."

"Can you guess who did it?"

I instantly knew. I took a deep breath and bowed to apologize.

"Mother!!!" Both of my boys called out. Before I could respond, they both knock me down as the hug me.

"Mother mother, I've come to save you." One of them said

"I've missed you sooooo so much." The other one spoke.

"I also miss you both." I felt my voice cracking and breaking. Am I going to cry? For what? They're both in my hand safe and sound. I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

Just then Zheyuan looks at me.

"Mother, why are you crying?"

"Why are you crying." Wanglong question me. I ignore Wanglong and answered Zheyuan.

"It's because I miss you both so so much. That seeing you both safe and sound gives me much joy." I place a smile on my face as I wiped my tears that fell.

"Mother, that man right there lock us inside of a room and we manage to escape. We have to leave."

"Don't worry, he's a friend of mines."

Zhecheng glared at Wanglong.

"Since you are a friend of my mother, I shall not take revenge."

Wanglong laugh.

"Such small child, and you're already thinking of vengeance."

"Mother, let go out there. There is a beautiful place I stumble upon. Let's go look for it." Zhecheng said as he pulled my hand.

"Zhecheng, I need to talk to your mother for 5 minutes. Is that okay?" Wanglong ask.

Zhecheng and Zheyuan both look up to me. I nod my head and told them both to wait for me outside.

"Changxi, ever since you've return, you've change. Things you hate doing, you're doing. All you laws and principles have change."

I looked at Wanglong with an blank expression.

"You're now standing in court, you're emotions are out of control and-" he took a big sigh"and you're harming those around you."

All his words made me realize how reckless I was.

"It's okay. I'll be careful." I was chocking up.

"See, this is what I mean. Back then, with this kind of comment, you'll laugh and shrug it off."

" I must have been human for far too long. You know, I find myself dreaming of me suffering manual labor to survive, to feed my children, to see them laugh. Do you know why I cry when I see my children's? This world is filled with so much harmful things, so much evil object that can kill without blinking. To see them alive and well is all I ask. Now if you have nothing else, I'll excuse myself."

Wanglong called me back but I ignored him. Am I being too sensitive? Was I out of line?

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