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The siblings quickly escape the beach and found an inn. They enter that inn scared out if their mind. They had tried to save as much money as they can for this two year trip but that night, they spent some extra. They all had tried to sleep that night but they were paranoid by the demon that showed up at the beach.

"Do you think this is the reason why mother always kept us close?" Zheyuan said.

"Mother always talked about them as if they were nonexistent. I always thought mother said that to keep us from wondering too far " Zhecheng added on.

"I just want to go home now." Xiaoxin said as she took a deep sigh. But that didn't help the night go by any faster.

The walls were pretty thin as they heard everything the people in the next room speak.

"Did you hear? A demon made itself visible to the humans in this small village. It lures travelers into its home and then it kills them "

"Really? We should go investigate. "

"Should we?"

"Of course!! We're demon slayers. I bet we could kill that demon in just a single slice."

The three of them laid in silence as they continued to listen to their conversation. Knowing that there was demon slayers in the next room must have really calmed them as one by one they fell asleep. It only felt like a short while before Xiaoxin woke up to find breakfast. As she exit the room, she saw the two men exit from the room nest to them.

"Excuse me." Xiaoxin said.

"Yes." One of them said in a polite voice.

"Uh, i heard the two of you talk last night. You guys are demon slayers, right?"

"We are."The other one said very proudly.

"Me and my family ran into one yesterday. I think its a demon, but you were talking about the same one yesterday night."

The one that talk first raise his eyebrow. "You've seen it."

"Mmm." Xiaoxin said as she nod her head. The same guy took a deep sigh as he reach his hand out to Xiaoxin.

"I'm Feng Yuan. Yang Feng Yuan."

Xiaoxin reach her hand out to Feng Yuan. "I'm Xiaoxin, Zhe Xiaoxin" before she could even hold Feng Yuan's hand, Zhecheng push Xinhuo's hand away.

"I'm Zhecheng, Xiaoxin's brother. You can direct your question to me."

"Zhecheng! It was i that bother them, Apologize." Xiaoxin said.

"Jie." Xiaoxin stared at Zhecheng and Zhecheng apologize.

"Well, can you come with us? I think we should get rid of it before it gets more powerful."

"Sure, let me just go get my stuff and wake my brother up." Xiaoxin said as she slips right back into her room.


"It'd be nearly a month now, are they doing okay?" I thought to myself.


Xiaoxin, Zheyuan and Zhecheng showed Feng Yuan and his friend the spot where they had first saw the demon.

"No, this isn't right. Demons will never bring themselves out in the open. Its probably not a demon you saw." Feng Yuan said.

"Then what was it?"

"I don't know." Feng Yuan said, but suddenly he held his sword handle, alerting the rest of them. They didn't know what was happening. His friend got scared as he hid behind FengYuan. The 5 of them stood in a circle with their weapons drawn. Suddenly the sky turn dark, even the sun was complete cover by the darkness.

'Whats happening?" His friend ask. In the moment of panic, the demon appear with his sharp claw and charge at the friend.

"Careful!" Fengyuan said and he block the attack with his sword. The attack was deflected. All of them turn towards the direction the attack came from without realizing that they exposed their back. When the demon saw the opening, and it attack from behind. Xiaoxin, being the furthest from the crowd, was attack. Right before the claws of the demon could dig into Xiaoxin's back, a shield appear before the demon, scaring it off.

The four of them helping the friend that was almost attack, they saw a big bright flash, catching their attention. Xiaoxin, Feng Yuan, Zhecheng and Zheyaun did not see what it was but the friends eye grew so large and he gasp.

"An angel!" He said as he pointed towards Xiaoxin.

The sky cleared as the sun shined again on them. With the sun shining again, they were able to take a clear look around them. Behind the 5 of them, a huge chunk of sand behind Xiaoxin was missing. They were all shock at the discovery, Feng Yuan suggest that the demon had done it to try to get Xiaoxin. Zhecheng and Zheyuan became more weary of their surrounding, protecting their only sister.

The five of them wonder around for the day, question of the random hole would pop up every now and then but there then that, they'd ask around if there was anything strange in the town. After hours and hours, nothing pop up, nothing was out of place.

"So, if there is nothing out of the blue, where in the world would that demon spawn at?" Zhecheng said.

"Well, demons like dark places." Feng Yuan said.

"Then we should check caves or dark forest."Xiaoxin added on.

"But look at this place, besides the water, its a flat land. You can literally see whats going on miles and miles ahead."

"What if that demon is a water demon!" Zheyuan said.

"A water demon? I've only dealt with demon who roam the surface." Feng yuan said as he stiffen his back.

"What are we suppose to do then?" Xiaoxin said.

"Well..."Zheyuan said. All attention was on him causing his face to turn red. "Mother always said that demons could die two separate ways. If we kill them or their source, which ever first."

"That's right. But where would its source be?" Fang Yuan said.

"Well if it's an water demon, it would be underwater." Zheyuan replied.

"I could go check. I love swimming." The friend said.

"Are you stupid? If you enter the waters, it'll attack you." FengYuan warned his friend.

"You guys, it's almost night time. This is about the same time it tried to lure us in. If we go now, we might be able to see find it." Xiaoxin said

"Okay, let's go."

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