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Two long year had pass. Liyu gave birth to a beautiful daughter who was now just turning two. Zhecheng and Zheyuan was now turning 6. The palace was back in order after Lady Yanhua was sent to the outskirt. Liyu was on her toe again in excitement. News was that she was pregnant once more.

"Congratulations Lady Liyu." The royal doctor said.

"Don't tell this to anyone, I want to tell the king myself."

Each day went by and the days witness the growing love of Zhelan and Liyu.

Two days had gone by since Crown Prince Yuwang visit me with that sudden marriage proposal. I had given it some thought, if I don't marry him I can just watch my kids grow. I didn't know why I had made it such a hassle to marry someone that I was fated to be with. I was outside in the courtyard practicing my sword skill, I have not wield a sword in a long time. Dress in my regular men attire I spin, attack, and did all sort of trick in my dummy.

"Goddess!!! Goddess!!!" A maid had run into the courtyard. Surprised, I stumble in my steps.

"Goddess!!! The Jade Emperor seeks an audience with you!"

Indeed I was startled. Why would he want to see me? Was it because of my disappearance? Or...Did the crown prince break off the engagement? I was momentarily happy. I could not have the Emperor wait. I went back to my room and change back into proper attire before I made my visit.

I was making my way out of the front gates when suddenly;


A familiar voice called to me. In no doubt it was Crown Prince Yuwang.

"Crown Prince." I gracefully called out as I took a bow.

"No need." He dismissed my bow.

"I wonder what brings you here." I question him.

"I heard my father had call you to the heavens. I came to escort you."

"There's no need. I'll find my way around."

"Why go through all the trouble when you have someone who can take you directly." He gave me a smile and lead the way. For some reason, I couldn't take a single step. I watch as he continue in his steps.

He came to a sudden stop and turn back to me.

"What are you doing? Come on." He call out. What he said was indeed true. It would have taken me longer to find my way in when he can just show me the way. Even as he lead the way, i was lost.

In front of me was the gates to the heavens, never had I stepped foot into the heavens, not even the million of years I have lived. It was just as it was rumored to be. Grand, beautiful, breathtaking, and dreamy.

"Come in." Yuwang invited me in.
I took many turns in order to reach the Emperor. All the wall were the same.

"We're here." He said with a smile. We were standing in front of a set of doors. They were beautiful. All white with golden floral design. I turn to look at him.

"I admit. I'm thankful you escorted me here. Otherwise I would have gotten lost."

I just finish my sentence when the door opens.

"Come in." A voice called out. Yuwang walked in first as I walk in a few pace behind. There was many people in the hall.  As soon as they saw us enter the many people turn to each other in agreement.
"They truly are a perfect match." They whisper among each other.

"Your son greets you."

"Changxi greets the Emperor." With hand held out in front, I bow.

"Changxi, my son had told me you agree to marry him." The emperor said.  "What had made you decide so fast?"

I was taken aback. I did not expect to be questioned nor did i expect him to agree on my behalf.

"Replying to the Emperor. Yuwang and I are fated to be, no matter what, with love or hate we are bound together. Why make it hard when there is an easy path." I lied.

"You are smart indeed. I plan to make you part of the royal family in 2week."

"Excuse me?" I ask. I had not expect the wedding to come up so fast. I thought i would at least have a few months to prepare.

"The wedding. I heard that you like to travel before anything."

The crowd begin to whisper again.

"I'll allow you those two week to travel. As long as you come back for the marriage."

Okay, two weeks will be enough. In those 14 days i will spend on earth with my children.

I was all ear. I was stuck in the hall to observe what it was like inside the heavens. There was a lot of thing to discuss about in the meeting. In my mind, I always thought that it was an all men thing. But there was plenty of women in the meeting.

"What do you think about it Changxi?"

"Regarding the Demon Clan, I think we should leave them alone for now." I respond. Everyone gasp.

"Why would you say that?" One of the God said.

"I demand to know the reason." Another on demand.

May other gods agree among one another. I did not expect everyone to ask the same question. The emperor raise his had and everyone silence.

"Everyone here wishes to deploy the heavenly army in case of a rebellion act by the demon clan. But it was their parents who wishes to take over the world." I respond.

"But that does not mean they do not wish the same." A God called out.

"That also does not mean they wish the same thing." I quickly respond. " I have a personally connection with the 5 royal Demon children."

Everyone gasp.

"That right. They're my friends."


The meeting was finally over. We were the last to leave since my 'father-in-law' had wanted to speak with me.

"You were very brave out there." Yuwang said.

"I told you I wanted the wedding push back, I didn't expect you to tell your father." I said.

"I told you, I had already told my father, there's nothing that can happen now."

"Well, in that case I'll be shameless and leave this instance."

I had disappeared. I jump from cloud to cloud until I found Wanglong.

"Wanglong!!" I called out. Among the clouds I saw a man with broad shoulders coming from a mist.

"Why, it Changxi." He spoke again.  "How can I help you."

If his name was in the rock of three incarnations, I would have hoped he was paired with me. He was handsome.

"Wanglong, the emperor had given me permission to travel. I'll leave my body here with you." I said carelessly.

"You must not." Wang long said.


"You are the crown princess and the future empress. You can not leave your body here"

I thought about it.

"You're right. I have to go somewhere."

I remember something that I had wanted to do for awhile. I had the chance early but I missed it. In a split second I had disappear again.

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